Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

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IGN: Zoruea
Age: 14
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/d28a71d65bc949d99b79d416f83b5315a813210e/Zoruea
Why do you want to join the server: I've been trying to get back into multiplayer after some of the servers i played on closed. And its getting less and less common to have just flat out survival now and that's what i have missed the most.
Will you be active: Greatly active i will be on all week for about 2-5 hours a day.
So, what will the max amount of players be? I personally vote 15-20. I'm liking the server, saw you guys just downloaded forge essentials.
Also, what do you have planned next? I'm quite interested, since I was one of the first members here. How are your commands going? I know FMG got a potion giving command to work...
Home would be very nice. Maybe even give us 2 homes (home & home2). Also, a /tpa command would be cool, but I can see only for admins. It's really fun to go through the nether "hub" and walk around for a couple hundred blocks. I enjoy it. There's also mailboxes and enderchests to handle basic item transport needs.
A protection command would be cool, but many servers severly limit it, so I can't have the empire I always like to build, because building up eventually looks ugly, and building down's always a hassle, even WITH turtles, which are thankfully unbanned :D

On an unrelated note, did you know that chunk loaders allow items to disappear after 5 minutes? I'm thinking whenever I'm online I should just remove it, because I lost a ton of stuff after a bed glitch.

We dont really have anything for voting right now but we will lower the slots down to 60slots.
We are also working on what commands diffrent ranks will have (the Essentials mod is still in Alfa tho).

When this is finnished players should have a "/sethome" command and maybe some other stuff... we arnt really that far yet

We will Ban some items later (Dont really know wich items yet). I'm pretty sure the chunk loader will be Banned sense it can make the server lag.

Hope your happy with my answers :)
Please ask more if you still have questions.
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Reactions: jumpfight5
IGN: ejmiv89
Age: 23
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/74bc1d17965f2a85e28b0d8c517633a8ad86d2bc/ejmiv89
Why do you want to join the server: I want a stable server, with no lag to play on because my experiences have been that most servers are incredibly laggy/ or theres disabled mods which ruins the gameplay of the modpack. Also, I'd like to join a community that has diverse plans for building and this is the main reason why I want to build here because I heard all about this server and many people were giving thanks.
Will you be active: yes (I play FTB actively for 4-8 hrs a day, unless sick or tired heh) (Note: why was the app denied? your figures were not to write a novel about myself, which if u want i dont mind, but i figured I could post an easy app then grow into the community with continued playing) Hey I edited my app on your forum page, I apologize for any difficulties, If you want to know more about me ^ the forum post should include (important or obvious benefits over other players area) in which I would respond to: I like to first explore the new mods in the pack, which I will usually try to fit into the landscaping/theme of the land, for example I built quite a magnificent white marble tower of dimensions 17x17x100, with matching white-wood(birch) flooring. interiors decorations a wonder, including thaumcraft jars. (if you want a full review of the "Magician's Tower" pm me) <that tower was built in a quite scenic area of the TF (Twilight Forest) near one of the "Towerwood" towers. Thanks if you can review.
IGN: Zoruea
Age: 14
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/d28a71d65bc949d99b79d416f83b5315a813210e/Zoruea
Why do you want to join the server: I've been trying to get back into multiplayer after some of the servers i played on closed. And its getting less and less common to have just flat out survival now and that's what i have missed the most.
Will you be active: Greatly active i will be on all week for about 2-5 hours a day.

I'm adding you to the whitelist.
Welcome and i hope you have fun on the server :)

IGN: ejmiv89
Age: 23
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/74bc1d17965f2a85e28b0d8c517633a8ad86d2bc/ejmiv89
Why do you want to join the server: I want a stable server to do let's plays on and have fun!
Will you be active: yes, and I recommend forge essentials < great server addon. Thanks.

I'm sorry but your app is to weak, We are not adding you to the whitelist.
We did just add an Essentials mod but we need some time to make it work as it should.
We dont really have anything for voting right now but we will lower the slots down to 60slots.
We are also working on what commands diffrent ranks will have (the Essentials mod is still in Alfa tho).

When this is finnished players should have a "/sethome" command and maybe some other stuff... we arnt really that far yet

We will Ban some items later (Dont really know wich items yet). I'm pretty sure the chunk loader will be Banned sense it can make the server lag.

Hope your happy with my answers :)
Please ask more if you still have questions.

