Whitelist Server MiraiCraft | Monster 1.1.0 | Whitelist

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In-game name: Ziibez
Age: 21
Country: England
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I'm here until the end :D I enjoy amassing the greatest wealth possible with the least effort. So I try to automate everything and enjoy my time while I do it.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I don't think there is a modpack out there I've not played atleast once!!
Why do you want to play on this server: A fresh server sounds absolutely perfect to me, a new community that I can settle in and make new friends and not feel like the person who's joined too late and is out of the loop.
Skype or other form of contact: I'd prefer to be contacted through the FTB forums as I use my Skype for business and there's not really a better way to get ahold of me besides personal details :P.
Any questions you have: When can I start? :D
In-game name: PGZeth
How long you will play for and what are your plans: Until the server goes down. I don't have any plans.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: 2 years++ of modded minecraft
Why do you want to play on this server:I want a fresh start,maybe get new friends...
Skype or other form of contact: PM me your skype and i would add you.
Any questions you have:Nope
f1nt1nt1n, Ziibez and PGZeth. Thank you for applying. I have added you all to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
In-game name: ThecougarDs
Age: 21
Country: Canada
How long you will play for and what are your plans: Nights and weekends when I have time
Your experience with this or other modpacks: The little time I spent on the previous server!
Why do you want to play on this server: Same reason as last time xD
Skype or other form of contact: skypename: thecougard
Any questions you have: Nope!
In-game name: GallantBlade475
Age: 14, but mature
Country: US
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will play until I realize I'm having more fun somewhere else. I plan on playing enough to play with Thaumic Tinker KAMI.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: Not much, but I can work pretty much anything.
Why do you want to play on this server: People + Mods = fun
Any questions you have: Can we make requests for our Mystcraft age? Biome, sky, ect.
In-game name: Ole_per
Age: 16
Country: Norway
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I will play as most as i can. My plans is to build an epic base, and hopefully get some new friends
Your experience with this or other modpacks: i got alot of experience with many mod pack but this one im quite new
Why do you want to play on this server: I want to play on a server with not to many people and low ping. this server looks perfect
Skype or other form of contact: I got skype but dnot wanna post it here, so PM if needed, and i use Teamspeak all the time.
Any questions you have: Not Atm
In-game name: elephent3
Age: 21
Country: uk
How long you will play for and what are your plans: been off FTB since ultimate due to traveling so looking for fun place to play again so as long as i can
Your experience with this or other modpacks: been a while as traveling new zealand but learn quickly and got rough ideas
Why do you want to play on this server: looking for a new fun place to play and have a laugh
Skype or other form of contact: got TS and skype can PM if needed
Any questions you have: nope not really
In-game name: En_Terrorist
Age: 20
Country: Norway
How long you will play for and what are your plans: ill play until i reach endgame and then some :)
Your experience with this or other modpacks: i have experience with alot of mods that make up FTB
Why do you want to play on this server: Because i love the ppl!
Skype or other form of contact: Naaa i dont have skype or anything else.
Any questions you have: yeah Whitelist me again! i want to play hehe :)
In-game name: zb2009
Age: 18
Country: US
How long you will play for and what are your plans: I hope to get to atleast the point I was at on the last version of the server.
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I have alot of experience of older mods and the dw20 pack but I don't know much about monster.
Why do you want to play on this server: I played on the server when it was on the dw20 pack and I like the community.
Skype or other form of contact: Will let you know ingame or in pm.
Any questions you have: Nope
In-game name: Bl4ckR41nB0w
Age: 17
Country: Germany
How long you will play for and what are your plans: until the server gets closed
Your experience with this or other modpacks: playing ftb since release and tekkit before a long time
Why do you want to play on this server: It was fun to play on the dw20 server with all of you
Skype or other form of contact: r0x0r14
Any questions you have:
In-game name: froken01
Age: 16
Country: Denmark
How long you will play for: Somewhat around 1 - 7 hours
Your experience with this or other modpacks: I've been playing many of the modpacks including Ultimate, Mindcrack and tekkit
Why do you want to play on this server: I was playing on the direwolf20 server which then changed into this (and it is a really nice server)
Any questions you have:
In-game name:
How long you will play for and what are your plans:
I have been playing since some of the first alphas, not gonna stop now.
My plans are to have fun in a(hopefully) including and awesome community.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:
Have played alot with feed the beast, but not alot with the new mods in Monster, can't wait to explore the new mods.
Why do you want to play on this server:
As i said, want a community to play with, also looks like low latency and perfect amount of people.
Skype or other form of contact:
I run a semi 24/7 teamspeak server that i'm on most of my time with my friends.(pm if you want to talk)
Any questions you have:
Will we be forced to live in our own mystcraft age? I wan't the option to collaborate with other people.
Hi GallantBlade475, Ole_per, elephent3, En_Terrorist, zb2009, Bl4ckR41nB0w, froken01 and julicoool. Thank you for applying and those of you reapplying from the old server. I have added you all to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.
We have scrapped the idea of an age per person, whoever has an age can keep it, anyone from now will not recieve an age.
In-game name:
How long you will play for and what are your plans:
I will probably play alot, have been playing minecraft since early beta and still like it so... My plans are as such: Making a collaborative, epic base, with advanced funcionality which also looks good.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:
Have played alot with feed the beast, but not alot with the new mods in Monster, I am entruiged to explore new possibilities
Why do you want to play on this server:
To reach my goals and fulfill my plan, and meet new players
Skype or other form of contact:
I have skype, but dont want to post it here, and i use teamspeak all the time
Any questions you have:
Will we be forced to live in our own mystcraft age? I want the option to collaborate with other people.
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In-game name:
How long you will play for and what are your plans:
I will probably play alot, have been playing minecraft since early beta and still like it so... My plans are as such: Making a collaborative, epic base, with advanced funcionality which also looks good.
Your experience with this or other modpacks:
Have played alot with feed the beast, but not alot with the new mods in Monster, I am entruiged to explore new possibilities
Why do you want to play on this server:
To reach my goals and fulfill my plan, and meet new player
Skype or other form of contact:
I have skype, but dont want to post it here, and i use teamspeak all the time
Any questions you have:
Will we be forced to live in our own mystcraft age? I want the option to collaborate with other people.

I'm going to have to decline your application based on the fact that it looks like you just copied and pasted an earlier application without actually reading the post. Feel free to reapply.
In-game name:xPsYh0
How long you will play for and what are your plans:I will play everyday. My plans are to have fun and automize everything.
Your experience with this or other mod packs: Played Ultimate mod pack for a year and few other packs for a month.
Why do you want to play on this server:I want to play on this server, because not white listed servers got griefers and looking for a good server.
Skype or other form of contact: bane4ewer
Any questions you have:not now
I'm going to have to decline your application based on the fact that it looks like you just copied and pasted an earlier application without actually reading the post. Feel free to reapply.
He is my friend IRL, we also have a lot of the same opinions on different topics. I actually wrote a lot different, so you should read it thorougly. :) I, of course, asked for permission to copy the "template" from him and he accepted. I can ask him to reply to confirm this. Please get back to me fast.
He is my friend IRL, we also have a lot of the same opinions on different topics. I actually wrote a lot different, so you should read it thorougly. :) I, of course, asked for permission to copy the "template" from him and he accepted. I can ask him to reply to confirm this. Please get back to me fast.
The reason I declined was that you clearly hadn't read the main post since in your additional questions, you ask about something that is no longer happening on the server. Like I said before, feel free to reapply after reading the post.

Hi xPsYh0, thank you for applying. I have added you to the whitelist and hope to see you in-game soon.