New to FTB

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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
What mods have you tried to add? Also, check for a IDConflicts.txt file whenever trying to add mods. If that's in your Minecraft folder, you'll have to do some config editing to resolve the conflicts. Just make sure you change the ID's of the mod that's being adding, not the one that's already in. And make sure you have any needed core mods, as KingTriaxx mentioned. That's one thing that's easy to miss.

BIg Reactors, if used properly, can produce quite a bit of RF. the highest I've done messing around in a test world was about 500 RF/t, but I've heard of them getting into the thousands.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have tried to add the Atomic Science mod from the universal electricity pack, and Galacticraft. I didn't extract them from anything (I have no idea how, haha), I just downloaded them from the link. I also added in the dependencies or apis or whatever. This was before I patched to the .11 version of dw20, so maybe I should try again? Thanks again guys, you're awesome.

Edit: I just tried adding in Atomic Science again, launched via the launcher, it looked like it was starting to load up, then both launcher and MC crashed. I assume this is because I didn't extract it from a different FTB pack? The only one I saw that includes it is on MCv1.5.2. I checked my .minecraft folder, but I didn't find any error log, also. Thanks again guys!
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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Take the following with a grain of salt, as I'm not able to access my computer right now.

First, are you putting the files in the correct spot (under the "mods" folder)? Second, was there any sort of log in Minecraft itself, or did it immediately close? Third, double check the mod's page and make sure there's no special installation steps you're missing. And fourth, I know ID conflicts can sometimes cause CTDs, so check and see if the conflict file generated. If not, and if you feel like spending a bit of time digging, go through the mod's configs and compare the ID's to those in the universal config and see if you have any overlaps.

Past that, there isn't much I can think of without having access to a computer. If you don't find anything else, I'll try to do some tests and lookup some information in the morning to see if I can help anymore.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
What I meant by extracting them was download FTB modpacks containing them, then use the Edit Mod Pack function of the launcher and point it at the mods from the other pack you want. The Launcher will take care. This will ensure that they're the versions the FTB team has set up to run under the universal configs. Did you also install UE core? If not, it won't work, though I believe any mod pack with Calclavia's version of MFFS should have it already.

I believe that .11 of the Direwolf pack added the UE core, but you should check. If it's still doing it, then under the option for the launcher is the option to have the launcher open when Minecraft closes, which will preserve the log and let you examine it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, I managed to get Big Reactors to work, thanks a ton. I managed to find the crash logs from when I tried to add Atomic Science, the highlights of which are:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: atomicscience.fission.BlockUraniumOre
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: calclavia/lib/prefab/block/BlockRadioactive

Edit: Oops, dunno what happened to the rest of my post, but I was trying to ask if those errors are fixable, or if I should just be happy with Big Reactors haha
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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
They should be fixable, since it looks like it can't find a few classes. I'll take a look at the mod and try to install it myself later today when I get some free time.

Edit: Alright, so I did a bit of messing around, and it looks like the version of Calclavia-Core that we have is out of date, which is causing Atomic Science to crash on load. However, updating it causes a crash with MFFS. So I think in order to get Atomic Science to work, you'll have to update both Calclavia-Core and MFFS manually.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yikes that sounds like a lot of futzing around to convince all my players to do :( Oh well. I've been trying to create an always sunny mystcraft age, but with no luck so far. Do you have any experience with that mod? All the wikis I've read have been very confusing, and even after attempting to follow the respective instructions I've still had to resort to trial and error. Mostly error haha. THanks again for all your help!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Atomic Science requires CalclaviaCore as well as UECore.
And there a setting you will need to change in the CalclaviaCore configuration or else atomic science recipes will be very funny, like 4 bricks surrounding 1 motor for 1 reactor turbine.

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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I've had just a little bit of experience with it. I know you'll need a book binder, an ink mixer, and the other, two block long item (which I've completely forgotten the name of). From there, you'll have to collect some pages, specifically (I believe these are correct) Zenith and Zero Length, as these will lock the world at noon all the time. At this point, I stick them into a notebook to save inventory space. Take the notebook and put it into one of the slots of the largest block. Once in there, feed it some ink and paper, then right click on the pages you want to double from the notebook. Then remove them, and bind them with a link panel in the book binder. At this point, you should have a constant day world. Just don't forget a linking book ;).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far my (failed) books have looked like this, in this order: 3x biomes, 1 large biome controller, normal sun, then zenith/zero length, twinkling stars, dark moon, normal lighting, no weather, scorched surface.
I tried taking out the stars and moon pages, but that made an unstable age. I have been switching the order of the zenith and zero length pages to no avail. Am I ordering my pages incorrectly?


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I'd try it with just the Zenith and Zero Length and see if that works, because your ordering looks correct. If it works with just those two, start adding the other pages in and see what happens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Phased pipes/Teleport pipes are from Advanced Buildcraft Objects(ABO), however I don't think this has ever been in an FTB pack so asking about them here isn't going to work(if a mod isn't in FTB it doesn't exist for most people on here)...

Easiest way will be to use an Ender Tank if you want to move lava, to get Ender Pearls put 4 iron in a crafting grid with a minium stone(use NEI for the recipe pattern) and you'll get an ender pearl.

Oh and WELCOME!!!
ABO is in the DW20 pack and Monster[DOUBLEPOST=1390617733][/DOUBLEPOST]
Once we have EE3 that is ;)

We do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's very confusing, I tried both normal sun/ zero/zenith & sun/ zero/ zenith and each time they spawned 2 suns, the both moved haha. Maybe I have to place the modifiers before the sun?[DOUBLEPOST=1390634623][/DOUBLEPOST]Alright just tried that, and it gave me a world that was night and snowing haha


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
I honestly don't know then. I normally just throw a no weather page in and call it good, so I don't have enough experience with it I guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey I'm back again with another question haha. I am trying to convert solar power to transferrable RF, with little luck. I currently have some solar panels hooked up to electrical engines, which I had initially hooked up to conductive pipe, but I don't know how to get the conductive pipe to flow into something I can put through a tesseract. Then I hooked up the engines to redstone conduit, with also no effect. The engines generate/store power, but none flows through the conduit. Is there something else I need to be doing?
Ps-I'd also be happy being able to push EU through a tesseract, is that possible?


Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Sadly, there is no EU to RF conversion possible with your pack setup (that I know of), and tesseracts can only move RF. IF you really want EU to RF, you could try Mekanism's Universal Cables, as they can convert MJ, RF, EU, and J to each other. I've also heard of Ender IO being able to do something similar, but I don't have any experience with it to confirm it.

Also, the electrical engine outputs MJ, which can't be transferred through conduits anymore. Only RF can, which can be transformed into MJ at the cost of 10 RF to 1 MJ.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In a roundabout way. Use EU/MJ/RF to produce Oil or Lava from the MFR Fabricators. Pipe that liquid (Via tesseracts even) to engines of your desired power type that use that fuel source. It's kind of a pain, but does let you 'convert' power from one type to another via common fuels.