Mod Discovery

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I found 2 new mods! (Posted in What's New With Modded Minecraft thread too)

DimStorage (Dimensional Storage)

I'm currently working on 1.7 version!

DimStorage add an improved and technologic version of Vanilla Ender Chests with more functionalities:
- chest owner selection
- inventory frequence selection
- lock system for private usage !

Dimensional Chest:
Allow player to access storage for configured owner and frequency.

“Frequency” is a number choose by player and who allow to identify the chest content.
A public DimChest with frequency 5 share his inventory with others DimChest who are publics and with the same frequency.
A private DimChest with frequency 5 doen’t share his inventory with previous DimChest because he’s public !
Same way if frequencies are differents !

The “locked” mode allow access interdiction for players who are not the DimChest owner.
Hoppers or other piping system are disabled when “locked” mode is active !

- Dimensional Chest UI:


- ComputerCraft usage:

ComputerCraft see DimChest as peripheral so you can attach a computer and access to DimChest functions:
- String getOwner(): return DimChest owner name (default is “public”)
- int getFreq(): return the DimChest frequency.
- setOwner(String owner): allow computer to change DimChest owner (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setPublic(): allow computer to change DimChest owner for “public” (not possible when DimChest is locked) .
- setFreq(int freq): allow computer to change DimChest frequency (not possible when DimChest is locked) .

- Code sample:
local dimchest = peripheral.wrap(“right”)


if dimchest.isLocked()then
  print(“DimChestisnot locked, changing frequence”)

Simple Lock - Protect your land
Kinda like PnC's (PneumaticCraft) Security Station but no way to hack in
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i am expecting it to work like those old cool crafting tables in old versions of tekkit classic. (haven't tested yet)
I've already seen the majority of the mods posted here, but I'm glad that they're getting more recognition. Some mods can be useful in other ways as well, like SimpleFluidTanks. There isn't any form of a quantum tank for 1.6.4, with the exception of GregTech which I don't use, so I downloaded SimpleFluidTanks. I configured it to the maximum capacity possible, and I changed the recipe to be something appropriate for its value and I got myself a quantum tank :)
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A couple mods that I've known about for a while that I would like to bring up.

The first being the Plant Mega Pack. It's been gaining popularity recently, but I think more people should know about it.

And the second is called Modular Flower Pots. It's a mod that adds, well modular flower pots. These pots also allow you to grow miniature versions of trees and it's fully (or almost fully) compatible with Biomes O' Plenty.
what do you mean "broken mechanic"? also as long as you have it open how does it work with unstackables? does it stack them out does it just break? I want to know.
if some people thing that dartcraft was op...
it works with anything that can be crafted in vanilla workbench, i didnt try unstable ingots but that would be kinda dangerous...
so if you craft any kind of pickaxe you will get them stacked.
if some people thing that dartcraft was op...
it works with anything that can be crafted in vanilla workbench, i didnt try unstable ingots but that would be kinda dangerous...
so if you craft any kind of pickaxe you will get them stacked.
imagine... use that with the twilight forest uncrafting table.
Here is a new one you guys might like. It is called Electrical Age mod. It got released 3 days ago and it pretty much as all the features from the start. Lots of content in this one
Looks fantastic.

As a fan of ElectriCraft, I wonder how they compare. I love Reika's electrical system, and stuff like resistors and relays and whatnot. But a few quibbles persist, such as an inability to run resistors in series/parallel with expected results, and the lack of any kind of microblock support.