Whitelist Server M's FTB Server | Mindcrack Pack [Whitelist][Hard][18+]

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IGN: MeIsaran
Age (16+): 16
Location: Belgium (Neighbours :D )
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Only very limited with all. I am looking for a "small" server to play it on, because playing alone is so much more boring.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I have a lot of ideas and stuff, but it is making the stuff that sometimes goes wrong, but I think atleast a 7, seeing as what I have build in the past.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): It will start with about an hour (sometimes more, like in the weekends, less when I'm busy) a day. This will certainly go up after time, when I'm more set and really am addicted (I have atleast 3-4 hours a day to be able to game, which I now split between LoL, minecraft, and some others).
Secret Password:7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I know that I'll probably get addicted and will probably find some cool stuff to build.
Few sentences about yourself: I know redstone stuff, can build fairly good. I also make origami and mostly play around 4 and 7 O'clock (which should be about the same in Germany).
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
What I am building now isn't finished at all yet and I don't have any of my old worlds (which I kinda regret).
IGN: DuckAlaPress
Age (18+): 25
Location: Hamburg, Germany
Do you agree to the rules? Yes I do.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I play modded Minecrafft for about 1 1/2 years. I played several singleplayer worlds with different Mods, mainly Buildcraft and IC2 back then.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I think I'm kind of creative. I dont like to use the magic block type machines and tend to build a lot with frame machines. My homes realy depend, on the last Server i Played i made several flying islands with steampunk houses.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): That realy depends on how work I have to do. 1 - 2 hours on average weekdays I'd say and up to 8 hours on a rainy sunday :)
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Because I'm awesome! Well jk, I'm a nice guy to play and build with and I think that I would make a good addition to your playerbase :)
Few sentences about yourself: My Name is Jan, I was a professional Chef for several years and now I write Articles for an online magazine. I enjoy scientific things which i why I enjoy modded minecraft I guess.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: Those are the flying Islands I build ony my old Server, the mage Tower for TC3 on the left and my main Base on the right.
IGN: Lv5LaserLotus
Age (16+): 18
Location: Canada
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Dont have much experience i looking to get some
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:im very creative but need help making those ideas come to life
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): ill play mny hours a day depending on how i feel, could be 3 could be 2 or even 6.
Secret Password:7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? so i can make new friends and build with others
Few sentences about yourself: i dont know much, but i love to share and help others and minecraft is a fun game thats made to be played with others.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:sorry odnt have any pictures im ver new to FTB.

Age (18+):16 (the age was 16+ so i hope i can still join, even that the agelimit is 18 now)


Do you agree to the rules? yes, i do

Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : i have experience with mods, but i don't really have a favorite

How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: redstone builder i love to experience with redstone and mechanics

Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): depends when i'm online i'm mostly on for 2-3 houres in the weeken 4-5 houres
Secret Password:7483

Why should we add your name to the whitelist? my friend hellgast23 also plays on this server and i would love to play with him, and also like u i'm looking for
a nice and friendly server to keep playing on.

Few sentences about yourself: friendly,sportive gamer i love to go out but i also love to just sit in front of my computer and just build something to relax
i love when i find a problem in my redstoneconstruction and i found how to solve it it just gives u that amazing feeling/when a construction works.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: the last server i played on the owner accedently deleted the save file so everything is gone :(
hope u let me in also thnx for reading it :)
best regards draco_von_hagen :)
IGN: Tunnen
Age (18+): 32
Location: Canada
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I've played a lot with IC2, Buildcraft, Forestry, Red Power, Thermal Expansion. My favourite mod used to be Red Power, but is quickly becoming Thermal Expansion.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I have some creativity, though could never make a living off of it. I'd say I'm more of a functional builder, though do build more then just a cube.
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): I'm very active on weekday nights (7pm-12am GMT-8) and weekends all day. I'd say on average about 20 hours a week.
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am a trustworthy and hardworking individual that enjoys playing Minecraft with others.
Few sentences about yourself:
I'm a 32 year old male from the Western coast of Canada. I enjoy Minecraft and other online games. I got back into playing Minecraft over the summer and still amazed by the new mods that are constantly coming out. I host a small private server for my friends, though lately they haven't been playing as often. So I'm looking to joining a more public server as I like to have some social interaction while gaming. I have a microphone and able to communicate through TeamSpeak or Vent, and am also open to other online chatting programs. I am also fine with in game communications. Lately, I've been playing around with the bees from the Extra Bee mod, but also have built other elaborate machines for sorting and processing.

