Whitelist Server Ocelot Inc. | Mindcrack pack | Whitelist | Hard | 18+

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi bud its me and my mate who want to join
Ingame name: drjepsonx andypee
Age:both 19
Timezone: GMT
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name:
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?:yes
Why do you want to join the server?:been on oir friends tekkit server got very bored of it. Fancy something a little different
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: building
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: made a couple of castles but no links
What word in the rules stood out to you?: ice cream
cheers :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: xRuskeyx
Age:19 (i like this rule btw. keeps out the troll kids and reserves the server for people who want to play in a community and play seriouly, but with a bit of fun on the side :p)
Timezone:GMT + 0 (im from bristol)
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: xruskex (misspelt when making it xD)
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: defiantly! I love to be part of serious communities and give a helping hand to people who are struggling, and finally who doesnt love to have fun!
Why do you want to join the server?: I have been looking far and wide for a server which has a 18+ rule for mindcrack pack (its harder to find than one might expect) i am quite proficient in nearly all of the mods in the pack but I still have a lot to learn. i love to build but im not very imaginative when it comes to building houses (usually the typical 9x9 xD) and would like to find some artistic drive firsthand and build a fantastic looking house! (and somehow still fit in all the machines)
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: Learning from those better than me and helping those who are confused or just need an extra pair of hands :)
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I would but i dont have anything xD i was hoping to start a LP soon but my pc is not good enough to record (and i cant edit for shit)
What word in the rules stood out to you?:i read some previous comments after reading the rules and saw everyone talking about kittens so I reread them about 10 times and could only find "icecream" on the 5th line of the rules. hope thats out of place enough.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like we're stranded on Anbaric, Tat.

Also, Elertai, you have two people on your server who not only use a hacked client, but have created one.
Ryanhach1 and Av1nash created an x-ray/flying/fullbright enabled client for use with the FTB modpack.
i gess we are... :/
good luck on the new server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know u are currently not accepting more applicants but im a friend of Periphera_ we played togather on the previews server i was on hoping to get in on this server aswell.

Ingame name: Virezz
Age: 30
Timezone: GMT +1
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: havent registered there as i rarly post on there i just read stuff on it
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: i have a mic and talk
Why do you want to join the server?: i enjoy FTB and a friend of mine (Periphera_) is playing on the server aswell we used to play togather on another server but that server is kinda low activity was just looking for a new place to hang out and i heard he got accepted here so im trying aswell
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: i like the technical aspect im not so much into design but i enjoy making machines and i have been playing with bee's on the previews server i was on and that was quite fun
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: i dont really have alot designs that looks impressive i tend to just make a hole to begin with and take it from there really
What word in the rules stood out to you?: well im a huge fan of icecream so i assume thats the word you are refearing too, other that usual run of the mill rules and i have no issues with them :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: seifer_auron
Timezone: PST
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: not on there much so yeah
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?:Yes I do have a microphone and have TS3 installed and ready to go
Why do you want to join the server?: Variety of reasons, Exploration, Independence and Team Work, No bothering others who have to accomadate to my needs to play.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: Learning what I don't know or how to more efficiently do it.
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: Nothing really that special or to really brag about.
What word in the rules stood out to you?: It's pretty much understandable what the needs and requirements are to be met.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This thread has been locked temporarily by OP request. It will be unlocked again when requested by the OP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Application have been re-opened for a time. We do however only accept 4 new members for now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: Reganom (Note, made a mistake with my forum account so it's not the same spelling as my IGN)
Timezone: GMT (London)
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: Reganom (I think)
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: Yeah, more fun chatting with people
Why do you want to join the server?: Want a friendly smallish server where we can work as individuals and as a community.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: The machines, creating automated factory lines is my end goal.
What word in the rules stood out to you?: Nothing, all seems fairly reasonable. I wouldn't want to be part of a server where stealing from the pencil server was all right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi there!

