Whitelist Server MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

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hmm cant u ask that they can contact u to or so? dunno whats possible, just wanna help u out ;)
Your Age:23
Your experience with the modpack:iv been useing mod packs for a long time n puting mods toghter my self to play for single player and iv been useing ftb since it come out n played the map packs they hav made as well
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:since early alpha
Why would you want to join our server:seems a gd server to be on as u ant disabled any gd mods fully like mystcraft or twilight forest and would like to bring my builds n knowing of mods to the server
Have you ever been banned and if so why :nope never as i follow all rules
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:do not steal from ppl or grief anyone as its jsut childish
Your ig name:tapercrazy_jay
Ok, sorry. I've been wrong about things so many times recently that I'm just not going to talk for a few months :P
I'm gonna try to break this awkward silence.
Is the server still down?
I'm just curious, because with my computer, I never can tell.
So ... you're accepting applications ?
I'd say write your application and see if he answers, although I think he is not really looking at them untill he knows something more about the server.[DOUBLEPOST=1360793220][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah , at this point i don't really know what to tell you guys , i still got no news from the owner :/
I hope it will be online again soon. But just wondering, there isn't a chance it will end right? Since it's been like a week, I hope the owner isn't thinking about quitting the server. (Not to alarm anyone as I don't know anything more about this than anyone else)
Your Age:11
Your experience with the modpack:I have some experience not great with RP2 and a few other mods but other then that its great.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:About 3 years.
Why would you want to join our server:Sounds like a great place to play multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned and if so why :Yes on a tekkit server. I had just joined and saw the spawn was griefed i told a admin and they banned me.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:Respect others land (no greifing).
Your ig name:killkid3600
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: Decent
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: A little over 2 years
Why would you want to join our server: I'm looking for a nice DW20 server, and this one looks like it can be fun
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: For everyone to be respectful to eachother
IGN: JPanda
Extra Notes: I speak fluent English, and am able to understand basic French
I can't get a grip of the other guy , he's really busy and he don't live in the same timezone as me , sorry :/
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: know all the mods--about 80% extensively
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since a little before beta 1.8
Why would you want to join our server: I want to build w/ my friends w/out getting diamonds stolen
Have you ever been banned and if so why : no
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: OP/Amin discretion (most dynamic rule)
Your ig name: michaelcurtis96
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack: Been playing it for quite a while and know pretty much all the mods in it
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since early alpha stages
Why would you want to join our server: It seems like an pretty cool server :)
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No never been banned
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Respect other players. I think every body deserves respect :)!
Your ig name: Ginixx
After waiting for more than a month with the other guy always dodging me i'm sorry so say that the server won't come back but if some people are still watching this tread and would be interessted to join me , Gr0mii13 and Metrol on a little 4-8 slots server that im hosting with the ultimate pack on it , just contact me by pm :D !
Your Age: 16, born on 22/9/1996
Your experience with the modpack: I know almost all mods, trying to get a hang of factorisation though.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since BETA1.2, I have started modding at.. (estimate) Beta1.6
Why would you want to join our server: Looking for a good tight community, since my last one died.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nope (and very proud of it)
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Have fun.
Your ig name: Rexxae

EDIT: pageclaim.. wooptidoo