Whitelist Server MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

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Your Age:15
Your experience with the modpack: Extensive. I am very good at CC, very good at RP, decent at IC, decent at BC, decent at Mystcraft, and am decent at most everything else.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:I played in Alpha, early beta, and release(now)
Why would you want to join our server: I am looking for a decent server to play on and maybe meet up with some guys interested in the same stuff as me, and to further my knowledge of CC and LUA in general.
Have you ever been banned and if so why :No, well I banned myself from a server because it was crap. I was an admin and the owner made it an anarchy server, so I banned myself.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Depends, for FTB, no griefing, for general minecraft No hacking.
Your ig name:MLDnumnum
Your Age: 19
Your experience with the modpack: Very good i'd say, i don't know CC, and ... that's all i don't know at all. I hate bees but i know some bee stuff.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:: Beta 1.8
Why would you want to join our server: looking for a good server + hosting in Europe that would help my shitty pc :D
Have you ever been banned and if so why : A week ago on a server, caue i placed a T5 zombie spawner inside someone house to troll him, cause he killed me with his forcefield, and i lost gravisuit :(
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: I wouldn't say no griefendm, but respect, i mean, respect = no griefing :-/
Your ig name : NimeniAltu666
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack:not a lot but im willing to learn, i know the basic ideas of most of them
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: two years approximately
Why would you want to join our server: I want to join a friendly FTB server where I can help out the community and have fun, this seams like the right server to do it on
Have you ever been banned and if so why : nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Being respectful and mature, if your respectful and mature the server can run very smoothly and there would be very little disagreements, and when there are disagreements they can be easily solved
Your ig name: LaxPride
Your Age: 17
Your experience with the modpack: I have done a lot in my survival world. i just switched over from tekkit so some mods like gregtech and factorization are still new for me.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since alpha, but got bored of the vanilla game. mods made it fun to play again.
Why would you want to join our server: because i am looking for a ftb survival server with a good community. and i am from europe (holland) so the connection should be pretty good compared to american servers
Have you ever been banned and if so why : no
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: no griefing, or that everyone plays on survival. i dont like cheaters :)
Your ig name: Bart0vds​
Your Age: 35
Your experience with the modpack: I played about two weeks with the Modpack. Played the normal FTB map once. I have basic knowledge about most of the mods but there is still a lot room for improvement. I am especially interested in looking into bee keeping.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I play minecraft since the late Alpha. I have had a few pauses though.
Why would you want to join our server: To be honest, I am tired of playing alone. I would like to show my buildings to other people and communicate with others while I am playing. I am also looking for people that can help me get better with different mods. My buildings are simple but nice I would say. I like to build organic structures or at least try so. In addition, I am from Europe as well and am hoping that this will result in more players being online while I am playing. I usually play about one to two hours in the evening, sometimes a little bit more on the weekend.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Not that I know of.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No stealing is quiet important for me. I wouldn't go berserk if someone took my stuff, but I would like it better to not have to lock away every piece of wood.
Your ig name: Dr_Rhythmus​
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask away.​
Your Age:25
Your experience with the modpack:1 year
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: 3 years
Why would you want to join our server:to play with mature and respectful players
Have you ever been banned and if so why :no i have not
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:No Griefing
Your ig name DemonicShadow89​
Your Age: 15
Your experience with the modpack: I know a lot of most of the mods, except Thaumcraft
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: About 3 years now
Why would you want to join our server: I need a good Direowlf20 server,I've played a few servers, and people lost control of all their machines, and the server has to reset :(
Have you ever been banned and if so why : I don't think so. If you look into this, can you tell me?
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Respect. How people tread others depends on what happens and how it happens
Your ig name: Capindoody3
Your Age:13
Your experience with the modpack: good with redpower idc2 but learning abought others
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: 2 years
Why would you want to join our server:to make friends to play ftb with
Have you ever been banned and if so why : no
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:to obey the rules
Your ig name: engelon125
Your Age: 25
Your experience with the modpack: I've been playing for like 2 weeks with Direwolf20 , tried out a bit of everything , far from an expert though
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since Survival was first introduced (first playable version of survival , waaaaaay back)
Why would you want to join our server: My current Direwolf20 server has pretty much died so Im looking for a new one to share the adventures of FTB with others
Have you ever been banned and if so why : I have not
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: For me I would say no stealing or griefing , but also racism and sexism arent very good... so I'd say for Gameplay no Stealing and Griefing , for Community/happiness no racism or sexism
Your ig name: Jaarl​
Hello Wizzie here me and a friend wants to join here are our presentations.​
Your Age: 20
Your experience with the modpack: 4-5 weeks
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since beta
Why would you want to join our server: good specs and strict whitelist.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : never been banned.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: no stealing/griefing.
Your ig name: Wizzie​
and my friend.​
Your Age: 21
Your experience with the modpack: 2 weeks
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: six months
Why would you want to join our server: fun with friends.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : no bans
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: no stealing/griefing
Your ig name: jilbark​
Awaiting your reply. have a nice day.​
Your Age: 15
Your experience with the modpack: Ever since it came out. I've been playing with Redpower and ComputerCraft regularly, and I used them before FTB. I'm also familiar with most of the others, as I've either used them in FTB or seen Direwolf20 use them in his modded let's plays.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I've been playing since Beta 1.7
Why would you want to join our server: I've been looking for a good server that uses the Direwolf20 pack, allows Mystcraft ages, speaks English (I don't mind that it uses French as well), and has a good community, and I think I've finally found it. I'm extremely experienced with Redpower and Computercraft, they're my favourite mods from the pack. However, I am familiar with the rest of the mods that are in the DW20 pack as well.
Have you ever been banned and if so why: I've never been banned from a server, here's proof: http://tinyurl.com/tdawlingsbans
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: I don't think you can have one rule, but if I had to pick: use respect at all times. This would include not using insults and/or threats in chat, no hacking, no stealing, and no griefing.
Your ig name: tdawlings
I'm very respectful, and I think I can contribute my knowledge of Computercraft and Redpower to the server in very positive ways.