Ingame name: Zxays
Age: 25
Timezone: UTC+1 (Berlin)
Minecraft forum user name: Zxays
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: Sure! ...as long as you don't mind me butchering the english language with my german accent that is...
Why do you want to join the server?: I've hosted (and still do) servers since i started playing minecraft about 2 years ago and now iam trying to find a decent server that's not hosted by myself for a change.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: Community. Seriously. It saddens me abit that most of my rl friends developed a "minecraft-blackout".
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I build a shit ton of things of things in minecraft but i don't really care for boasting and most of the time i had people who helped me alot to accomplish nice things, so i can't take credit on my own.
What word in the rules stood out to you?: "act your age". Iam looking fo a decent server for just a week but none really stood up to the "mature-thingy". -Not that iam from the early 19th century but i can't stand people in there twenties that are more childish than my 3 year old nephew.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Maybe we hear again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: Eiktyrner
Age: 24
Timezone: UTC+1 (Sweden)
Minecraft forum user name: Eiktyrner
Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: Yup!
Why do you want to join the server?: I'm hoping you can fill a void in my gaming sessions. I've been struggling with finding a good server to play on since the day I started playing SMP. On all the servers I've tried before there is always something that kills my mood for playing, either it's really bad admins, inactivity or childish behavior like griefing.
It seems like you are running a solid server with a nice community around it that I hope to some day be a part of.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: Simply the creativity allowed. Being able to create what ever you want from simple blocks is something I haven't done since playing with Lego as a child.
Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I've mostly built workshops and houses. Everything from Scandinavian architecture to medieval styled houses. I sadly don't keep any pictures though. Maybe I should start doing that...
What word in the rules stood out to you?: A certain writing implement, handy in the design phase of builds!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: Idralia
Age: 18 years old
Timezone: France
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: in this forum ? idralia
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: I have, and i will be all the time in ts, i love it !
Why do you want to join the server?: will talk about that below
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: The technical one, im in love with Etho ;) I also like 'durping around ?' in smp, but couldn't do it since long time because i can't find a really great and friendly server
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I am a great builder when i want ( http://waynehra.imgur.com/all/ ) and for more recent check my youtube channel ( http://www.youtube.com/user/WayneHRa )
What word in the rules stood out to you?: I dont know, respect i gues, i hate grief and sometime im afraid of visiting others members for not looks like a possible grief'man

Also a copy/paste of a text i just made for a other server, which was accepting under 18 so i leaved :

Skype(optional): narkiss.cohen , i have also ts/mumble and i love tchat in vocal, so if possible i will be in vocal with some of you guys when im playing
Why you want to join the server? Many reasons, the 18+ is a good start, i had some issue in the past with others servers, I also want a friendly server where i can have fun with others people, play with them and learn a lot about FTB !
Other information : I am not english of any kind, i am French and im learning english on my free time because i love it, my communauty sucks, i want to join an english one and destroy the gap between our two communauty. Talk with english people on TS/skype.. will help me a lot to improve my skills and will also be really funny.

Also, i will probably record some footage of your server, i wont grief it's obvious, and i don't want to play alone on the server (i do it on SSP allrdy !), so if there are some people who are looking for a other player to help them, or at least i can be alone but in vocal with you ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: mikaplita
Age: 20
Timezone: EST
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: HadrianGames
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: Yes to both :)
Why do you want to join the server?: To make friends and play in a community. Playing alone gets boring after a while.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: Creating extremely effecient energy resources, like a safe nuclear power plant.
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I don't have any cool photos from FTB yet
What word in the rules stood out to you?:Community


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: Krigekongen

Age: I'm 17. I do understand the 18+ rule, and therefore I chose to be honest. I'm 18 in one month though, hopefully that will be enough.

Timezone: GMT +1

Minecraft forum user name: I believe it's Krigekongen on there aswell.

Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: I will definately show up on teamspeak and talk to you guys, I'm a very talkative person.

Why do you want to join the server?: I've been a huge fan of Tekkit and Minecraft in general. My friend Vioki plays on here and recommended both FTB and this server. I've been a huge fan of strategy games and similar for a huge time, so planning out my minecraft builds and technical stuff is always something I find amusing and interesting.

What is your favourite aspect of the game?: As I previously stated, I love planning out "builds" and smart and efficient ways of dealing with stuff.

Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I sadly can not find any of my builds. I was able to find on from early early minecraft. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/198585_10150113740716360_5748221_n.jpg

What word in the rules stood out to you?: Pencil


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Elertai just wanted to chime in here and vouch for Krigekongen.
I know hes only 17 but when I first met him he was an admin on a server I was playing on so you know he can be trusted not to destroy everything.
Also I've done videos with him in the past incase you wanted to check that hes not too annoying. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ingame name: wafflewaden
Age: 24
Timezone: PST (West Coast USA)
(Optional) Minecraft forum user name: Don't have one
(Optional) Do you have a microphone and are you willing to join our TeamSpeak server and have fun?: Yes, and yes
Why do you want to join the server?: I want to join a community of mature players that can enjoy playing and learning together.
What is your favourite aspect of the game?: My favorite part of FTB are microblocks from redpower.
(Optional) Do you have any previous builds you’ve made, that you want to show off (link or short description)?: I generally tend to build underground labs and steampunk style houses. I don't have any screenshots thought.
What word in the rules stood out to you?: Active---I would love if there are always a few people online.