We don't offer any but it was brought up. I agree with you thoughYou're running a bad idea to begin with.
We don't offer any but it was brought up. I agree with you thoughYou're running a bad idea to begin with.
Welp, there goes my evening. I'm already four tabs deep.I do this with extreme caution, but: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BribingYourWayToVictory
What have you done to me!I do this with extreme caution, but: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BribingYourWayToVictory
It was ten minutes! Luckily my partner rescued me to take me out to dinner.I've been thirty tabs in. Four is nothing.
So instead of hat fortress 2 we have Morph Fortress 2?How to make Morph fun: disable mob abilities.
You now have full-body Hats. Was that so hard?
i suggest having an XP drain whilst morphed with a multiplier in the config![]()
Look at the last post before yoursi'm pretty sure that i'm not understanding almost fully 100 percent of the posts preceding my initial suggestion here, i've not read over the last 2 pages so will just go ahead and make the assumption that the title of this discussion has not been relevant for a while...
makes me kind of sad that i put the time into reading the rest though![]()
...Look at the last post before yours
January 20th was over a month ago
Not a single bit, my friend....
i did that, so does that mean Morph has been balanced now? i'm using Morph-Beta-0.6.0
So? It's still a valid topic. All this necromoaning is really annoying.Look at the last post before yours
January 20th was over a month ago
That was the point of my post. I did not state the topic was invalid, I merely said that it was necroposting.So? It's still a valid topic. All this necromoaning is really annoying.
Now, it would be stupid not to be able to use anything as a bat, but not being able to wear amour and doing very little damage to other mobs/players seems balanced.yup, bats don't have arms, so why can they use tools? they also can't wear armor, so why can players do if they morph into a bat?
Morph is created as a mod for modjam, so ichun only had so much time to make the mod, so the balance is something that'll come later.
I've often mentioned this before about Morph, but in my opinion it should be changed so you take on the full morph of an entity. a bat has no arms to use tools nor can it wear armor, so if you morph in a bat you shouldn't be able either. you should also take the amount of health that the bat has when morphed into a bat, meaning some mobs may be able to 1hit KO you if you're not careful. I was also thinking about having morphs have a time duration, which can be extended by killing more of that type
But dont packs/bags count as single items holding inventories?My thought is that most people have already moved past the "oh my gawd this is so OP!" reaction & have either decided to use it because it is nifty & cool & convenient or not use it because it is breaking their game experience.
While I find all the arguments over balance to be somewhat silly, I'd balance bat flight by either tying in the same hunger mechanic that allows regeneration (need full hunger bar to fly) or adding a weight mechanic (need almost empty inventory to fly, based on total items, not empty slots so packs & bags won't help you).
Now, it would be stupid not to be able to use anything as a bat, but not being able to wear amour and doing very little damage to other mobs/players seems balanced.
Your ideas?
Absolutely great ideas!you could have a leveling like method, killing more bats will level up your bat form, allowing you to be able to use more inventory slots as a bat.
at lvl1 only your first hotbar slot is available, at lvl3 your first 3 inventory slots in your hotbar open up, at lvl6 your first 6 inventory slots open up, at level 9 your whole hotbar opens up etcetcetc
reason why I'm suggesting a leveling system because it'd really seem interesting for Morph, instead of killing 1 mob and be done with it, you'll need to keep hunting those mobs to improve your morph