Yeah, that was a great game
@goreae, I look forward to the next iteration.
edit: normally I think that having a group convo (crost) that isn't wolf team is a terrible idea. But making them anti-investigator made it work.
I'm actually thinking of buffing CROST a bit. I want it to be easier and more rewarding to sell out your fellow members. I want CROST to be mistrusted by the village and wolves alike, but not hated outright like the wolves. Though if they wish, I want them to be able tow work together in really cool ways.
a few ideas I had were to change the identity thief so that instead of having an extra vote, they can get a player's identity papers and give them to someone else. Only once per game though. This both proves that thief's role and the role of the person they read. This power is however affected by the unicorn decoys. So the thief could give someone proof that a grunt in a muscle man, or that the investigator is a wolf.
However, since that now actually has a good power, the generic CROST role will change to Grunt. This dude will survive any one fatal event. The news of their survival (and in effect proof of their role) will be given to anyone involved with the attack. If it's a lynch, the entire village will be made aware of it. It's sort of a trade of safety for proof. Or they can engage in riskier actions and have a sense of safety knowing they can survive one attack.
The WASP will change from one kill to unlimited. Since his power has so many limitations having only one kill seems silly. The old limitations of one day to die and voting still applies. The unicorn will be able to change the viewed role in the decoy to any role in the game.
There will be one more new CROST role, the Janitor. Like from TOS. This guy can change the death message of anyone when they die. A possible application of this is betraying a CROST member without being sold out by the death message. You could also poison someone, bandwagon a grunt, and change the poisoned player's death message to killed by the muscle man, thus giving the illusion that the grunt that was lynched was a muscle man. This would be especially useful if you have a partnership with the wolves to earn trust with the village.
The werevamp and vampire didn't really work in this game too well. They're pretty out of place anyways. They're probably getting removed.
The medium will also change. Instead of getting to joint he dead convo or ask a question, they will be able to converse with dead players in convos containing only the medium and a dead player (and the GM of course!). This will work by the medium starting (or continuing) a conversation with a dead player and saying they are the medium, which I will then confirm and the dead person is then allowed to speak. As such, the dead will not be given every detail of the game anymore.
As an added bonus, the medium will also be allowed to converse will the living in PM when he dies, but not in the game thread.
Questions comments concerns?
EDIT: to be clear, the janitor can't change the role that's shown when the person dies, only the cause of death.