Hello and welcome to my server thread. This is a brand new server I setup for me and a couple of friends and we decided to open it up to the public to get some more players and have some fun. The map is almost untouched and all the extra dimensions have just been reset. There are no banned items, and the world is pretty fresh, We use the standard Monster 1.1.1 mod pack with just GeoStrata removed (We hate the world gen as it looks horrible) so its very easy to join our server with your default installation. We have anti grief and block logging plugins as well as some other basic plugins to help us run the server more effectively. The will be NO map resets, ever if possible so rest assured you won't be wasting time to find your creations gone. 
There are no age restrictions to join the server, just don't act like a douche and you will be fine.
The server runs Mytown for anti grief and the nation claim size has been increased to allow you to build and protect a big base (60 chunks).
This is a 20 slot server running on a dedicated machine with a 120mb connection and is set on normal difficulty.
Edit: We have just added a dense ores mining world.
Useful Links:
MyTown commands(for protecting your base):
MyTown Video tutorial:
1. No stealing
2. No griefing
3. No cheating/glitching
Server Ip:
Please fill out a whitelist application in the following format:
In Game Name:
Modded minecraft experience:
Favorite type of cheese:

There are no age restrictions to join the server, just don't act like a douche and you will be fine.

The server runs Mytown for anti grief and the nation claim size has been increased to allow you to build and protect a big base (60 chunks).
This is a 20 slot server running on a dedicated machine with a 120mb connection and is set on normal difficulty.
Edit: We have just added a dense ores mining world.

Useful Links:
MyTown commands(for protecting your base):
MyTown Video tutorial:
1. No stealing
2. No griefing
3. No cheating/glitching
Server Ip:
Please fill out a whitelist application in the following format:
In Game Name:
Modded minecraft experience:
Favorite type of cheese:
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