Now that AE2 has a 1.10 release, do people prefer it or Refined Storage?

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Mass Storage Mass Appeal?

  • AE2, first and best!

    Votes: 38 45.8%
  • Refined Storage, the new king!

    Votes: 45 54.2%

  • Total voters
Thermal Dynamics in 1.7.10 did this very well. In all, it was an amazing, if under-used, mod. I always thought of Thermal Dynamics as the natural successor to the RP2 tubes with a better built-in sorting system. It even had Supplier logistics capability with the Signalum and Enderium level Retrievers. If only it had auto-crafting and centralized storage data, it would replace Logistic Pipes and probably AE2/Refined Storage as well!
I wish people would talk more about these. I absolutely love the retrievers. I wouldn't be shocked if they're tearing my cpu to shreds but I don't care because they're awesome.
Because I don't want my frame rate to crash? Seriously, the pretty controller block took my frame rate from 60 (where I have it capped) down to like 20-30 when it came into view.
Fair enough I never had that from the controller myself but the kid did, weird how it affects some but not others but then again ./shrug that's modded minecraft.

Thermal Dynamics in 1.7.10 did this very well. In all, it was an amazing, if under-used, mod. I always thought of Thermal Dynamics as the natural successor to the RP2 tubes with a better built-in sorting system. It even had Supplier logistics capability with the Signalum and Enderium level Retrievers. If only it had auto-crafting and centralized storage data, it would replace Logistic Pipes and probably AE2/Refined Storage as well!

I ran into a very very nasty bug with Thermal Dynamics there was an edge case where if you had it set up in a specific way you could end up with thousands of items bouncing around in the conduits, which absolutely destroyed your server tic rate and since you never used the see through conduits due to the framerate hit (hehe) you didn't see it.
Fair enough I never had that from the controller myself but the kid did, weird how it affects some but not others but then again ./shrug that's modded minecraft.

I ran into a very very nasty bug with Thermal Dynamics there was an edge case where if you had it set up in a specific way you could end up with thousands of items bouncing around in the conduits, which absolutely destroyed your server tic rate and since you never used the see through conduits due to the framerate hit (hehe) you didn't see it.

Any mod which allows entities to travel inside of pipes/tubes can eat a world if set up without regard to server safety. There are reports of a since pipes became a thing, and I don't expect it to change. Particularly if you build your setup to not allow you to at least occasionally monitor it, things can (and do) go sideways. Luckily, with a sprinkle of visible piping (so you can passively monitor the system and keep the cool "things traveling in pipes" feel) and the ability to use Warp Itemducts to remove your major inputs from actually being in the pipeline at all, you can clear this up quite easily. Edge cases will always exist as well, but that's no reason to avoid using a mod.

Honestly, if TD updated to 1.10 and offered ME style item storage/access, I would use it exclusively. The only reason that mod wasn't king of the 1.7 era was the distaste it got from being late to the party.

And then there is the wonder that was the Cryo-Stabilized Fluxducts...
I've heard they're wonderfully laggy btw :p (Rumors, take with a grain of salt)

Meh, I never saw too much issue with them, but then I only used them as main lines in smaller doses. The biggest problem with modded MC is excess. Everything creates lag in excess. People have to learn to pick their spots.
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Honestly, if TD updated to 1.10 and offered ME style item storage/access, I would use it exclusively. The only reason that mod wasn't king of the 1.7 era was the distaste it got from being late to the party.
This. All of my yes.

I actually used TD quite a bit, even with the presence of the ridiculously powerful EnderIO conduits. With Flux-lined ducts, I got the same effective functionality of both power and items/fluid in the same face without needing to resort to easymode.

If TD had an EnderIO interface like item, and a way to do smart crafting requests (ala Logistics Pipes), I would emit a very unmanly squee.
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Cons - Channels
Filter options (lack of)
seeds crafted by drop mechanics
Machines/cables have animated textures (adds to lag in my mind)

Refined Storage:

Pros - no channels
only 1 animated texture (that I've found)
no meteors
less lag
filter options
no drop crafting mechanics

For me I choose less lag

This, a thousand times.... Also, watching Direwolf20 move all his items from RS to AE2 on Forgecraft... It was painful, even he mentioned the number of items allowed "mechanic" per drive... Yes I know he was making 4k AE2 cells and transferring from 3 64k RS cells, but still.. uggg..

I'll be sticking with RS, to the point where in my new world, I disabled AE2, so I don't get pockmarked terrain from those damned meteors.
This, a thousand times.... Also, watching Direwolf20 move all his items from RS to AE2 on Forgecraft... It was painful, even he mentioned the number of items allowed "mechanic" per drive... Yes I know he was making 4k AE2 cells and transferring from 3 64k RS cells, but still.. uggg..

I'll be sticking with RS, to the point where in my new world, I disabled AE2, so I don't get pockmarked terrain from those damned meteors.

It hurt but keep in mind that forgecraft is for testing bugs. So they're working through the systems and had, in my opinion, tested RS to its limits. People say that the channel mechanic adds complexity... then they bipass it with a subnetwork, so in essence they have multiple blocks (and updates/cpu processing) to do the same job as a simple RS cable. This adds to lag. I have yet to see an example of something that AE2 can that RS can't. So it comes down to preference.

