Well me and Shade_in_blou (owners) are paying for a big server and we wouldent do that if we didnt want many people to have fun on our server and people come and go all the time, One week they might like the server and the other week they might not its kinda impossible to just have 20 whitelisted people (the server will be empty most of the time) we dont want that.
Sense we cant have any anti-grief plugins I wouldent recomend giving out your coordinates to any one that you might not really trust. If you do give out that sort of stuff to players its on your own risk, We cant do anything about this at the moment.
The rail system is only for fun cuz of all the diffrent trains in this modpack, its a fun way to get to other people and places
There is not much to do if you dont like the plans we have for this server but i hope you will stay with us anyway
Me and shade dosent have all the money in the world so we expect to take in donations from players that likes the server or just wanna help. this is not anything we will ask for just if people wants to helpout alittle
Hope I answered on everything you wanned me to answer (if not just ask again)
Instead of the 20 whitelisted people, perhaps whitelist 30-40, maybe from different timezones. Also, if you paid for a big server, you can always change it to a lower tier one that will be able to run with all of us. There are few lag problems that I think even the strongest server in the world would have to face periodically. Uncommon resets should do the trick of unloading chunks and refreshing the server.
Also, for anti-grief plugins (plus a few other things),
The rail system, told to me by FMG, was to help bring the server together and people are going to be traveling along it because they may want to trade or someone may want to send out supplies, etc. It is fun, but I don't think that was the main purpose in mind.
I know I don't have much of a say in this, but I probably will stay. You should check out that link, too. That's where a lot of FTB servers get protection

Unfortunately, I cannot donate. I played on a server for 2 years, and some guy donated for me in exchange for in-game money. This probably won't happen, due to it being such a small server, but that is the only way I have ever gotten any money out.
Also, because this server is so strong, do not limit the number of chunks someone can own. I know I don't have much of a say in it, and I know you may not even look at the link, but if you do, please allow someone to claim a good amount of chunks. It is extremely annoying when I join a server to find that I can only claim one chunk. You can't do much with 1 chunk, especially all the room required for good lava generation, nuclear, sorting, coal coke, blast furnaces, gregtech, storage, farming, thaumcraft, mining, spawning, traps, other multiblock structures, and everything else needed for FTB. Maybe on vanilla, it could work. But with a mod that adds tons of items that take up tons of room, a few chunks won't cut it. I tend to make a small town just for me!