Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

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Let me get this straight, none of you can log in all due to a barrel Adox left laying around?

EDIT: No one can get near the chunk that barrel is in without crashing. Get me the cords of the barrel and I'll wipe out the chunk its in.
Let me get this straight, none of you can log in all due to a barrel Adox left laying around?

I am not sure what causes it exactly. But it's an NBT error from what the log tells me. And it has to do with Factorization and barrels as the former one is mentioned multiple times and the second one once. And rightclicking the barrel is what caused me to crash the first time and I've been unable to join since. I shall try to do a complete reinstall of Mindcrack and see if that changes anything. I'll return with the results shortly.


Well. Soul fixed the corrupted chunks and whatnot. Had to reset them, I guess. So problem solved! In a way.
What I can say is adox did have a quarry, and a 2x4 HP boiler with 4 fireboxes. He'll have to say whatelse he lost, but I just want to make sure that he can get his items back.
Mainly just waiting and hoping for v8 to be released tomorrow.

Also a note, putting IC2 machinery on a mobile frame barge is the original cause of the world corruption that claimed so many houses (sorry o.o). Syk and I aren't quite sure why this happened as the machine worked just fine in SSP, but I would like to note that its advisable to not put IC2 and other mod machinery on mobile frames at this point in time on servers >.<;;
Are there going to be any more resets? Honestly, the resets are quite annoying and this reset wasn't really necessary. No new ores, that one chunk issue that could have been rolled back, it could have taken 8 hours but that's less than the time we're waiting now. It's nice that we get to take our player data and a couple of items, but it's annoying that I am unable to undergo any builds without fear of their swift removal.

This reset was especially hard on me because I got my house turned into kindling for a wrath fire, driftwood, a TnT testing facility, then a quicksand pit, then a flat piece of nothing, and now it's a minoshroom infested forest. It's fun to play around with you guys, really is, but when I have all of the most expensive items I can hold at one point, don't start spawning Nagas and Hydras. I was just sorting out everything so I was able to help you guys out, but when all my stuff disappeared after the cactus, or was it the hydra, or was it the naga, or was it the pinch beetles, or was it the wrath fire, or was it the minoshrooms, I couldn't do much of anything, while everyone else was able to take everything they wanted, take their screens, and relax and play around.

On top of all this, you guys can't even spawn me back the items, that's probably the worst part. If I was admin trolled all the way to the end, I'd be fine as long as you guys gave me whatever I lost. But when I'm all unorganized and trying to do so, I can't tell you what I lost because I don't know what I lost.
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Are there going to be any more resets? Honestly, the resets are quite annoying and this reset wasn't really necessary. No new ores, that one chunk issue that could have been rolled back, it could have taken 8 hours but that's less than the time we're waiting now. It's nice that we get to take our player data and a couple of items, but it's annoying that I am unable to undergo any builds without fear of their swift removal.

This reset was especially hard on me because I got my house turned into kindling for a wrath fire, driftwood, a TnT testing facility, then a quicksand pit, then a flat piece of nothing, and now it's a minoshroom infested forest. It's fun to play around with you guys, really is, but when I have all of the most expensive items I can hold at one point, don't start spawning Nagas and Hydras. I was just sorting out everything so I was able to help you guys out, but when all my stuff disappeared after the cactus, or was it the hydra, or was it the naga, or was it the pinch beetles, or was it the wrath fire, or was it the minoshrooms, I couldn't do much of anything, while everyone else was able to take everything they wanted, take their screens, and relax and play around.

On top of all this, you guys can't even spawn me back the items, that's probably the worst part. If I was admin trolled all the way to the end, I'd be fine as long as you guys gave me whatever I lost. But when I'm all unorganized and trying to do so, I can't tell you what I lost because I don't know what I lost.
Jump I can relate. I wish i could make a private server. :\ I would invite you and adox. maybe grungi also. :P
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Whitelist link:
Click here
Why do you want to join the server:
First of all I'm looking for a new server because the last one I played on was offline like 80% a day. And your server sounds nice from what I read in your post. I like the fact that you limit yourself on those few rules really necessary to enjoy the game on SMP. Also I already talked a bit to Daviewonder on Skype and since he answered all my questions patiently (thanks btw ;) ) I'm convinced that the admins are helpful for sure.
My motives to join a SMP server in general are that I want to enjoy the great gameplay of Minecraft and the even greater gameplay FTB has to offer with other people since it is much more fun to play in a community and build the world up with them than doing that alone.
Will you be active:
Are there going to be any more resets? Honestly, the resets are quite annoying and this reset wasn't really necessary. No new ores, that one chunk issue that could have been rolled back, it could have taken 8 hours but that's less than the time we're waiting now. It's nice that we get to take our player data and a couple of items, but it's annoying that I am unable to undergo any builds without fear of their swift removal.