Can someone explain to me what meteors have to do with the thing? AE2 is made from aliens? Is that the impression? And on top of that, all the technology that we have and we can't find a way to create the templates? We have to locate them in the meteors because the alien overlords have distributed them, peppering the landscape? Makes no sense at all. Also I forgot to mention that exploring generates the terrain. This puts a load on servers and pc's. The more terrain you have explored, in my experience, the laggier it gets. It's more noticeable on lower end systems. It's the reason that almost every server I've played on has turned off the meteors and put in place a trading post of some kind to exchange raw materials for the presses. I have yet to hear from someone that really enjoys the mechanics.

AE was amazing. I remember 1.6.4. I loved playing it. The ae system was straight forward and amazing. It did it's job, it used a good deal of materials but it didn't put on airs. AE2 decided to try to become something it wasn't adding content that no one asked for. The added complexity horribly lags servers. It's the very reason why the things that Soaryn creates (SSD) are forbidden on servers and even he has to dismantle the thing sometimes.
Can someone explain to me what meteors have to do with the thing? AE2 is made from aliens? Is that the impression? And on top of that, all the technology that we have and we can't find a way to create the templates? We have to locate them in the meteors because the alien overlords have distributed them, peppering the landscape? Makes no sense at all.
Basically, yeah. Honestly, that part makes NO sense. You can only find the templates in skystone meteors, which are hollow and contain skystone chests. I think you can duplicate the plates once you've found them, but I may be wrong on that score. You also need skystone to make the controller blocks, I believe.
Basically, yeah. Honestly, that part makes NO sense. You can only find the templates in skystone meteors, which are hollow and contain skystone chests. I think you can duplicate the plates once you've found them, but I may be wrong on that score. You also need skystone to make the controller blocks, I believe.

Yes, all of this is true. I don't mind the skystone. That's fine. You need a rare mineral found from the meteors? I'm down with that. Makes sense. The hollowed out chest... not so much.
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I've been using Refined Storage in one my LP's on YouTube. It's missing 2 feature for me, the first of which is a wireless crafting grid, that AE2 had. The other thing I'm missing is the Ender IO conduit for it. EIO added an ME conduit back in 1.7.10 and doesn't have the correlated RS cable. If it had that, to me it'd be the perfect storage mod. Outside of that, in my opinion it destroys AE2. If I want to setup complex networks of stuff, I go play Factorio. You have to really, really think of how to lay out your base there so that things will work together.

This is Minecraft, though. I like being able to set menial things to automatically happen. I like being able to place machines side-by-side and have them share power and networks without counting how many I have based on cables with variously-lit strips on them.

And for everyone that loved Logistics Pipes, go back to Infinity Expert and try ProjectRed: Transportation. That's what I used because I couldn't get LP to work correctly, and I LOVED PR:T. It might've been my favorite mod of the 1.7.10 era.

edit: corrected for grammar, spelling, and cohesiveness
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I think that AE2 is way more interesting and challenging. What's the fun in simplicity?
I got tired of managing my way around the channel system of AE2 after a while. I switched to Logistic's Pipes for quite a while and while it's a bit more expensive than AE2 in some respects, in others it seems to be a bit more powerful, given it's integration with Buildcraft. I was never quite able to get the hang of Project Red Transportation.

As for Refined Storage, it seems to have the same problem AE1 did, with a one cable to rule them all mentality. Which isn't a bad thing on it's own, but eventually you reach that point where: I've done all this before. I'm in this new pack, with new things, but I've done all this stuff before. I can automate this or that, and I don't have to work at it, because I've already done it before and worked out all the problems there. Ultimately, I end up treating both as a storage mod, a super sized chest, and then do the 'work' with other, more fun mods.
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I've played in AE1, AE2 and just watching DW20's spotlight on RS, I think AE2 was a good system I liked the "add screens to cable" mechanic and most of it was an improvement form ae1, the problem with ae2 is suddenly it's alien technology meteors to get anywhere, and my god the in world crystal crafting + item magnets shat me to tears, and the bloody press mechanics. I also found the CPU crafting system to be little convoluted, but if those could be fixed RS would only be better regarding fluid storage inbuilt.
So far there are two things I'm missing in RS compared to AE2. The ability to shift+click on Start to immediately start a craft instead of having to click twice, minor thing but convenient.

And also the dedicated crafting storage, or rather avoiding having separate crafting jobs taking components from each other which seems to be happening in RS. Other than that I like it a lot, it's unlikely I'll switch to AE2 in this play through. But that's due to not wanting to replace everything, I basically don't have any issues with AE2 (except worldgen).
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I'd like to continue in my stated preference for RS over AE2, but, RS is loosing badly on the stability front right now.
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All else aside I still like the storage mechanics of AE2 better. I know must people don't care for the type limits but there are ways around that. Also, AE2 has a much high storage density. If you only put a single item on a 1k disk you get 4096 of the item stored. With RS you only 1024 on a 1k disk. Also, the autocrafting in AE2 when you start the process pulls all of the raw mats needed out of the main network and stores them in the crafting CPU. That ensures that you have enough raw mats and that if a send crafting job is initiated it doesn't take the mats for the for the 1st job.
I JUST got this.

Well played :D

On topic: The multipart screens that AE2 introduced were really nice - that's absolutely one thing it did very well. Likewise the colourable screens - it might not sound like much, but it could really add to the look of a place!

I think that AE2 is way more interesting and challenging. What's the fun in simplicity?
Everyone has different ideas of what's fun, come on now.