Most Efficient Start

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Okay, let's just back up a bit. As someone else pointed out, there is no 'best'. There are things that work and things that don't work and then after tinkering a bit with each of them you decide which one you like the most. That's the 'best'. For you. Nobody else can tell you what you're going to like and thus nobody can tell you which is 'best'.

Additionally, you don't 'beat' a sandbox game. It goes and goes and goes until you run out of ideas. Then you set it aside until you get more ideas and then it continues to go and go and go. So I would suggest for your consideration that you dispense with the notion of 'best' or the idea that at any point you will have 'beaten' the game. Once you understand that, you're in good shape to enjoy the game.
I saw a good "beating minecraft" video ages ago. Long before the Endermen, but after the nether. It was a simple idea. Get 9 dirt. Technically 10 for the floor. Built properly you didn't need a eleventh block. Set up four two block high walls, then place the roof over your head. Guess what? You just beat minecraft!
'Course, it was a joke video. Now everyone's all like "beat the dragon and you beat Minecraft!" or "Beat the Wither and you've Beat Minecraft!". Personally, I'm all like "Make a machine to automatically kill the wither on the cheap and you've got EU forever." and still end up working on making a Massive Particle Accelerator just for the hell of it.
I saw a good "beating minecraft" video ages ago. Long before the Endermen, but after the nether. It was a simple idea. Get 9 dirt. Technically 10 for the floor. Built properly you didn't need a eleventh block. Set up four two block high walls, then place the roof over your head. Guess what? You just beat minecraft!
'Course, it was a joke video. Now everyone's all like "beat the dragon and you beat Minecraft!" or "Beat the Wither and you've Beat Minecraft!". Personally, I'm all like "Make a machine to automatically kill the wither on the cheap and you've got EU forever." and still end up working on making a Massive Particle Accelerator just for the hell of it.

I've had my power plant set up to cover my needs for ages. I count ingots by the stack of metal blocks. If I drop below a stack of diamonds on hand I run a quarry. There are mods in the current Ultimate pack that I haven't used at all, and I just finished the structural components of a 70 block tall articulated frame creeper robot. I've got a frame miner with dozens of arcane bores awaiting enchants for the wands and pickaxes. And when the mega creeper and mega turtle are complete, I've already got another vast project in mind. Just like you, I'm at the point where I do things now strictly for the hell of it, and it's an awful lot of fun.
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I agree there is no best method, but I don't hear many people talking about Oil as a first fuel. Combustion engines only require Iron (so no special processing machines needed) and have a very high MJ output for a first engine (you can practically run a Pulverizer at full speed with 1 engine, that's very powerful for your 1st ore processing system).

Personally I like starting with Oil a lot and it isn't hard to find enough to last you to your first tree farm (and make Biofuel). Last game I used a really small Oil well and I didn't even need the entire puddle that was at the surface before I could start my treefarm. So yeah, even a small puddle of Oil can help you a ton early game.
You don't have to worry about cooling either, 1 bucket of Oil can't produce enough heat to explode a combustion engine. Though after every bucket you need to let the engine cool down (breaking and replacing can help in this regard, or just manually filling it with water). Of course an early Aqua Accumulator and some water proof pipes/Liquiducts can solve the issue as well, but generally I don't have those before my first engines+Pulverizer.
Okay, let's just back up a bit. As someone else pointed out, there is no 'best'.

But isn't that more of a philosophical standpoint than a helpful answer? Let me explain what I mean. If someone asks for the "best" way to do something in Minecraft (or any game), they tend to be after some good advice to avoid using something that most people with more knowledge of the game would consider being crap. Crap here meaning inefficient, overly expensive, slow etc. compared to other alternatives that generate equivalent or better results.

Obviously, this is a sandbox game, and the most efficient, cheapest, quickest way to do something may not be something you end up doing for whatever reason. Still, most people like to be able to make informed decisions, and "testing everything" may not be a particularly interesting or fun option given a sufficiently complex game.
Honestly this is just like what nose do I have kind of question but let me share my though process on this matter.. (I am told I am crazy fast at this game) First I dont think in what specific mod I am going to use but what basic stuff we need at the beginning. So goals.. Quarry brings in tons of resources, so you need lots of MJs. Ways of storing MJ and producing MJ. Thermal expansion is basically what I focus on first. I use either peat or hobbyist steam engines to get going but as little engine stuff as possible because the real producer is a railcraft LP steam boiler. 36LP solid fuel boiler is my first real main goal. To fuel that you need a tree farm and a TE saw mill. One saw mill running constantly can power 4 36LP boilers. One boiler will produce 72 Mjs. A quarry running at max speed uses like 47-48Mjs. So you have plenty left of over to pulverise and smelt the stuff. Item tesseracts and diamond pipes are your friends on setting up the wood automation. gates can help with keep an ender chest full of planks that the boilers eat off of. (boilers pull fuel from adjacent inventories.) So one ender chest is powering right now in my base 5 36LP boilers. And I just started on this project. Last thing you will need a rolling machine to make the iron plates that make the boiler. You also need a tiny amount of blaze powder. Deserts have that. So some searching is in order to find this stuff. Once I found out how much more efficient boilers are I never went back. They produce the most power per fuel unit.
Never used any sort of boilers or stuff tho so that part is all new to me. I always just went from electric engines and solar panels to lava and geothermals. But now my new base needs cherry wood out the butthole.
If you have Factorization installed and you can't get to a Quartz Grindstone early on, I highly suggest Factorization Slag Furnace, and even afterward processing silver with it is still a bit useful.
If you have Factorization installed and you can't get to a Quartz Grindstone early on, I highly suggest Factorization Slag Furnace, and even afterward processing silver with it is still a bit useful.

