I saw a good "beating minecraft" video ages ago. Long before the Endermen, but after the nether. It was a simple idea. Get 9 dirt. Technically 10 for the floor. Built properly you didn't need a eleventh block. Set up four two block high walls, then place the roof over your head. Guess what? You just beat minecraft!Okay, let's just back up a bit. As someone else pointed out, there is no 'best'. There are things that work and things that don't work and then after tinkering a bit with each of them you decide which one you like the most. That's the 'best'. For you. Nobody else can tell you what you're going to like and thus nobody can tell you which is 'best'.
Additionally, you don't 'beat' a sandbox game. It goes and goes and goes until you run out of ideas. Then you set it aside until you get more ideas and then it continues to go and go and go. So I would suggest for your consideration that you dispense with the notion of 'best' or the idea that at any point you will have 'beaten' the game. Once you understand that, you're in good shape to enjoy the game.
'Course, it was a joke video. Now everyone's all like "beat the dragon and you beat Minecraft!" or "Beat the Wither and you've Beat Minecraft!". Personally, I'm all like "Make a machine to automatically kill the wither on the cheap and you've got EU forever." and still end up working on making a Massive Particle Accelerator just for the hell of it.