NewCraft|White listed|Dw20 modpack|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • MC Username: Highlanderdk
  • Age: 20
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: my knowledge is not full but of parts. so the mods are termal expansion
  • Are you mature: when not face to face i'm beheaving mature. but when face to face with friends i act different
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: once banned for mining under ones plot some he had not told he had claimed
  • Do you understand the rules: yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: planing of making a hobbit hole town where people can hang out

  • MC Username: Alchao
  • Age: 14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Not much info on one
  • Are you mature: Yes, and I don't want to play with immature people. But I do like fun people:)
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Nope!
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Creating a fun community where we all can build and play

  • MC Username:maxxie40
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:yes mistcraft, rp 2, buildcraft, thermalexpantion, and ic2
  • Are you mature:yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no
  • Do you understand the rules:yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:having fun
  • MC Username: loading_bar678
  • Age: 22 ( I made this forums account for my little bro, so it says 13.
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes, mostly IC2, ThaumCraft, Redpower, and Thermal Expansion.
  • Are you mature: I would believe so, but I will laugh at a good joke, but I mostly like to be serious when it comes to playing.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, once, because this one guy crashed the server purposely, so when I got back on I yelled at him and got banned.
  • Do you understand the rules: I believe they are simplistic, and easy to follow.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Work on community projects, hopefully get a full quantum suit within a 1-2 week range of starting.
  • Like
Reactions: Troy C.
  • MC Username: loading_bar678
  • Age: 22 ( I made this forums account for my little bro, so it says 13.
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes, mostly IC2, ThaumCraft, Redpower, and Thermal Expansion.
  • Are you mature: I would believe so, but I will laugh at a good joke, but I mostly like to be serious when it comes to playing.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Yes, once, because this one guy crashed the server purposely, so when I got back on I yelled at him and got banned.
  • Do you understand the rules: I believe they are simplistic, and easy to follow.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Work on community projects, hopefully get a full quantum suit within a 1-2 week range of starting.

  • Like
Reactions: Troy C.
I HATE people who segrigate by age... its almost as bad as racisim
Not really, because mosst people under the age of 16 are immature children. This does not apply to everyone, so don't even try replying back, saying that you are not immature.[DOUBLEPOST=1360275385][/DOUBLEPOST]
Xach does have a point the DW20 servers are very popular because of the popularity of DW20. so if you could just whitelist everyone then everyone will be happy.
sorry, but that is just a terrible idea. No offence, but that means that many greifers could get on and destroy this wonderful server.[DOUBLEPOST=1360275505][/DOUBLEPOST]
Come on man, there's literally only 7 DW20 servers (Including yours) and their all either never online, or whitelisted, and usually people wait for months and months to be white listed...
Well, He can't just be like, "Okay! Everybody is allowed on the server! Have fun!" As this would cause major griefing.
I used a link book at spawn and I crashed. Now, everytime I log in, I crash. I heard if you delete my .dat file, everything should work again. You might have to re-whitelist me though. Thank you!
  • MC Username:Gelock532
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: RP2,TC3 and IC and a few other mods i'm learning.
  • Are you mature:I think so, Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:i don't think so.
  • Do you understand the rules:Yes of course
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:I gonna build something that i think would be cool atm. Like a flying Island city or something.
  • Btw: I'm sorry if my english ist bad. I'm from Germany and try my best too train my english.
  • MC Username: michaelcurtis96
  • Age: 16
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:
  • Buildcraft 3, Thermal Expansion, NEI (won't be asking for recipes over chat!), ComputerCraft, ExtraBiomesXL, Factorization, Forestry, IC2, Iron Chests, MYSTCRAFT!!, Obsidiplates, Railcraft, RP2, Steve's Carts, Soul Shards, Thaumcraft 3, Twillight Forest, Xycraft
  • Are you mature: As far as I am aware, and I'm open to feddback
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: no I ran servers before, but I have never been banned
  • Do you understand the rules: yes, entirely
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: create an separate age and play! (I plan to use all the mods listed above, as well as others I learn