I like everything you've said...up until the 60 slots part. :P

By voting, I don't mean anything like official. I just would say, have the server only with 15, whitelist 20 members. I joined this server cause it was small. Half the players know my coordinates, but they don't grief. I even told someone to go to my house while I was in another dimension and they made the trade in my chests for me.
That's what I personally like, a lot of these whitelist applications say "close knit server", "small community", etc. so I think many people would agree with me.
I'm not trying to be rude, I love this server, and having a small server allows each person to have a bit more of a say. Like, this opinion will be valued. But when 60 people have 60 suggestions, it will be a lot harder for you to analyze and value each opinion, like you are doing to this one right here :D.

Also, if we only had 15 members (a small server and many people would know each other), there'd be less griefing, so there'd be less of a need to go 10,000 blocks and less of a need to put up defensive measures around one's home. I've had people come into my chests and 'steal' a few items, perhaps a sapling or two, or maybe some iron. I'm all good with that, if they are my friend, or if they ask before, or if I borrowed an item from them. FMG is even doing great things to make this a community place. He attached several houses together with a minecart system, he's mailed people enough stuff to get started and mail 5 letters, he's made a nether railway so we can all be connected, and other things. With 60 people, this would be increasingly hard. He'd need tons of bee stuff, and it'd take a long time to place that many rails and stone around the server.

With 60 people, there'd be a map size limit. I know one guy is living over 10,000 blocks away from spawn. Many live 5,000+. These houses would probably end up being removed altogether with 60 people, because there'd be a limit of space. I (and others may agree with me) like the idea of only 15 slots. Maybe make these last applications extremely hard to be accepted, or something like that.

With chunk loaders, they don't cause lag unless they are used unfairly. I think that they should not be banned. Anyways, with 15 sets of chunks loaded (provided we have 15 members), the server won't slow down much. 60 people, even without chunk loaders, will slow the server down to an unbearable crawl.

I can see golems banned, and anything else that causes bad server errors banned. But not chunk loaders. They are an integral part to the small server society.
Sorry for being rude in this post, I tried pretty hard not to be. I don't want to go against your orders and start a petition with the whitelisted members of the server, but I can confidently say that at least some of them would agree with me.

60 members for an FTB server? HUGE! That's big for vanilla (then there are those few 800 people servers...ahh, good times).
I like the current banned items and the current amount of players just how it is. :)
I like The 20-30 slots range its a good number since we normally have about 7-10 players online most of the time But on a side note Are nuclear reactors Aloud because I have a really nice reactor setup that pretty much guarntees it Wont explode just a question
It's nuclear alliance :D

As long as your house doesn't explode along with the houses of anyone nearby, then it's fine. Precaution: Use Reinforced stone, at least one layer. Don't forget the corners :D

I'm always going smaller, so I'd be okay with 20 slots. 30...would be fine too, but I'd much rather 20. I know what it's like, trying to make it bigger so you get more money and stuff (not saying it's about the money, saying it's a nice added benefit that everyone would enjoy). You could compare it to owning a town in Minecraft. I did on a certain server with mod packs similar to FTB, unfortunately this mod pack is not legal and we all know what I'm talking about because it rhymes with bukkit (wait, it doesn't).

ANYWAYS, I just wanted it to be a small town, and it was. Then it got bigger...and bigger...and BIGGER and I got money...and money...and eventually a portal which is quite expensive due to it being in spawn where everyone could come to my shop in which I created myself, with non gregtech mass fabs, stacks of iridium armor which I sold for MONEY! Now I can barely take care of it and I don't go on that server as much because of the hassle, though the people there are pretty great and I'll head on once in a while.

Uh, this connects, in some way. Oh, well, I got money and became greedy now I can't handle the town all too well and I don't go on. I don't want this to happen with the server, with 20 people you can know all your "residents" and have a good and fun relationship with them. I talk to some of mine, but not all of them, and they tend to break rules more often too.
Servers down for now, seems it's a problem on the host's end. Soon as everythings working again we'll have the server back up

EDIT: Servers back up and running
IGN: Amesha
Age: 27
Why do you want to join the server: Been playing multiplayer with a friend and really enjoyed playing with others. Joining a server sounds super fun and I'd love to see how this game plays with 5-10 more people with me. I've read your rules and they seem fair and promote a fun environment. I browsed quickly through all the applicants and they all seemed like great people I would enjoy playing with.
Will you be active: I will be online most evenings (Eastern coast of Canada, that's GMT -5) and will play a few hours each day.
Thanks for considering!
I like everything you've said...up until the 60 slots part. :p

By voting, I don't mean anything like official. I just would say, have the server only with 15, whitelist 20 members. I joined this server cause it was small. Half the players know my coordinates, but they don't grief. I even told someone to go to my house while I was in another dimension and they made the trade in my chests for me.
That's what I personally like, a lot of these whitelist applications say "close knit server", "small community", etc. so I think many people would agree with me.
I'm not trying to be rude, I love this server, and having a small server allows each person to have a bit more of a say. Like, this opinion will be valued. But when 60 people have 60 suggestions, it will be a lot harder for you to analyze and value each opinion, like you are doing to this one right here :D.

