New Mod Packs ***Released***

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Is there any chance of enabling all the 'disabled' mods on the client for unleashed by default?
While it may be pretty simple to enable them, the majority don't seem to. Its resulting in having to post instructions in pretty much all server threads, most of which get ignored anyways. We have tons of people trying to join but get kicked straight away for not enabling the mods.
Is there any chance of enabling all the 'disabled' mods on the client for unleashed by default?
While it may be pretty simple to enable them, the majority don't seem to. Its resulting in having to post instructions in pretty much all server threads, most of which get ignored anyways. We have tons of people trying to join but get kicked straight away for not enabling the mods.
The new launcher should be out soon, which will enable server operators to distribute their configs to the players under a custom pack name.
The new launcher should be out soon, which will enable server operators to distribute their configs to the players under a custom pack name.

Tbh that would probably be worse, if some/most players are having problems enabling mods they sure aren't going to be interested in custom packs.
Surely there is a general consensus on popular enabled mods, BOP seems to be a pretty popular option across servers, however having mods disabled by default on servers I can understand, but clients? It just adds another barrier.
Tbh that would probably be worse, if some/most players are having problems enabling mods they sure aren't going to be interested in custom packs.
How could it possibly be worse? You think that typing in a pack code e.g. 'UnionCraft' is harder than enabling the right set of mods to match the server and then dealing with the consequences for your SSP worlds (and other servers that you might want to connect to with different mods)?
Tbh that would probably be worse, if some/most players are having problems enabling mods they sure aren't going to be interested in custom packs.
Surely there is a general consensus on popular enabled mods, BOP seems to be a pretty popular option across servers, however having mods disabled by default on servers I can understand, but clients? It just adds another barrier.

If players can't be bothered to read the instructions on how to do it, that likely means the can't be bothered to read the rest of your rules.

The ftb official mod packs are what they are, as phil mentioned, beyond that a private pack is needed...and that makes perfect sense. Just because you want certain mods enabled by default doesn't mean that the majority of people do.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
The ftb official mod packs are what they are, as phil mentioned, beyond that a private pack is needed...and that makes perfect sense. Just because you want certain mods enabled by default doesn't mean that the majority of people do.
It doesn't mean they don't either. Feedback, people expressing their opinion on the subject like UnionCraft did, is the only way to know.
How could it possibly be worse? You think that typing in a pack code e.g. 'UnionCraft' is harder than enabling the right set of mods to match the server and then dealing with the consequences for your SSP worlds (and other servers that you might want to connect to with different mods)?

Apparently it would be, the SSP could be an issue, but having the mods enabled wouldn't effect joining other servers in any way, only disabled mods effect joining servers. I completely understand what your saying, to me and you and many others, its a pretty simple affair, but its surprising how many wouldn't even bat an eyelid if you mentioned a private mod pack.

If players can't be bothered to read the instructions on how to do it, that likely means the can't be bothered to read the rest of your rules.

The ftb official mod packs are what they are, as phil mentioned, beyond that a private pack is needed...and that makes perfect sense. Just because you want certain mods enabled by default doesn't mean that the majority of people do.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Your absolutely right, players don't read the rules, thats why we have a team at the ready to enforce them. I honestly wish they would and I wish they would also read the giant text I have put in my forum thread, minecraft lists and our website telling them to enable BOP and Nether Ores, but its still doesnt change the fact that 90% (on average) of the people joining our server get kicked straight away because they are not enabled, and less than 10% (on avaerage) actually go to the trouble of enabling them.

Go look in the Server Promotion forums, (you will have to look in the 'other' servers because Unleashed and Unhinged don't have their own forums for some strange reason), After server name and IP, whats next in most other threads? yep instructions, what are the most popular servers? those that are default, what difference would it make if the Unleashed pack client had all enabled by default? SSP. whats more popular, SSP or SMP?

'I' don't want anything more than players being able to join our server with as least hassle as possible, FTB mod packs were created for that very same reason.

Phil was right, I was just leaving feedback and adding a suggestion, not trying to instigate an argument or make demands but feedback and suggestions aren't much use without information and reasoning.
Phil was right, I was just leaving feedback and adding a suggestion, not trying to instigate an argument or make demands but feedback and suggestions aren't much use without information and reasoning.

I wasn't trying to instigate anything or imply that you were either, was simply stating my opinion right along with yours :)

Surely there is a general consensus on popular enabled mods, BOP seems to be a pretty popular option across servers, however having mods disabled by default on servers I can understand, but clients? It just adds another barrier.

I was aiming my comment mainly at this. The sad fact is there probably isn't a general consensus, and never will be one simply because the vast majority of people that play minecraft/ftb will probably never visit the forums to give us their opinions and feedback. ( was a little short worded because I was bored and writing my response on the bus ride to work on my phone).

While I'm all for making things as easy as possible, I also think that a mod pack author (the ftb team in this case) has to go with what they think is best for their mod pack. In the case of Unleashed, I'm sure they thought long and hard about what mods they wanted to include as disabled by default, and have reasons they did so. Of course people can have opinions and suggests about those disabled mods...we wouldn't get anywhere without people voicing their opinions...I was just adding mine in along with yours, and saying why I think what I do about the topic.

I think a private modpack is the far easier option and doesn't really add any step at all. When someone wants to join a new server, they go to the forum thread, read the details on how to join the server. If it says, "Use Unleashed" then they do that, if it says "Use private pack code XXXXXXX", then they do that, either way it's one step. With the second method you gain the benefit of not having to worry about what is disabled/enabled in a public pack.

Sorry if I sounded a bit brash in my first response, that was in no way my intention :)
Sorry if I sounded a bit brash in my first response, that was in no way my intention :)

No worries, can be hard to tell on forums :)

I agree with you that a private modpack is the easier option, but as unfortunate as it is, I think most people, visit the thread, see the server address and at that point stop reading and try to log in, or completely skip past all other info just to find address. Its a mighty shame it happens like that but as mentioned above, the sheer number of people getting insta kicked due to it was a big eye opener for me.
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No worries, can be hard to tell on forums :)

I agree with you that a private modpack is the easier option, but as unfortunate as it is, I think most people, visit the thread, see the server address and at that point stop reading and try to log in, or completely skip past all other info just to find address. Its a mighty shame it happens like that but as mentioned above, the sheer number of people getting insta kicked due to it was a big eye opener for me.

Yeah, I guess we just differ in that little bit that if they can't read the thread, then I don't want them on my server anyway.
Bigger sure. But what you need is a knowledgeable audience. The ones who might actually be able to help you are more likely to hang out there. Like say the official FTB support staff. :D

I saw the same thing on a server I was putting together with FTB Unleashed as the "base" and additional mods besides. I ran across this post via googling it:

Sounds like it's a known issue with the 1.5.2 compatible of BoP. It didn't prevent me from starting the server up however. Since it lists a single entity you could very likely disable that one mob from the BoP config?


# mob ids

"mob ids" {
I:"Glob ID"=106
I:"Jungle Spider ID"=101
I:"Rosester ID"=102
What determines when a modpack's "recommended" release changes? Is it always one release behind the latest, or are there some internal criteria that are used?
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