(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: I can't post at the moment since I'm currently at work, but could send some later tonight if you like.
IGN: Artis_is_livebro
Age : 19
Location: USA
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : nope I like all the mods
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: a scale 1-10 I would say 7
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-3 hours
Secret Password:7438
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? No speacial reason just a mature player looking to have fun
Few sentences about yourself: I play minecraft for fun and I'm a very dedicated player.
IGN: ShutUpCow
Age (18+):17
Location: Atlanta ,GA
Do you agree to the rules? Yes, simple and to the point rules.
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I've pretty much mastered every mod in FTB other than Stevescarts, Traincraft, Thaumcraft.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 9/10 (not trying to sound cocky)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): I play whenever I have the chance. I have to juggle gaming with school and homework so I'd estimate 2 hours a day.
Secret Password:7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I feel like I'd be a good addition to your community and could help out with any community projects you need help with.
Few sentences about yourself: I've been playing minecraft sense classic. I've been playing modded minecraft sense Tekkit. I'm easy to get along with. I know I'm 17 not 18, but I feel like you should base your decision off my maturity and personality not strictly my age.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: http://i46.tinypic.com/5tv3ih.png http://i46.tinypic.com/2zfnyfq.png http://i48.tinypic.com/2iavrzp.png
IGN: Saxrold
Age (18+): 18
Location: Netherland
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Good, My favorite mod is Computercraft and Redpower
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: Good
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): About 3 to 5 hour a day
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? im Searching for a nice server and this looks nice!, and will support other players !
Few sentences about yourself: idunno
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode:
IGN: timj1988
Age (18+): 24
Location: Belgium
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I am still strying to learn all the mods but i watched many tutorials online
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: i am not a creative builder but I know how to build stuff
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): for now 4 to 6 hours
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I am looking for a server to play on because i didn't had the motivation to play ftb on my own. I am always trying to help people the best way I can.
Few sentences about yourself: I am 24 years old. I am playing minecraft for about 2 years. So I know many things about it.
IGN: Melodiez_
Age (18+): 19
Location: UK
Do you agree to the rules?: Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I am good with all mods, loooooveee bee's. I also am familiar with mods people havent even really took notice of such as cross breeding plants and so forth.
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I have become admins and ops on many servers because of my building. Here are some links to some videos I have done on my youtube channel on my builds, which have got many views and likes: http://www.youtube.com/user/PureMelodiez?feature=guide (look at the creative ideas videos) they are the ones of my builds :)
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): I play aorund 2-3 hours weekdays and 5-6 hours weekends
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: I am a youtuber looking for a grief free server, one where I can start a series and test out new things. I am very good at community builds and helping others, especially being an admin on many prestigous servers such as Steve Schwindt's Minecraft server and JBrookz. I have so many ideas to sprout and many to put into practice.
Few sentences about yourself: I like playing with others and talking with others while I play, Skype: cheeseonpigwaffles (don't ask why :P). I am creative, love big builds and do youtube, love etho and his friends and looking for a server to rebuild his experience.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: http://www.youtube.com/user/PureMelodiez?feature=guide - this is my youtube channel and on it are videos called creation ideas, whereby you can see a few of my builds on servers I have been admin on and so forth. :)
IGN: Mynameisak
Age (18+): 18
Location: UK, England
Do you agree to the rules? I do
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I have quite a bit of expirience with a lot of the mods, mainly due to my large hours on FTB, Tekkit (and lite) and Technic. I'd have to say my favourite is RP2
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I'd say about 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 3/4 hours a day
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I feel I could add to the community, building or helping build a town
Few sentences about yourself: My name is Alex but go by the names MyNameIsAK, Thantos and Negative throughout many games, I prefer Negative (because it goes better as character names both in Roleplay and general gaming) but half the time it’s not available because some lucky guy or gal stoles it, so Instead I use MyNameIsAk (AK being my initials xD). I'm 18 and living in England/UK, currently in College studying a level 3 course in ICT (extended diploma). I know 2 scripting languages, 3 programming languages and a style-sheet language, along with the more mainstream languages (French and English). Hoping to go to Staffordshire or Cambridge University (Aiming High I know) to do either a Business/ICT course or Computing course.
Age (18+): 18
Location: AZ
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : GregTech
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 5/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 4 hours
Secret Password:Lol
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I wanna be on a whitelist server :p
Few sentences about yourself: I love ftb And minecraft and garrys mod I live In az
Age (18+):For the love of god i'm 17 but just wanna be part of the community i guess 17 is enough (and before you go ask how mature i am... well i grew up following all the rules and stuff i've never been immature)
Location: Denmark
Do you agree to the rules?:Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :i do have quite some experience with the technical ones such as IC2 and GregTech i havn't had the dedication on any other server because of lack of players and chat being all dead and stuff like that does demotivate me
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?:Not very creative
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?):Guess i'll find out but currently i don't have anything else in mind than minecraft
Secret Password:7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?:No particular reason
Few sentences about yourself:i like to mess around with IC2 and stuff but i HATE quarries mostly because i think of the poor players that 1 day is gonna fall through them (well i know it's their fault for being careless not spotting a world hole)

Hoping to get a quick response i'm bored to death so i really hope i can get in and start playing some (i've tried Singleplayer but i can't live without /sethome and /home)
i think he lost intrest and stoped playing i will wait another day or 2 and hten i will look for another server