Okay, so a quick update.
I've revised all mods for the packs, tested, shuffled, test again, found some breaking issues, Myrathi in swung like FREAKING BATMAN and fixed code, tested more, and it's stable enough for a beta release. Server and client packs have been uploaded, and now we wait for the repo team to check and if it passes, push to the repository for all to test.
NOT ENJOY. To test. We are still in beta, people!
The good news is, 0.6 worlds *should* translate to 0.7 but this will need further testing also.
Biomes O Plenty is in the pack BUT IS DISABLED. You will need to enable it via the launcher. Configs are in place, it should sync right in. Also, a very important point. You will need to enable it in both single player and/or on a server. Details on their forum post:
There is additional news, and some really cool stuff, but we're waiting on further collaboration in the team before it's announced. It's not my place to do such.
Finally, thanks to all who joined in on my testing spree in the chat area of the google spreadsheet .. and after that, joined in to watch Black Dynamite together

That was cool