This reset was especially hard on me because I got my house turned into kindling for a wrath fire, driftwood, a TnT testing facility, then a quicksand pit, then a flat piece of nothing, and now it's a minoshroom infested forest. It's fun to play around with you guys, really is, but when I have all of the most expensive items I can hold at one point, don't start spawning Nagas and Hydras. I was just sorting out everything so I was able to help you guys out, but when all my stuff disappeared after the cactus, or was it the hydra, or was it the naga, or was it the pinch beetles, or was it the wrath fire, or was it the minoshrooms, I couldn't do much of anything, while everyone else was able to take everything they wanted, take their screens, and relax and play around.

On top of all this, you guys can't even spawn me back the items, that's probably the worst part. If I was admin trolled all the way to the end, I'd be fine as long as you guys gave me whatever I lost. But when I'm all unorganized and trying to do so, I can't tell you what I lost because I don't know what I lost.

i know player don't like resets, but at the end of the day we want the server to run smoothing and we will do as many resets as it will need to ensure that the server runs smoothly, also i would also like to point to you jump tat you lost you items fighting a zombie who pushed you into a cactus, so that falls under the rules of "no givebacks", and by the orders of the owner of the server to make it fair on the rest of the players we not allowed just to give you items back as it just makes the game less fun and the only time we do make an exception to this rules is when you loose you stuff that wasn't you fault,

also you have to take into consideration that you no the only one person that is effected by a reset, every single person including the staff team has to start from scratch when a reset is happen, we have always sorry when it happens as it means we have to start again but what you rather have, a server that doesn't reset and is full of faults or have a server that fair enough resets but it is working properly

Jump I can relate. I wish i could make a private server. :\ I would invite you and adox. maybe grungi also. :p

well if you guys are unhappy then we won't stop you leaving the server, we would like you to stay with us and bear with us as fair enough we not the perfect server as we know ewe had lots of issues and we have spend countless hours doing the best we can to make it better for you all but we do strive to make it better for everyone but as i have said before, if you do decide to leave then we thank you for using our server and wish you the very best
i know player don't like resets, but at the end of the day we want the server to run smoothing and we will do as many resets as it will need to ensure that the server runs smoothly, also i would also like to point to you jump tat you lost you items fighting a zombie who pushed you into a cactus, so that falls under the rules of "no givebacks", and by the orders of the owner of the server to make it fair on the rest of the players we not allowed just to give you items back as it just makes the game less fun and the only time we do make an exception to this rules is when you loose you stuff that wasn't you fault,

also you have to take into consideration that you no the only one person that is effected by a reset, every single person including the staff team has to start from scratch when a reset is happen, we have always sorry when it happens as it means we have to start again but what you rather have, a server that doesn't reset and is full of faults or have a server that fair enough resets but it is working properly
Sorry to say but, i don't exactly believe that the "Admin community" is very legit. I certainly don't think spawning in quantum gens, twighlight trees, DELETING JUMP'S HOUSE(Grief), also how do you all have Grav.(or creative), Tp's...

-Love Nose-
Sorry to say but, i don't exactly believe that the "Admin community" is very legit. I certainly don't think spawning in quantum gens, twighlight trees, DELETING JUMP'S HOUSE(Grief), also how do you all have Grav.(or creative), Tp's...

-Love Nose-

Lets get something straight, quantum gens are an admin only item, therefore we have the right to use them should we see fit, Jump's house I have no excuses for since I was the one that deleted it and replaced it with a forest, never said I wouldnt replace some of the harder-to-make items that were lost. Twilight trees I'm even sure why you'd complain about those as they legitly spawn everywhere in the twilight and sapplings, while rare, do drop. Grav, if you actually mean the Grav Chestplate, isn't spawned in by any admin. At the most Eagle runs around wearing a customized set of armor shes dubbed as "Admin Gear", which at no time is ever used during normal gameplay by any of us. My Grav Plate was created through legit means over the course of 2 days once I had all the materials, so I find your arguement there invalid and a bit pointless. And for the teleports, thats also an admin perk to an extent. While we have the Essentials mod installed, the permissions for it currently don't work and we've never kept that a secret from the community. Everyone has access to the portal guns should they wish to teleport between two points, so I really don't see how you can sit there and complain about teleporting when everyone and their grandmother has access to some form of it.
also to add to what soul has written here, in relation to the house have been effected by the corrupted chunks, we have openly admitted that it was partly our fault and the users involved have also admitted fault for this as well and we all have deeply apologies to all those involved and we all agreed ed with the owner to give back what you had lost and to compensate with anything they desired to counteract what you loss as at the end of the day it wasn't their fault and we also don't think it fair for them to start again to get back what they worked for when we made the error so i don't understand why you made the accusation of the house been grieved there nose when in fact we accidentally deleted the chunks to resolve an error.