EDIT: I noticed that you said you won't have much time to administrate the server. If you're looking for people, I've hosted and been an admin of servers before, so I could help. If you're not looking for anyone, that's fine, I'd still love to play.
Your Age: 25
Your experience with the modpack: Playing since the first alpha launcher (but still a noob with some mods)
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since beta 1.6
Why would you want to join our server: Looking for a good community where player know how to play together
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Never benn banned
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Respect others people build, don't grief !
Your ig name: TTT123456​
Your Age: 16
Your experience with the modpack: Alright with most mods... except for forestry and computercraft
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: around 1 year...?start on 1.2.5
Why would you want to join our server: Get-along with other player inside, explore builds from other people and have fun!
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Respect each other, have fun and also, don't do stuffs that other person might not like.
Your ig name: zax0ng​
Your Age: 23
Your experience with the modpack: I know the basics of the mods, tough i still got to learn myself more about thaumcraft and some other advanced blocks in the game (As example with RP2 & IC2 & bees & some forestry stuff) But i can manage a lot of the mods :)
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: To long to be honest, erm i think it was somewhere around 1.0.0 / 1.1 or so ?
Why would you want to join our server: Looking for a good community server where players know how to play together, i have been playing together with TTT & zax0ng on a other server but we got griefed/raided 2 times, and then we decided to quit there. It was no fun anymore to see all your hard work is just gone within 2/3 days....
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Never been banned on any server
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Respect players, respect their builds. Don't grief nor steal.
Your ig name: Jiggy
Your Age: 20
Your experience with the modpack: I have been playing a lot with these modpacks and know my way around them. I have been playing technic earlier, and after FTB's release, i have mostly been playing the DW20pack.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Started playing back in beta but dont quite remember which version it was...
Why would you want to join our server: Because i was on your previous server and it had an awesome community with lots of great players so hoping it will be like that again :)
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No, i have never been banned
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Well that is probably "No griefing" as it can ruin any server. Other than that it's very important to respect eachother as everyone have to feel welcome on the server.

Your ig name: husum555
Your Age: 19 (20 in less than a month).
Your experience with the modpack: Singleplayer experience, primarily IC2,BC3,TC3,Forestry and RP2 trying to come around with the other mods.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I was within the first 10000 buyers. (Alpha)
Why would you want to join our server: I've Been playing Singleplayer with DW20's modpacks since 1.2.5 (Although it was a manual install instead of a modpack back than, I used the mods he had listed on his forum) while watching his series and I've always like the SMP series, tried to get my friend to do this with me but they never wanted to, so I'm trying to find a nice community to play with and to meet some new people who feel the same way about this modpack in SMP. And Your server seemed to have nice specs and the playerlimit is around the range I was looking for. Also I am from Belgium (dutch side, but I don't mind French) so I should have a nice connecting in this server!
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No, this is the first time I try to find a server with unknown people.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: In 1 word: Respect. even since classic I've hated people griefing stuff, I spend most of my time on the classic server I used to play (before survival was released) either building stuff or repairing griefed structures.
Your ig name: Stownedage
Feel free to ask me if you want to know more.