Minecraft Name: nyny2121
Why you want to join: I'm looking to find a server for a friend and I to play on, we decided it would be best to find a whitelist server because most of the public servers have either bad staff or bad players. Horizons was the modpack of choice because he prefers magic mods over tech mods, and this one has more magic than tech. We mostly want to build a long-standing base, he's experienced with about a year of mods and I first started playing with mods when EE1 came out. I'm a little new to the updates to all of the mods, but I know their core mechanics and what they all used to be. It's been a while since I've been on a server with friends, and he only wants to join a server that has a whitelist, and this one seems the most promising.
Age: 14
User below me (LordJike) is my buddy that I'm going to be playing with.