Whitelist Server {[Oddworld]} Horizon ftb [whitelist|no plugins| 24/7 Creeperhost Server]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Currently running on 1.0.13 Horizons FTB, World is only a few days old, we have a few members already, looking for more.

Of course griefing is not allowed and in almost all cases will warrant a perma-ban.

We use a Raidcall server for voice, if you think your voice is disturbing or a pain to the ears then do not use it! i dont want to hurt anyone's feelings ;)

Fill this out to apply for whitelist

Minecraft Name:
Why you want to join:

IP is, Make sure to enable Archimedes ships.
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looking for a quiet place to call home and defend my lawn w/ shotgun in hand.
age 29
Minecraft Name: dannybear
Why you want to join: just looking for a server to play on just recently got back into playing Minecraft i used to own my own server a few months back it ran for about a year till I lost interest in playing but I am back now and am looking for a quite server with a close community and just have fun playing Minecraft again.
Age: 20
Minecraft Name: Lonedarklord
Why you want to join: Finding FTB single player to complicated to do by yourself and now looking for some people to share the experience
Age: 27
Minecraft Name: Kegdian
Why you want to join: Looking for a mindcrack "like" server, and this seems like a nice one to join. Been looking for one for ages. And for my age, I'm more mature that you would think.
Age: 16
Minecraft name: crazylike99
Why you want to join: Me and my friend have been talking about wanting to play FTB lately and we saw this relatively new Horizonz server you have going and right away we decided that we wanted to play on it.
Age: 30


Minecraft name: begnaboo
Why you want to join: Same as above
Age: 30

Hope its ok that I apply for both of us, he havent made an account here so I offered to apply for us both.
Minecraft Name: Decessus
Why you want to join: Looking to explore this mod, and I feel it might be better with people. Haha. I've tried joining a server from these forums, but they died out rather quickly. Anyways, if there is anything else you'd like to know please feel free to send me a message, thanks.
Age: 24
Accepted all, added to whitelist, decided to just add the IP to the original post so its there.
I want to join because I always enjoy small community servers, and I've never played a modded server on this scale. I also enjoy the new horizons modpack and think it would be good to enjoy in a group.
I am 13, so I would be a little on the young side, but I think that I would bring a great mindset to the server
Minecraft Name: DATMCNERD
Why you want to join: I have been looking for a relatively small server where I can be part of a group with friendly people that would help each other out if needed.
Minecraft Name: Sros1995
Why you want to join: i looking for some people to share the experience
Age: 18
WHY I WANT TO JOIN: I have been feeling the minecraft again and kinda wanna play around and be on a server where I can talk to people, I will also invite a friend if I can revive him from the dead that is college, his name is Jackoffripper (yes I am serious) but he can probably apply himself.
AGE: 23 (or in jack's case 28-29 if you feel like adding him too)
All but Boston accepted, under normal circumstances i would have, but just had an issue with someone in that age group. maybe later.
Minecraft Name: Ethetriol
Why you want to join: I love to innovate and share ideas with others, and trying out a new mod on a server seems to me like the best way to do so
Age: 18
Minecraft Name: IzahShados
Why you want to join: Looking for an awesome community to check out the wicked mods!
Age: 19