Hello and Welcome to MineTech's Server Thread
Server IP - Soon to be released.
You can instantly connect, whitelist is down for now for the opening of the server!
Server Forums
Here on MineTech we hope to provide you the best experience you can find on a Feed-The-Best server. Though you may be thinking to yourself, why is this server any different? Well there is many reasons that I could give to you, but I will tell you just a few. We have just purchased a dedicated box to run a few of our servers off, though I have dedicated 8 GB's to just start this server on, though depending on how well it goes I may be able to push it up, seeing is to I have around 60 GB's to spare. Anyhow, the next reason is are admin team unlike other has experience, and though we hope to not have to use our powers, we will if we have to. Currently we own a group of servers, I'll leave the names out of hear, due to advertising purposes, but due to this we have a lot of experience in starting and running a server to its fullest.
A little about the server:
The server idea I have thought of may be a little overused is some ways, but original in others. Through out my experience not many people like to see "new" things, that is why we will keep a lot of the normal ideas. But many as well like the new, and it also sets the server to be something else, and not the same as every other one. I have decided to run the server like any other in the sense of having a hopefully good community where every can help one another if they need it, and build freely. Now for the new, as in many vanilla/bukkit servers you see many of them using plugin's to allow them to create towns. I would like to introduce this into my server, but not push it on the players. You will be able to create and run a town, but if you like to stay free and out of others ways you will not be pushed to join in with the others, but instead will also have your advantages as would a town. Basically the general idea is to give something other then just building things for yourself, and to build something for a community, and also earn your self rewards and ranks with whatever you decide to do.
Technical things:
As I said earlier the server will be ran on its own dedicated server box, so there will be no issues with uptime and such. We currently own a teamspeak server, and I'm working on a website for the server as well. As time moves, and you gain access to the server you will see such things. As for lag, I know that Modded servers tend to make a server box run almost 3x as hard, but this will not be a problem so I hope to keep limiting of items to a minimum for you guys.
As for rules, this will not be a hard list to follow.
1. No grieffing of any sort, there will be not tolerance and we will catch you.
2. Mind your manners around others, and treat ones as you wish to be treated to keep issues to a minimum.
3. If you don't like someone stay the hell away from them.
4. If you have any sort of problem, bring it to the attention of and admin/mod instead of going around boasting about it.
5. Cut the bullshit and be mature, I don't need a bunch of idiots running around on the server.
6. Have fun on the server, and try to help others.
7. Don't be a douche
8. As for limiting on items I will try and keep them to a minimum, but we will see soon enough.
9. No nukes, you don't need the damn things.
10. Don't piss the admins off, they have enough to do as it is.
Banned Items:
1. Only 1 quarry per person.
2. No Myst craft ages, I will create them for the server.
3. Avoid Redstone Clocks
4. Nukes
More to be added.
IP to the server - Soon to be released.