Whitelist Server MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

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Your Age : I am 19.
Your experience with the modpack : I have played a little. Learning about it is the fun part. I follow Xisumavoid's channel on youtube, which helps a lot.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general : I have been playing minecraft since the alpha.
Why would you want to join our server : I'm looking for a fun and enjoyable server to play on. Especially a mature one. I always found minecraft more enjoyable while playing with others, so why not on Direwolf.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No, I have always been respectful.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server : Respect for others obviously. Don't grief or modify other's builds.
Your IGN : ThePepe

PS: French is my primary language. =D
just have patient till the admin has time to do it... not everyone has 24/7 time to take care of their server.
Also if u readed the first post he says he is starting school :/
Like Jiggy said i just started school and i am waking up at 5h30am so when i come back from school im pretty tired so give me some time to do the update , i just did them so the server is now in v5 and ThePepe you are now whitelisted , welcome !
just have patient till the admin has time to do it... not everyone has 24/7 time to take care of their server.
Also if u readed the first post he says he is starting school :/
It's not as if I said "Update the server NAAAOOWWW!!!!", I just wanted to let him know that it needed to be updated in his own time.
Okay but don't worry , i am quite aware of this kind of things , i follow the feedthebeast reddit and the news pretty closely :P
I get a Connection Timed Out error. Is there a problem with the server, or is something wrong with my network?
there we go , everything is up now , next time i'll bring my laptop to school and i'll be able to watch the server a little more closely ^^
We crashed when we wanted to enter the twilight forestry (Me and TTT123456)

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not get provider type for dimension 10, does not exist
at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.getProviderType(DimensionManager.java:108)
at net.minecraftforge.common.DimensionManager.createProviderFor(DimensionManager.java:228)
at aaq.a(WorldProvider.java:208)
at ayp.<init>(WorldClient.java:60)
at ayh.a(NetClientHandler.java:307)
at dw.a(Packet1Login.java:119)
at cg.b(TcpConnection.java:458)
at ayh.d(NetClientHandler.java:240)
at ayk.c(GuiConnecting.java:49)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.l(Minecraft.java:1537)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(Minecraft.java:846)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:771)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT b11d7ef6 ----------
Hi , the server will be offline for some technical difficulties , we have contacted the companie hosting it because the password automatically changed so we don't know what it is , sorry for that , we hope the server to be back on tomorrow !
Your Age: 20
Your experience with the modpack: I'm actually learning more about the content
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: About 2-3 Years
Why would you want to join our server: Because I want to see some people on a modded server without griefers
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Never been banned and I'll always respect the rules
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Having fun with peoples and respect others
Your ig name: Akumaryuu
Hi , the server will be offline for some technical difficulties , we have contacted the companie hosting it because the password automatically changed so we don't know what it is , sorry for that , we hope the server to be back on tomorrow !
Ah was wondering why it was off all day and night, maybe I should've checked here earlier, atleast I'm happy you keep us posted, even though I didn't think of checking it before hehe :p
Your Age:13
Your experience with the modpack: I have been playing about a year give or take a few months. I watch many YouTube videos and twitch. I am very experienced in all the mods except Computer Craft.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I have been playing vanellia minecraft for about 2 years and have been modding other games for ever.
Why would you want to join our server: I would like to find a friendly and mature server to play on that is appreciative of what everybody does and that gets on people who need to get banned for breaking the rules.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No and I hopefully plan to keep it that way.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: I would have to say all rules are the same you need to follow all of them.
Your ig name: Major_Pavlo
Your Age:15
Your experience with the modpack:I know all the mods very well
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:2 years
Why would you want to join our server:Because I am bored of singleplayer and I want to make some friends
Have you ever been banned and if so why :No
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Don't grief and Have fun.
Your ig name: d0odLLe​
Your Age:15
Your experience with the modpack: I know a lot the mods.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: 1 year
Why would you want to join our server: I want to play with more people, make new friends and cooperate with them.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing:) .
Your ig name: KaguLLa
Yeah i'm really sorry , i am still waiting for the answer of the co-owner of the server since hes the one in contact with the companie , hopefully i'll have some news soon !
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack: Pretty extensive, played singleplayer, and used mods for a long time.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since Alpha, oct 2010 i believe.
Why would you want to join our server: Im looking for a nice comunity to join with my friend Phatnom (He will apply soon)
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Yes, from a stupid trolling owner who got annoyed when i asked him to stop messing with my base.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No Intolerance.
Your ig name: BelGaraath
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Reactions: freelancer_12345
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack: Rather new due to just being introduced by BelGaraath, but I hope to learn enough so I can one day teach other people.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Alpha 1.0.17_03​
Why would you want to join our server: Interested in a server that I can play with my friend, and for the community to be enjoyable and generally friendly.
Have you ever been banned and if so why: I can't think of any bans to date.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Equality and respect of people's creations/belongings.
Your ig name: Phatnom.​