I would just like to take the time to to say tnx for the pack & point out a couple of thing I love & or hate, lets get started with the house its self its roomy 3 floor building with all the room needed to get started safely that I really do like, most packs leave you stranded on a block or hiding in a hole waiting for day light, next the omission of Ex Nihilo I found very strange as I started with out even reading any info & expected the normal sky block or lost in w/e with a block of dirt & 2 items, I was amazed to find I spawned on a land mass that turns out to be huge, the omission of ex niliho makes total sense now, now to the quests the early ones are as expected very easy & the basic bag rewards are balanced well (ie not many hard to craft items) the deeper you go the more of each item is required to complete each quest as is the norm it seems, but hey we all love a little automation so most times it little more than set up & waiting time this not a the greatest fan of, but as I said it seems to be the norm in hqm packs, the fun & surprising part was the npc quests !!, these I am having fun with, some are just collect/craft xx of item xx thats run of the mill stuff, some of the others like the answer "take door A or B" are more interesting, still a long way to go on the quest list not even 1/3 yet but having fun.
Good points, Open world, ages/netherTF available, many ways to complete most quests (not just the Ex Niliho way!!) interesting quests & some story to follow.
Bad Ideas, its an easy mode hqm pack, not really a bad thing but a lot of the elitists will shun it for tha reason, some of the quest rewards (the given not picked rewards) seem to make little sense, the pickrewards are as bad, a laser drill early game with no way to make prechargers or the power to run it? things like that, some bugged quests.
All in all I am enjoying the pack, I was getting a tad angry with some of the 1.7 packs & the related vanilla issues that mean large automations can be a real pain with the lag issues, now I can play again with all maxed out & build huge machines that make stuff, that does stuff, that stuffs the next quest line, like I said its a bit like easy mode, & so is more relaxed, no idea now this would work on a server ?, glad to see you made it onto the launcher

, & looking forward to completing this pack & seeing what you have planed next.
tnx & kind regards Paul.