as i have said above, if you are unhappy with our server then you more than welcome to leave and peruse finding another server or starting you own and we will wish you all the best in the matter, if you would like to address any isuses or queries you may have with our server then feel free to IM me on Skype, my Skype Addy is crazy_dave156
I think the bigger problem here is not so much the admins of this servers being too reset happy, but that compilers of the modpacks don't know what the hell they're doing.

The whole point of using these pre-packaged modpacks is stability and ease of use. They shouldn't come out with updates that require world resets every couple weeks.
i know player don't like resets, but at the end of the day we want the server to run smoothing and we will do as many resets as it will need to ensure that the server runs smoothly, also i would also like to point to you jump tat you lost you items fighting a zombie who pushed you into a cactus, so that falls under the rules of "no givebacks", and by the orders of the owner of the server to make it fair on the rest of the players we not allowed just to give you items back as it just makes the game less fun and the only time we do make an exception to this rules is when you loose you stuff that wasn't you fault,

also you have to take into consideration that you no the only one person that is effected by a reset, every single person including the staff team has to start from scratch when a reset is happen, we have always sorry when it happens as it means we have to start again but what you rather have, a server that doesn't reset and is full of faults or have a server that fair enough resets but it is working properly

well if you guys are unhappy then we won't stop you leaving the server, we would like you to stay with us and bear with us as fair enough we not the perfect server as we know ewe had lots of issues and we have spend countless hours doing the best we can to make it better for you all but we do strive to make it better for everyone but as i have said before, if you do decide to leave then we thank you for using our server and wish you the very best

Jump I can relate. I wish i could make a private server. :\ I would invite you and adox. maybe grungi also. :p
Sorry to say but, i don't exactly believe that the "Admin community" is very legit. I certainly don't think spawning in quantum gens, twighlight trees, DELETING JUMP'S HOUSE(Grief), also how do you all have Grav.(or creative), Tp's...

-Love Nose-
Lets get something straight, quantum gens are an admin only item, therefore we have the right to use them should we see fit, Jump's house I have no excuses for since I was the one that deleted it and replaced it with a forest, never said I wouldnt replace some of the harder-to-make items that were lost. Twilight trees I'm even sure why you'd complain about those as they legitly spawn everywhere in the twilight and sapplings, while rare, do drop. Grav, if you actually mean the Grav Chestplate, isn't spawned in by any admin. At the most Eagle runs around wearing a customized set of armor shes dubbed as "Admin Gear", which at no time is ever used during normal gameplay by any of us. My Grav Plate was created through legit means over the course of 2 days once I had all the materials, so I find your arguement there invalid and a bit pointless. And for the teleports, thats also an admin perk to an extent. While we have the Essentials mod installed, the permissions for it currently don't work and we've never kept that a secret from the community. Everyone has access to the portal guns should they wish to teleport between two points, so I really don't see how you can sit there and complain about teleporting when everyone and their grandmother has access to some form of it.
also to add to what soul has written here, in relation to the house have been effected by the corrupted chunks, we have openly admitted that it was partly our fault and the users involved have also admitted fault for this as well and we all have deeply apologies to all those involved and we all agreed ed with the owner to give back what you had lost and to compensate with anything they desired to counteract what you loss as at the end of the day it wasn't their fault and we also don't think it fair for them to start again to get back what they worked for when we made the error so i don't understand why you made the accusation of the house been grieved there nose when in fact we accidentally deleted the chunks to resolve an error.

as i have said above, if you are unhappy with our server then you more than welcome to leave and peruse finding another server or starting you own and we will wish you all the best in the matter, if you would like to address any isuses or queries you may have with our server then feel free to IM me on Skype, my Skype Addy is crazy_dave156

Okay, a lot happened over the one day I had this.
I don't want to start a flame war, I do like not only Soul, but davie, eagle, and most all of the other staff here as well. In addition to Nose, I like travis, Adox, Syk, Shin, and most of the other players, with a few exceptions, those who stole and stuff.