Also, if we only had 15 members (a small server and many people would know each other), there'd be less griefing, so there'd be less of a need to go 10,000 blocks and less of a need to put up defensive measures around one's home. I've had people come into my chests and 'steal' a few items, perhaps a sapling or two, or maybe some iron. I'm all good with that, if they are my friend, or if they ask before, or if I borrowed an item from them. FMG is even doing great things to make this a community place. He attached several houses together with a minecart system, he's mailed people enough stuff to get started and mail 5 letters, he's made a nether railway so we can all be connected, and other things. With 60 people, this would be increasingly hard. He'd need tons of bee stuff, and it'd take a long time to place that many rails and stone around the server.

With 60 people, there'd be a map size limit. I know one guy is living over 10,000 blocks away from spawn. Many live 5,000+. These houses would probably end up being removed altogether with 60 people, because there'd be a limit of space. I (and others may agree with me) like the idea of only 15 slots. Maybe make these last applications extremely hard to be accepted, or something like that.

With chunk loaders, they don't cause lag unless they are used unfairly. I think that they should not be banned. Anyways, with 15 sets of chunks loaded (provided we have 15 members), the server won't slow down much. 60 people, even without chunk loaders, will slow the server down to an unbearable crawl.

I can see golems banned, and anything else that causes bad server errors banned. But not chunk loaders. They are an integral part to the small server society.
Sorry for being rude in this post, I tried pretty hard not to be. I don't want to go against your orders and start a petition with the whitelisted members of the server, but I can confidently say that at least some of them would agree with me.

60 members for an FTB server? HUGE! That's big for vanilla (then there are those few 800 people servers...ahh, good times).
I like the current banned items and the current amount of players just how it is. :)

Well me and Shade_in_blou (owners) are paying for a big server and we wouldent do that if we didnt want many people to have fun on our server and people come and go all the time, One week they might like the server and the other week they might not its kinda impossible to just have 20 whitelisted people (the server will be empty most of the time) we dont want that.

Sense we cant have any anti-grief plugins I wouldent recomend giving out your coordinates to any one that you might not really trust. If you do give out that sort of stuff to players its on your own risk, We cant do anything about this at the moment.

The rail system is only for fun cuz of all the diffrent trains in this modpack, its a fun way to get to other people and places :)

There is not much to do if you dont like the plans we have for this server but i hope you will stay with us anyway :)

Me and shade dosent have all the money in the world so we expect to take in donations from players that likes the server or just wanna help. this is not anything we will ask for just if people wants to helpout alittle :)

Hope I answered on everything you wanned me to answer (if not just ask again)
IGN: macatman96
Age: 16 (almost 17)
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/bc0b25c441e1d01332159c6d201bd10aeb52698d
Why do you want to join the server: The Tekkit Server I played on just closed and I decided to look into different mod packs. Your server is around the size I normally look for in a server and is pure survival which is what I like the most.
Will you be active: Yes, I play almost every day.

Whitelist link:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/afae41f4bbe98908b5f7e2c7d69a6c1ff6ab29e8
Why do you want to join the server:I have been wanting to find a relyable ftb server and i found this!
Will you be active:1-4 hours a day

IGN: loopycolton
Age: 16
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/baac8c4da615910b2329550a16b1c4fe1dfd8211
Why do you want to join the server: Interested in trying this new mod pack and the server looks very well rounded in all aspects. It will also be good to play with friends and meet new people.
Will you be active: Yes i will be very active with a minimum of probably 3 hours of game play a day.

