Whitelist Server M's FTB Server | Mindcrack Pack [Whitelist][Hard][18+]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
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Awwww the applications are closed :(
Oh well this is for when they are back open hopefully :D
IGN: Jaelbreaker
Age (16+): 19
Location: Texas
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Secret Password: 735
I hope I can join the server!!!!
Age (16+):16
Do you agree to the rules?:I do
Secret Password:735
IGN: zpdc10
Age (16+): 18
Location: USA (Michigan)
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Secret Password: 735
New Applications are welcome! We are looking for 5 more Players.
I added some questions to the application-form. Dont be fooled by older applications, those will not longer be accepted!
this is a application for me and my friend we would really like to join
Age (18+):18
Location: the netherlands
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : most with industrial and buildcraft
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 8/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 3-5 hours
Secret Password:977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? we have been looking for a good server to play on and not getting griefed all the time
Few sentences about yourself:
my name is Robin
i started playing minecraft when it just came out after that i played alot of tekkit and now im getting into ftb
and i watch a lot of mindcrack still going to school and thibauldz is my buddy
i work at a bed store and my english is pretty good
Age (18+):19
Location: the netherlands
Do you agree to the rules? yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : redpower and forestry
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 2-5 hours
Secret Password:977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? we have been looking for a good server to play on and not getting griefed all the time
Few sentences about yourself:
hi i'm thibauld and i'm from the Netherlands i'm a good friend of robinvv and we played ftb mindcrack before but want to play it together.
i play a lot of video games and spend most of my time gaming i study ict.
IGN: kauzo
Age (18+): 23
Location: Germany
Do you agree to the rules? Yes!
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : Railcraft, Buildcraft
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 7/10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 1-5
Secret Password: 977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?
Your server seems to be what I'm looking for!

Few sentences about yourself:
Student of mechanical engineering...
Age (18+): 18
Location: USA, Michigan
Do you agree to the rules? yes i do
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) :ive played tekkit for a while and my favorite mod is buildcraft/industriel craft
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: im pretty creative but im not an insane builder from 1 to 10 maybe a 6
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): 0 - 30 hours a week
Secret Password: 977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: because ive been looking for a white listed FTB server forever so that i wouldnt get greifed and im hoping this is the one
Few sentences about yourself:im an awesome guy who just wants to play FTB with out getting greifed. im nice and not a dick.
IGN: samuraipanda33
Age 15
Location: Ohio
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I have played tekkit profusely, and I'm just beginning FTB, my favorite mod would be RedPower (:
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: 1-10? I would be a 7, I've never built the same thing twice, I create around my environment
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): At least 2
Secret Password: 977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? Because I want a good server to play on, and you look like you have a fun and friendly atmosphered' one
Few sentences about yourself: Even though I am younger then most, I will be turning 16 in a month. I'm professional and I like to be very neat and organized. I pride myself in my understanding of logic and CNT. I love to create logic-based contraptions, and in vanilla I usually create inventions of redstone. With RedPower, that allows me to expand my creations so much!! >:D well, that's most about me, I'll be glad to come on your server. Thanks for reading!
IGN: mrhans10
Age (16+): 17
Do you agree to the rules? Yup!
Secret Password: 735[DOUBLEPOST=1357923501][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: mrhans10
Age (16+): 17
Location: Denmark
Do you agree to the rules? Yup!
Secret Password: 735
IGN: neowargraymon
Age (18+): 13, but i understand that there is language that are inappropriate language and i'm mature to accept that people use them
Location: Canada
Do you agree to the rules?: yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : i have a favorite mod pack which is Tekkit, but the mod i like would have to be equivelent exchange
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: i would rate myself as a 5-6 out of 10
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): about 4-5 hours a day, on the weekend is like 10-11 hours
Secret Password:977
Why should we add your name to the whitelist?: i like to be on non busy servers with not alot of server lag and this server fits the description
Few sentences about yourself: im creative on my building and i spend alot of time to make things perfict ( more like OCD much) and i dont hurt people in any way, i also try my best to help everyone around me in ways that they will befriend me, i dont make things 2 time mostly because i make 20x20's and forget the design, i dont do much but cut down trees and build and im down for any adventure and mining if anyone asked me if i wanted to.
(optional) Pictures of a build you created in survival mode: i wish i could show, but i had to delete my minecraft and tekkit files because of them not working properly
the server will be back soon. i'm removing old dynmap files

edit: the server is online :)
Update Jan 22, 2013:

We are currently looking for 5 more players willing to join our small and friendly community.

Here are some pictures of the buildings we are working on:

IGN: Bob_Sack
Age (18+): 21
Location: BC, Canada
Do you agree to the rules? Yes
Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I'm very knowledgeable about FTB overall, but my expertise is mostly in Computercraft, Buildcraft, and Redpower. My favourite is RP but I'm very interested in learning more about Thaumcraft right now
How creative a builder would you rate yourself as?: I spend far too long building things to make them look pleasant, and would really like to post pictures of some of my greatest creations, but unfortunately I haven't thought to screen-cap them
Activity-Level (How many hours a day do you play?): It can be between 1 and 10 hours in a day, but weekly; I would say an easy 40 hours of server play
Secret Password: 7483
Why should we add your name to the whitelist? I consider myself creative, dedicated, and very helpful to the community
Few sentences about yourself: I'm male, a bit introverted but enjoy the feeling of community and dedicate a big chunk of my time to non-personal builds. I've run my own server in the past, as well