The quartz grindstone's from applied energistics actually :).

And It's a viable starting method, but a pulverizer + a few clockwork engines do the same, but more time efficiently, moreover, you can even use said clockwork engines for even the magma cruicible and that esentially lets you grind up conduits without touching bc pipes.
Never used any sort of boilers or stuff tho so that part is all new to me. I always just went from electric engines and solar panels to lava and geothermals. But now my new base needs cherry wood out the butthole.

There is a great forum post that goes into massive detail with graphs and everything about boilers and how much power they use. I highly recommend checking it out. The basic synposis is HP is just smaller not better then LP boilers and use more fuel to startup. So go with basic iron LP boilers. Make sure they always have fuel and never run out. But other then that they are the best option for producing power.
1. Whats the best/easiest form of Energy.
2. Whats the easiest way to get Biomass/Biofuel
3. The best storage room?
4. Best mining method?

The BEST way is YOUR way. That's the POWER of Minecraft. You can do whatever you want. This freedom of choice is the thing it makes me addicted to MC :)

The fastest way is making axe, then cobble pick, mine iron, make a cobble furnace, iron pickaxe, more mining (gold, diamond, redstone, mods ores. For making power the cheapest is making charcoal from trees. Later you can make iron furnace, some IC2, TE machines for doubling your ores. Also try Tinker's Contruct tools - more durable than normal iron tools with ability of adding modifiers to it's.

For me also very important is WHAT you want to build ? Automated farms, fancy buildings, big buildings, self sustaining power generators each for 1 mod or universal for everyone you're using ?
There is a great forum post that goes into massive detail with graphs and everything about boilers and how much power they use. I highly recommend checking it out. The basic synposis is HP is just smaller not better then LP boilers and use more fuel to startup. So go with basic iron LP boilers. Make sure they always have fuel and never run out. But other then that they are the best option for producing power.

I still need to figure out where to start and see if sakura trees can be automated in a tree farm.
The quartz grindstone's from applied energistics actually :).

And It's a viable starting method, but a pulverizer + a few clockwork engines do the same, but more time efficiently, moreover, you can even use said clockwork engines for even the magma cruicible and that esentially lets you grind up conduits without touching bc pipes.

I meant if you had it but couldn't get to an AE grindstone..
I have foresty and MFR. Didnt get steve's carts. Guess Ill check their wikis.
With MFR, a tree farm is very easy.

First, you get a Harvester, a Planter, and a Fertilizer. You can look up recipes for both in NEI. To get the Plastic Sheets, you need to cook Rubber into Raw Plastic, then combine 4x rubber plastic in a square to get 4x plastic sheets. Yes, you will need to hook up a power supply, MJ works best, but if you have UE, that can also be easily converted to MJ in an Energy Cube.

You don't need any fancy shmancy upgrades, all you need is a single sapling of the appropriate tree type you want to harvest. When you bring up the interface, place one in the center of the Planter's color grid. Remember that the planter goes underneath where the sapling is going to be planted. There's several ways to produce Industrial Fertilizer. You can either start off with the combine recipe that involves bone meal wheat and some other stuff, or you can build an animal pen and a Sewer, then process the sewage into fertilizer via a Composter.

This is probably faster than even a Gala SC2 Tree Farm and certainly faster than Forestry's multiblock farm. You will need piping to move saplings from the harvester to the planter. This can be done via AE (export bus set to the appropriate sapling type on the planter if you are already hooking up an Import Bus to the Harvester) or via pipes (use a Diamond Pipe to filter the saplings, then run them through an Insertion Pipe hooked up to your planter, and finally ending up as biofuel or whatever).

Yes, I will be writing a guide on MFR on my blog once I get a chance to turn around twice.
But isn't that more of a philosophical standpoint than a helpful answer? Let me explain what I mean. If someone asks for the "best" way to do something in Minecraft (or any game), they tend to be after some good advice to avoid using something that most people with more knowledge of the game would consider being crap. Crap here meaning inefficient, overly expensive, slow etc. compared to other alternatives that generate equivalent or better results.

Obviously, this is a sandbox game, and the most efficient, cheapest, quickest way to do something may not be something you end up doing for whatever reason. Still, most people like to be able to make informed decisions, and "testing everything" may not be a particularly interesting or fun option given a sufficiently complex game.

It's not so much philosophical as practical. Testing everything as a project isn't practical. Testing something and seeing how you feel about it is. And if you don't really like it, then next time you'll test something else. Testing doesn't have to be researching and building and evaluating, it can be as simple as reading a few wiki pages. Steering people away from the notion of 'best' is indirectly steering them away from reaching the point where they say, "okay, I have all of 'the best' now so I guess I'm done." If we did more of that, we wouldn't have crap mods like <bleep> that artificially extend access to 'the best' in order to extend how long you can play before you 'beat the game.'
the best energy source is probably lava, crafting a geothermal is like crafting a solar panel that is much easier to craft and outputs 20 times more energy. either that or a treefarm powering a boiler.