Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

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Whitelist link:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/d9b8b3df808113003d07644723f5342ba390e150
Why do you want to join the server: i want to learn more about ftb with your community.im very new to ftb and want to join a server that will provide me with great admins and community. my friends reesespuff krazyking kinyo plays on your ftb server and i would love to join!!!!!!:)
Will you be active:yes i will be most weekdays and weekends im in school so i dont have much time to play
I was initially accepted and then denied, may i know why?

Of course. We've been informed that you and your lil pal inbeftw are a pair of griefers from an old Tekkit server. We've decided that no matter if this is true or not, we're unwilling to take a risk that will cause problems for our community.
Can I please rejoin the server? I really want to continue playing with my friends on your server. It is an amazing server. It has almost no lag at all and has not very many items restricted. I was wrong to be a troll to the players and I am sorry. I just really want another chance. If you give me one I assure you, you will not regret it.
Can I please rejoin the server? I really want to continue playing with my friends on your server. It is an amazing server. It has almost no lag at all and has not very many items restricted. I was wrong to be a troll to the players and I am sorry. I just really want another chance. If you give me one I assure you, you will not regret it.

Not a chance. You were asked by everyone, even admins, to stop talking trash about people with mental/medical problems and still continued. You diserve to be banned and will not be welcomed back.


Your only saying this due to the fact we rejected your application and banned your troll friends. Maybe if you actually put effort into your application instead of copying someone else's you would have gotten in. Keep that in mind for any other servers you try to join, it'll help a great deal.

this server sucks people randomly killed me multiple times

You were only killed once Tyler and that was by the troll known as Kinyo. He has since been banned and you should be safe to log in should you wish. We don't promote PvP but if both parties are in agreement then we will respect their wish to fight each other. I suggest talking to some of the other players from the server, none of them have had a bad experience on their first join, yours was just bad luck.
Welcome to the Nuclear Alliance
Powering your imagination since 2011

About the server

We here at Nuclear Alliance are commited to creating a quality enviroment for our players to enjoy.
With staff members from around the world, you can rest assured that someone is always available to help you.

Currently running: Mindcrack v7 for Minecraft 1.4.6

Mickemini - Co-Owner
Shade_In_Blou - Co-Owner
Weakman54 - Admin
Daviewonder156 - Admin
Eagleyes - Admin

Feed The Beast Launcher
Download the Feed The Beast launcher from their site then install the Mindcrack modpack from the launcher's list.



No Give Backs - Items lost due to death, griefing, lag, robbery, glitches or personal stupidity will not be given back to the player. (Some exceptions may apply)

No Spawning - All mods, admins and owners are forbidden to spawn items, enemies or anything else for personal use or for other players.

No Griefing/Stealing - If you are found guilty of griefing/stealing you will be banned. If we suspect you of any griefing or stealing, you will be temp banned until the matter is settled.

Nagging (for anything) - On the first offense, you will be asked to stop nagging. After the first offense, you will be ignored. Any subsequent offenses will result in being kicked, and a ban will be administered for persistent offenders if necessary.

No Caps Lock - Typing all in caps is annoying and unneccessary, you will get kicked for this.

No X-Ray - If you are suspected of using x-ray, you will be confronted, and given a chance to explain yourself. If you are found guilty you will temp banned for a day. The second time you will be perma banned.

No Excessive Language - While everyone may enjoy talking like a sailor, we ask that you refrain from using excessive amounts of curses or other foul language. Failure to control your mouth (so to speak) will result in a warning. Failure to abide by the warning will result in being kicked, after that you'll just be flat out banned.

Advertising - Talk to an owner, admin or mod before advertising anything. Advertising something without permission will result in a warning, continous advertising without permission will result in a ban.

Application Form
For the whitelist link part of the form please go to http://whitelist.mcf.li and type your username in the text box then click submit. After the website brings up your username, copy the link and paste it in the whitelist link part of the form.

Failure to completely fill out our form will result in your request to join our server being denied.

Whitelist link:?
Why do you want to join the server:Because i want to try out a new server :D
Will you be active:most likley, if not i might be at school

Server Address

Ventrilo Server
All Nuclear Alliance members wishing to join the Ventrilo server should email Daviewonder156 at [email protected] for details and account creation. Please provide your IGN so hes aware of who hes dealing with.

We currently have a 100 slot Ventrilo server for Nuclear Alliance members to use should they so desire it. If your thinking about joining us and would prefer to ask some questions before deciding, your welcome to join us on Vent if posting on the forums doesn't appeal to you.

Banned Players
These are players we have banned from our server. This isn't a "name and shame" list, its simply here to show the offenders why they've been banned.

Name & Reason
ForsakenNinja2 - Verbally abusing other players and admins, excessive use of
caps lock and continious use after being told to stop, refusal
to follow the rules even after being warned, refusal to follow
admin orders when asked to remove and discontinue use
of chunk loaders and then attempting to hide one from the
admins, excessive cursing and theft of items from others.

Kinyo980 - Verbally abusing others, mocking people with disabilities and medical conditions and refusing to follow the rules.

ChanHD - Same offenses as Kinyo980.
[DOUBLEPOST=1359209862][/DOUBLEPOST]IGN: puffafishgb

AGE: 10 :)

Whitelist link:?

Why do you want to join the server:Because i want to try out a new server :D

Will you be active:most likley, if not i might be at school
[DOUBLEPOST=1359209862][/DOUBLEPOST]IGN: puffafishgb

AGE: 10 :)

Whitelist link:?

Why do you want to join the server:Because i want to try out a new server :D

Will you be active:most likley, if not i might be at school

i'm sorry to say that i've had to reject you application as you haven't provided the ban link that we detailed in the example application in the forst post but thanks for applying

Whitelist link:http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/27d608c7ad38d4cbed72f867699732b9306c6c13
Why do you want to join the server: Because I dont want to deal with noobs on an unwhitelisted mindcrack server
Will you be active: 2-5 days a week

accepted, welcome aboard

ING: Sir_HurtAlot
Age: 14
Whitelist link: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/431d27bb01469158bc58a0fd6ffab7e87b0ed985
Why do you want to join the server: because i wanna have a great server to play on and have fun with nice people/friends and dont need to be worried about being griefed.
Will you be active: i will be avtive about 3-5 days or more if i dont have any homework. :D

accepted and been added to the whitelist welcome aboard

this server is terrible never play on it admins are 12 years olds and suck so bad

i'm sorry but how can you make this assumption about our server is bad when we have received good praises from users that play on it and plus the fact is that you never even been on there anyhow, and if you made the effort to make a good application as we have asked nicely in the first post of the thread, then we would have accepted it with open arms, all thought i would like to point out to you Zack that we all in our 20s and pay for the server yourself

can i ask to all those considering to apply for our server that due to recent events that have happen that anyone considering joining just for the purpose of trolling and mocking people with disabilities and medical conditions and refusing to follow the rules, please don't join as we will find you and ban you on the spot without prior warning............we will not tolerate anyone discriminating other players as all players who join our server are treated as equals and will be respected.
I'm sorry for my impatience and I understand you guys have a lot of applications to go through and are just busy in general, but I feel like I have been waiting for a long time and would like to at least be told if I was accepted or not.
sorry for my impatience but i have never been told accepted or denied and its been more than a week so if you could please reply to my thread it was a repost