Now, for the part where the zombie pushed me into a cactus, that was not the only time I died and lost all of my stuff. I died multiple times during twilight boss "parties", such as the one at Shin's house. I also died from spawned quicksand, tp's in wrong places, mining lasers :p, and pinch beetles. These deaths mean nothing to me, I'll be fine, because most of these times the most important thing I had on me was a few emerald tools, and if I did have anything important, I was paid back or able to be teleported to my items again. This time with the zombie pushing me into cactus, I did die, though it wasn't my fault. After going to shin's house because he allowed everyone to take whatever they wanted, I was then attacked by hydras and a naga. I probably died there a few times, from fall damage (shin's huge quarry), and from the hydra. Then, I was teleported to the admin lich tower, eagle did this to me because it was the safest place she could get to quickly. That was fine, because I got most (if not all) of my items back.

Then, I had been "given" speed infinity and dizziness and hunger, as well as many other potion effects. Too much of a good thing is in fact a bad thing. I had to wait 10 minutes until these effects wore off, or I would probably die when running off a building.

I was finally tp'd home, and I had the effects off. Then, I got more effects. I wanted to get into my house, because I was in a dangerous position, but then I ended up 200 blocks away. I ran back, because the effects wore off after I was given some milk. I ran (slowly) back home, and got even more effects. I jumped, and jump was boosted so I flew 80 blocks in the air and died. And lost about half my stuff. Then, I was tp'd back, and I almost drowned because I spawned under water. At this point, my armor was uncharged and I had no sword, so the zombie was able to push me in a cactus, my only line of defense. So, you could say it was my fault, yet, I could easily point the blame back.

For the reset aspect, you guys said we were resetting because of the update to v8, not the chunk errors. They could easily be fixed with a rollback, though soul did say it would take multiple hours because of his slower internet connection. If I had to wait a day, I'd be fine because the map (and my stuff) would be there. The reset wasn't for any inconsistencies or glitches in the server, those are fixed easily enough by a rollback, which you guys did say was possible. In addition, no new ores were added. Nothing that would be altered in chunk spawns were any different at all. So there was no need for a reset, but there was need for a rollback.

I don't want to leave, it's a fast, high quality server, with a bunch of great players and staff. The item spawn thing is fair enough, unless you guys caused the deaths, in which case it does not seem very fair. I'm not gonna leave, I'd just like to know if we're going to have any more resets.

I also don't care what admins spawn in. They can spawn in gravisuit armor, play in creative, and have hydras as pets, for all I care. It's not a faction/pvp server, so more materials doesn't really matter much at all to me, as long as I'm not spawning them or they're not being used against me.

I wasn't done organizing or picking up the best items in my house, so I was, simply put, annoyed when it turned into wrath fire kindling. Now, if my screenshots were taken, my canvas bag given to eagle, and a chest filled up with items for my player data was ready, then I'd be much more prone to playing around and wouldn't mind the deletion of my house anymore.

I do want to play on this server, I just don't like the spawning policy. If you guys do kill me (which is fine, it's kinda fun), then it should be required you return any EXP or items I lost. Even go a step above and recharge my armor if I lost any charge. If I kill myself, or anything else kills me, you don't have to do anything. It would be nice if you helped me get back to my items, (like when Soul went to the hollowed hill in the twilight forest to save all my dropped items when I died) but you don't have to do that.

Thanks for reading, I still want to play on the server, and I hope you do too, nose.

EDIT: Mindcrack 8.0.1 is out!
I'll be applying for myself and a friend of mine who doesn't have a ftb forum account :P

IGN: MrEpicLuke
Whitelist link: Here
Why do you want to join the server:We are looking for a server where we won't get griefed, or killed and we don't want to use my own server because of temptations to spawn items :P
Will you be active:Probably every day after school for a couple hours with my friend.

IGN: cuteygirl
Age: 18
Whitelist link: Here
Why do you want to join the server: To play with my friend Luke
Will you be active: Yes probably every day with Luke!
Will I have to be re-whitelisted? Seems as it V8 has been released and I cannot login to the server due to yet more whitelist issues. :/
Nobody join this server it sucks. the admins are all twelve. <3
No one listen to him. he was making fun of real life situations and trolling people. they were making fun of down syndrome people, and even saying that they had it themselves. he was banned and unwhitelisted, and so was his little friend. Th admins are quite enjoyable and have a great sense of humor. i like FMGSSOUL most, in my opinion. He can enforce rules, and be fun at the same time.
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Im looking forward to the new start,everything that happened to me via corrupted chunk is water under the bridge for me and just looking forward,I have nothing but praises for the server team they have bin great since i have started playing on this server just over a few weeks now.Looking forward to see everyone once its all set up and ready to go. :)