NewCraft|White listed|Dw20 modpack|

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
MC Username: Batman_Joker
Age: 15
Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: yes, all of them for the most part
Are you mature: yes and I don't like people who act like babies
Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: No
Do you understand the rules: yes I do
What do you Plan to do on this server: build and play cooperatively
  • MC Username: Nightwing022
  • Age: 15
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: I'm proficient with most mods in the pack excluding Thermal Expansion and the beekeeping aspect of Forestry
  • Are you mature: Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: No
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Build tons of machinery using Redpower, Computercraft and Buildcraft, possibly IC2. I'd also experiment with Bees.
was i missed or not whitelisted? this seems like a really cool server and it runs the dw20 pack so i'd really like to be on

  • MC Username: Zumadawg
  • Age: 18
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes, majority. IC2, BC 3.X, TC3, Thermal Expansion, Mystcraft, RP2, Railcraft, Portal Gun, GraviGun (not much to know in that one) slight knowledge in Computercraft (although im better with FORTH)
  • Are you mature: Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: no
  • Do you understand the rules: yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I plan to create intricate machines that involve as many mods as possible, although they will probably lean heavily on IC2 and RP2
MC Username: Batman_Joker
Age: 15
Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: yes, all of them for the most part
Are you mature: yes and I don't like people who act like babies
Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: No
Do you understand the rules: yes I do
What do you Plan to do on this server: build and play cooperatively
MC Username: nabei
Age: 19
Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: all except xycraft
Are you mature: Yes
Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Nope.
Do you understand the rules: Yes
What do you Plan to do on this server: To make some friends and play along together =)
  • MC Username: loading_bar678
  • Age: 13
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Yes! Almost all of them, except for railcraft, forestry, and EE3. I excel in IC, Portal gun, and RedPower.
  • Are you mature: Yes, but I will laugh at a good joke. I have a pretty good sense of humor, but will not stand for racism, sexual orientation bullying, or sexism. I will make jokes about me having bad luck. I do not curse, but if someone does I won't cry about it.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Not that I know of, but this profile was passed to me from an older sibling. He always told me about the times h would replace the walls of peoples houses with lava, though.
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, I think I can follow them.
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Explore what this server has to offer, and do a lets-play on youtube. I am looking for a server to use my recording devices on. I will be looking for someone to do it with once I get everything set up.
  • MC Username: daker41
  • Age: 18 - 19 soon
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: bc ic2 rp2 tc3 ee3 and more
  • Are you mature: yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no not that i am aware of
  • Do you understand the rules:yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: yes
  • MC Username: zacen12
  • Age: 18
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: i have watched the direwolf20 series and i have tested some of the mods and the pack
  • Are you mature: yes (if ya mean if i am a non-grifer then ya got yer answer)
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: nothing permanent
  • Do you understand the rules: yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: try all the mods and try to build something awsome
due to me getting no answer, i'd like to know if my post was missed
  • In-Game Username: LKHCraft
  • Age: 14 (15 in january)
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack: I've been Playing with the 'essential' mods (RP, IC, BC etc) since a year now and learned as much as possible and i keep doin that, thanks to wikis. Who would play with the mods without wanting to learn about them.
  • Are you mature: I dont think anyone should judge himself in that, i try to be friendly, helpful etc, if im doin wrong just tell me :)
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I have never been banned from a server
  • Do you understand the rules: of course i understand rules
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: 1st playing FTB, 2nd building cool stuff, 3rd having fun and 4th knowing that there are friendly guys who respect the stuff others do
  • MC Username:The_king_99
  • Age:13 (14 in February)
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:all of them except, im terrible at lua coding but im excellent at RP2
  • Are you mature:well you can be the judge of that but in my opinion yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:not that i know of
  • Do you understand the rules of course
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:Build an amazing base and maybe start up some sort of trading also many automated machine and production lines but nothing that will cause lag or spills :)
If you notice my apostrophe button on my keyboard is broken i need to get a new one :p
  • MC Username: Grimreaper1997
  • Age: 15
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: I have general knowledge with most mods in this modpack (Buildcraft, Thaumcraft, Mystcraft, etc) from playing single player or similar mod packs
  • Are you mature: I believe i am mature and would like to join a community where other players are mature and respectful of other players
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: I have played on 5 server now with no bans
  • Do you understand the rules: I understand the rules and what the consequences will be if i break them
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: I plan to get associated with my own base and get used to some of the newer mods i do not know so well, then i hope to join in with some sever projects (Shared Resource Rooms, Mob Spawners)
  • MC Username: Megenon
  • Age: 14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: Almost every mod
  • Are you mature: yes.
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: no
  • Do you understand the rules: I fully understand them!
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Building a big MFFS Base and helping other players that not know about the modpack. :)
  • MC Username: fanaart
  • Age: 15 ( i will turn 16 very soon)
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: mystcraft
  • Are you mature: Yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: Nope
  • Do you understand the rules: Yes, I do
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: Enjoy the game a little bit relaxing , playing with the community

  • MC Username:zenith123138
  • Age:17
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones: yes, basically all of them but im not all that proficient with computercraft but i am learning.
  • Are you mature:yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what: NURP (no)
  • Do you understand the rules: yes i do
  • What do you Plan to do on this server: i would like to build some larger colab projects with others as well as hopefully learn from some more experienced players on the more advanced aspects of the mods
  • MC Username:maxxie40
  • Age:14
  • Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:yes mistcraft, rp 2, and buildcraft
  • Are you mature:yes
  • Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:no
  • Do you understand the rules:yes
  • What do you Plan to do on this server:having fun