IGN: sir_creeper117
Age: 14
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/8401197abd216f2268a5aee626620e66704ebef2
Why do you want to join the server: i have been looking for a community were i can not get killed in the first 5 minutes of joining, that and the fact i know a lot about the mods in mindcrack and i am very helpful.
Will you be active: quite often unless i have to work on my mod

I'm sorry but i find your apps abit to weak for our server.
I hope you have a good time anyway, Thanks

All of you that are under this line, Welcome to the server.
I added you to the whitelist and have fun :)

IGN: TheNormal123
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/3e36d95da722698f2e0ad3cea4a69cdeb0cf61b0
Why do you want to join the server: I really want to find a community based server without griefing. I have been griefed / stolen from on all the previous servers. I want to try and create a large "Dictator"-ish home were everyone can hang out. I have played around with all these mods.... majority i do not understand... but i believe someone will be kind enough to help me :3. ( also, ._. and :3 are my fav faces :3 )
Will you be active: Yes, i do go to school, but i am not currently a part of sports. I do still play vanilla MC, with my Kingdom to run... but other than that... i will be playing on FTB, or just hanging out with my pals :3
P.S. : I love MicroBlocks on Te--it (Bad word now ;) ) i have built many medieval style buildings with them. i do enjoy Medieval things (if you haven't told by now :p) and really enjoy having the feeling of power :3 :3

Whitelist link:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/f9aae047b75c33c7619204357def794b9d5f826b
Why do you want to join the server: I'd love to join the server because I love feed the beast and want a stable server with a good community and this server seems to meet that! Also, it seems like it's a good server to meet more people and make new friends
Will you be active:Yes, I will.

IGN: Amesha
Age: 27
Why do you want to join the server: Been playing multiplayer with a friend and really enjoyed playing with others. Joining a server sounds super fun and I'd love to see how this game plays with 5-10 more people with me. I've read your rules and they seem fair and promote a fun environment. I browsed quickly through all the applicants and they all seemed like great people I would enjoy playing with.
Will you be active: I will be online most evenings (Eastern coast of Canada, that's GMT -5) and will play a few hours each day.
Thanks for considering!
I like The 20-30 slots range its a good number since we normally have about 7-10 players online most of the time But on a side note Are nuclear reactors Aloud because I have a really nice reactor setup that pretty much guarntees it Wont explode just a question

We only have a small amount of players on the server sense we almost just started it :)

And sense we dont have any banned items, yes you can do the setup that you want with reactors just make it safe and dont distroy anyone elses place :)

It's nuclear alliance :D

As long as your house doesn't explode along with the houses of anyone nearby, then it's fine. Precaution: Use Reinforced stone, at least one layer. Don't forget the corners :D

I'm always going smaller, so I'd be okay with 20 slots. 30...would be fine too, but I'd much rather 20. I know what it's like, trying to make it bigger so you get more money and stuff (not saying it's about the money, saying it's a nice added benefit that everyone would enjoy). You could compare it to owning a town in Minecraft. I did on a certain server with mod packs similar to FTB, unfortunately this mod pack is not legal and we all know what I'm talking about because it rhymes with bukkit (wait, it doesn't).

ANYWAYS, I just wanted it to be a small town, and it was. Then it got bigger...and bigger...and BIGGER and I got money...and money...and eventually a portal which is quite expensive due to it being in spawn where everyone could come to my shop in which I created myself, with non gregtech mass fabs, stacks of iridium armor which I sold for MONEY! Now I can barely take care of it and I don't go on that server as much because of the hassle, though the people there are pretty great and I'll head on once in a while.

Uh, this connects, in some way. Oh, well, I got money and became greedy now I can't handle the town all too well and I don't go on. I don't want this to happen with the server, with 20 people you can know all your "residents" and have a good and fun relationship with them. I talk to some of mine, but not all of them, and they tend to break rules more often too.

I see what you mean and i can understand it.

We do have mods and admins so that we can keepup with everything that players ask or wants help with.

We also have a big vent server if you wanna talk to the people that you Live with or play with this will make it easyer for you to stay with your group.

And we dont have this server cuz we want money we can make the payments without having any donations (We cant even take any donations for the moment).
Well me and Shade_in_blou (owners) are paying for a big server and we wouldent do that if we didnt want many people to have fun on our server and people come and go all the time, One week they might like the server and the other week they might not its kinda impossible to just have 20 whitelisted people (the server will be empty most of the time) we dont want that.

Sense we cant have any anti-grief plugins I wouldent recomend giving out your coordinates to any one that you might not really trust. If you do give out that sort of stuff to players its on your own risk, We cant do anything about this at the moment.

The rail system is only for fun cuz of all the diffrent trains in this modpack, its a fun way to get to other people and places :)

There is not much to do if you dont like the plans we have for this server but i hope you will stay with us anyway :)

Me and shade dosent have all the money in the world so we expect to take in donations from players that likes the server or just wanna help. this is not anything we will ask for just if people wants to helpout alittle :)

Hope I answered on everything you wanned me to answer (if not just ask again)

On that topic, any plans to get a website setup?

How are you planning on handling donations?

What're the server specs, outta curiousity?