Mod/Item/Stuff Ideas

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, if you're anything like me, you constantly have ideas for cool and interesting items that would be "soooo cool!" And I know that if we all made a seperate thread for each new idea we want to share then they'd just end up being ignored and not getting much exposure to those who actually matter; the mod makers.
On these forums quite a few major modmakers regularly post; the likes of KingLemming(thermal expansion), Machinemuse(modular power suits), Sengir(forestry/buildcraft) etc have been known to post in these forums and maybe they could look at a thread like this.

Anyway, post your ideas for stuff and let's see if any are good enough so that the right people take notice.

Me first XD
I was mining earlier today and thought that the amount of cobble I was mining was ridiculous and I'd love to have a way for it to automatically be voided without it ever cluttering my inventory.
Basically the premise is, you can right click while holding the pick to open a GUI that lets you add up to 9 different items that would be automatically voided if the pick breaks said material.
It would be as fast as a diamond pick (maybe a little slower) and cost 2 diamonds, a minature black hole, and 2 sticks.

Just a quick disclaimer; this is not a "please can some mod maker add this idea and credit me"
I have no coding experience, nor am I likely to ever have any coding experience, if any mod maker finds any idea that I have, be it this one or another in the future, to be worthy of implementation, I ask no credit whatsoever. :)

Now that's out of the way, what ideas do you creative peeps have?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bruh, that's pricy! But it's still a good idea. Maybe a void pipe or combine a pick with a void pipe, or have void pipes instead of sticks, or...just use void pipes instead of something that requires a wither star :eek: Now for mine!

You know Gregtech's freezer item? It's one of his many machines with casings. Now, you may also be aware of his other gaseous cells, like Hydrogen that can be created from Bauxite electrolysis. These can be stored in Railcraft tanks through use of the Liquid Transposer. But how does it turn gas into liquid?! I believe the current setup seems a little bit unrealistic for a game in which you create a fusion reactor by hand. So why not use the Vacuum Freezer (yeah I actually did look it up) to turn the gaseous Hydrogen to liquid Hydrogen, which can then be sent through the Liquid Transposer.

Not only does it provide realism, but it gives the Vacuum Freezer a use!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bruh, that's pricy! But it's still a good idea. Maybe a void pipe or combine a pick with a void pipe, or have void pipes instead of sticks, or...just use void pipes instead of something that requires a wither star :eek: Now for mine!
tbh I was considering just using an enderpearl there, and that would certainly add to the void-ness of it, but thought people might think it too "OP" so decided on the minature black hole instead (which also fit's the theme... the cobble is sucked into the black hole)

I'd comment on your idea.. but... the futhest I ever went in a gregtech enabled world was to build some thermal expansion machines :p then I quit and went back on DW20


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Too expensive for what it provides. I'd say obsidian pipes, diamond pipes, and void pipes would be better used for this perhaps to make an upgrade for any pickaxe that gives it filtering to void stuff.

But how does it turn gas into liquid?!

It doesn't. It is stored as a gas. You'll see it called "gaseous hydrogen" in the game. Although being able to use it to turn it into a liquid hydrogen might be interesting, but then we'd need a way to store it as liquid hydrogen needs to be kept it between 15°k to 20°k if memory serves. That's pretty damn cold, so we're talking about needing superconductors, magnets (you'll have to figure out how they work), and a massive heat transfer system and heat isolation system.

tbh I was considering just using an enderpearl there, and that would certainly add to the void-ness of it, but thought people might think it too "OP" so decided on the minature black hole instead (which also fit's the theme... the cobble is sucked into the black hole)

How about an eye of ender which allows you to bind the pick to an inventory, and then it automatically teleports everything you mine into that inventory? While this sounds overpowered, you get this with one extra step by making an ender chest and ender pouch, so maybe a pulsating chipset? Perhaps make it slower, or have less durability?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I thought it was "liquid hydrogen"
Unless it said something about "liquid registry" in which case I was...wrong.

But anyways, lava can be stored in railcraft tanks, and it's warmer. Maybe if there was a way to pressurize it, that could work too.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Instead of an ender pearl why not a new item like an ender diamond/gem; a diamond surrounded by 8 enderpearls. That way it's the same cost as a diamond pick.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Too expensive for what it provides. I'd say obsidian pipes, diamond pipes, and void pipes would be better used for this perhaps to make an upgrade for any pickaxe that gives it filtering to void stuff.

jeez as soon as you post everyone comes running ;)
hows about this? but then make it a little slower/less durable than the dia pick as a result of being 1 dia cheaper.

edit: I also like the idea of the diamond surrounded by 8 enderpearls, that could be sehr cool!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Instead of an ender pearl why not a new item like an ender diamond/gem; a diamond surrounded by 8 enderpearls. That way it's the same cost as a diamond pick.
And it could be used in other tools, like a shovel!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It could be a stand alone, It's not exactly a "feature-packed" mod, so getting someone to code a single pickaxe for you shouldn't be all too hard. Can it be enchanted?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Only three things come to mind at the moment.
- Some sort of multiblock chest. It could work like Xycraft's tanks in that its internal storage is dependent on its size or something, but its main feature would be how it's basically a really long chest, in terms of space.
- A light source that does not melt snow.
- Being able to turn most blocks into light sources, somehow. For example, you could have a grass field where every 5th block is a grass block that emits as much light as Glowstone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It could be a stand alone, It's not exactly a "feature-packed" mod, so getting someone to code a single pickaxe for you shouldn't be all too hard. Can it be enchanted?
ah I'm not exactly putting it out there as a "I WANT THIS NAO!"
more along the lines of I had an idea I thought was cool while I was sleeping in the passenger seat on a roadtrip and wanted to share it, while also providing a place for others who might have similar creative thoughts to do the same.

- A light source that does not melt snow.
RP lamps/glowstone/xycraft lightblocks don't melt snow iirc
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert, have you seen the Reliquary Destruction Catalyst? It is somewhat similar to your pickaxe.
As for what I want, sensors for many different things would be pretty cool (think: Railcraft detectors).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- A light source that does not melt snow.
Redstone torch. Light level melts snow layer, special light source that would treat snow differently would be not worth it. You can use snow covers to make unmelting snow. For hidden light you can use covers or facades, unfortunately grass facades don't have biome coloring.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert, have you seen the Reliquary Destruction Catalyst? It is somewhat similar to your pickaxe.
As for what I want, sensors for many different things would be pretty cool (think: Railcraft detectors).
honestly, I haven't seen anything of XR other than what was shown in Mead's and Dire's LPs


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
honestly, I haven't seen anything of XR other than what was shown in Mead's and Dire's LPs
x3n0ph0b3 said:

This flint, once transformed by the touchstone of Midas, has the ability to spark gunpowder off without a need for sand or silly things such as fuses. It applies potent destruction in a 3x3x3 cube for the price of 3 gunpowder.

It has another advantage, that it will only destroy mundane blocks like dirt, gravel and stone. Unlike the Destruction Catalyst of olde, however, it literally destroys them. You receive no drops for blocks which are destroyed by the Destruction Catalyst.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ah I'm not exactly putting it out there as a "I WANT THIS NAO!"

I'll put it out there.

It's a good idea, and I'd love to see it implemented in vanilla FTB! Or maybe even an "Ender Pick", that would automatically take all items (or just the items you specify) and put them in a cloud storage for easy voiding, so it'll go right to your sorting machine.