That why all my TE stuff is gone?2 things went wrong at once.
We had issues connecting to the server (FTP) and Thermal Expansion blew up.
That why all my TE stuff is gone?2 things went wrong at once.
We had issues connecting to the server (FTP) and Thermal Expansion blew up.
Please add more detail[DOUBLEPOST=1354280762][/DOUBLEPOST]IGN: puppy63376
where: forums DUR
why: i want to join a nice server
bans: 1 for "killing" on a pvp server
what will i bring: alot of help
THX fpr reading says i am not whitelisted.
just to save time me IGN is CrazyFreakHi_786
IGN: DeejayArroba
Where you heard about the server: I saw it on the forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I wanna make my company and sell my products!
If you have any bans on record: I don't play too much on servers so I was never banned.
What can you bring to the community: I know about the mods, so I can help others!
IGN: DialyPOP999
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: i want to build science in a muiltiplayer server! This is the server i am looking for!
If you have any bans on record: maybe in the future...Maybe...
What can you bring to the community: I am good at mining. So i can sell the ores to all the people and it will be very cheap!
Please let me in!!!
Thank you and have a great day!
IGN: Tetsuoken1234
Where you heard about the server:
Why you would like to play on the server: To be honest I'm just trying to find a good FTB server without lag and this was the highest on the list. Love FTB, just hate playing it by myself!
If you have any bans on record: Once, yeah. But that was because my minecraft account got "hacked". I have since changed my password though and been unbanned from said server. (of which I was a staff member anyway)
What can you bring to the community: My creative design, build style and ideas :3. I like building community driven projects such as arenas, shops, towns etc.
EDIT: formatting COMPLETELY failed for some reason :s.
I'm making this application for a friend, he told me what to put for each.
IGN: captinplanet32
Where you heard about the server: My friend^
Why you would like to play on the server: My friends and I are looking for a nice server to play on together
If you have any bans on record: Nope
What can you bring to the community: I can offer help to anyone in need if they need something
IGN: deztroyer97
Where you heard about the server: FTB forums
Why you would like to play on the server: Looking for a server to play on with friends
If you have any bans on record: None
What can you bring to the community: Im very efficient in finding resources and producing energy quickly
“IGN: Deltrox
Where you heard about the server: (Was Looking for a Server)
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I just heard this mod pack and I would like to try it out with other people
If you have any bans on record: I do not think so
What can you bring to the community: I am pretty good with farming. I make a mean mug of ale! : ]
IGN: xXStarchyXx
Where you heard about the server: i think :/
Why you would like to play on the server: im just looking for a decent server with a fair ammount of players, plus i like multiplayer and FTB
If you have any bans on record: once i seen a greifed house, i repaired it, made it abit better left, next day i came on and they banned me. -_-
What can you bring to the community: uhm... good at building?... i dont greif... uhm... im funny?![]()
IGN: magma11
Where you heard about the server: I found the server after looking for a nice community oriented server on the FTB forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: I want to play on a fun, friendly, tech-mod server.
If you have any bans on record: Nope.
What can you bring to the community: I'm pretty good with RP2, forestry (not bees), and IC2. But as a community, I think I could try to start the first real "town" (if there aren't already ones, I'm not sure how old the server is) aside from spawn town. I also just wanna have fun playing minecraft![]()
IGN: knu8
Where you heard about the server: I saw it on these very forums.
Why you would like to play on the server: Because I like FTB, but I prefer playing with other people, and not alone.
If you have any bans on record: I may have one, but I'm not sure. If I have it's from a long time ago.
What can you bring to the community: I can bring a good spirit, a helpful hand and lots of buildings.
All accepted![DOUBLEPOST=1354281138][/DOUBLEPOST]IGN : N0at3l
Where you heard about the server:
Why you would like to play on the server: I like to learn the modpack FeedTheBeast but i dont like single player and i hope you guys on the server can help me a little bit how it all works and stuff
If you have any bans on record: i got 0 bans
What can you bring to the community: Activity ( 1 thing i most like on server's) in chat and happines![]()
I need an IGN.IGN:
Where you heard about the server:
Why you would like to play on the server:I have been looking for a server to build on that has a close group of people that can work together
If you have any bans on record: none and the server that i do play on i am a trusted member
What can you bring to the community:I enjoy large builds that are very technical and decorative. I enjoy working with other members for builds.
Accepted! Very nice app I look forward to seeing you!I'm going to stray from the normal whitelisting protocol, only to help you get a better understanding of me.Age: (Yes) 20IGN: MephenHave you been banned before:Nope, check MCBans if you would like
Where you heard about the server:This forum, got to love FTB!Experience with Mods:I have a bunch, I've been playing modded servers, modpacks, and minecraft ever since they came out (I started playing MC when it was still only classic).I've played almost every big mod out there, and enjoyed almost all of them very much.I haven't had too much experience with the recent addition mods to IC2 (Greg's Tech) and some of the newer features to Forestry,from what I've read about it though seems that it has only made the mods better.I originally started playing mods by myself, because back in the day mod servers were as rare as a man on mars.When Tekkit came out, I was ecstatic, I no longer had to play by myself!Favorite mod and why:I would have to say Redpower 2, it is a universal workhorse for anything, you can make a machine out of anything.Not to mention, there's the nifty micro-blocks, perfect for making houses and covering ugly contraptions.Also, the RP-Computers and the ability to control redstone signals can make huge contraptions, turn into small, efficient and lightweight machines!Why do you want to join:Well, I want to join because I'm tired of attempting to play on the public servers.There always having some sort of problem, and always seem to have block lag.I'm hoping to be able to join a server that's actually nice, with a community I can relate to.What can you bring to the community:Well, I'm always professional, and level headed. I enjoy community style builds, and I'm always open to helping newbies once I get my foot in the door.I've been moderator, admin and owner of multiple servers, so I understand when the map might need reset or something.Thanks for taking the time to read my application!