MineMadness | [Direwolf20][1.4.6][Dedicated]| Whitelisted | Full Survival |English and French|Mature

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
Your experience with the modpack:i always play FTB i may want to donate if i know were i like to make a quary too.

For how long have you been playing minecraft in general:i have been playing for 1 year.

Why would you want to join our server:i want to join because there are some of my friends on it and want to have fun with them and im bored with single player.

Have you ever been banned and if so why :never

For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:never GRIEF EVER because nobody likes to get there stuff ruined and all there hard work gone for nothing
Your age: 14
Your experience with the modpack: I am very familiar with most of the mods that are in tekkit, and also the twilight forrest. Tekkit I have been playing for 1 year.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Ever since 1.1 came out.
Why would you want to join our server: The reason I want to join a server is to play with other people but not in the PVP, griefing kind of way. I just like playing with people, and I enjoy the company
Have you ever been banned and if so why : I have never been banned before.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: I think the most imporrtant rule is to respect others.
IGN: Somberanakin
Your Age: 30
Your experience with the modpack: Extensive. I know the ins and outs of all mod mechanics.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since 1.0
Why would you want to join our server: I'm interested in trying the DW20 modpack in multiplayer.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing / stealing
IGN: HeffronCM
xtremeplayer1000 is added to the whitelist , heffronCm accepted too but i'll need your ig name aswell :P
Your Age: 38 (old right? :p )
Your experience with the modpack: Been playing around with RP2,BC and IC2 since 1.8.1 (or thereabouts)
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Probably around a year maybe a little more or a little less.
Why would you want to join our server: Im just looking for a server that runs well, has a good community and is basically somewhere I can chip in and help out with communal areas as well as do my own thing.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Never. Only really ever played on 2 servers. The only server I currently frequent is a vanilla server but if you wanna ask around give me a holla for the IP (dont want to promote another server on your thread)
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing. Cant be doing with going resource collecting only to find I log on and somebody stole my stuff/damaged my builds.
IGN: Sjonky
Your Age: 21
Your experience with the modpack: I have played modded minecraft since 1.2.5. So ive used every mod in the pack. some more than others of course. So i know alot in some mods, and a bit in others.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Since the begining of beta
Why would you want to join our server: Im looking for a stable and mature server, where i can hang out with other people. and look at what other people have buildt, get ideas.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing
IGN: gerbality
Your Age: 15
Your experience with the modpack: I am quite experienced in Tekkit, so the mods from tekkit which are also in DW20 I am good with. I have also familiarized myself with the mechanics of Thaumcraft 3, Soul Shards, and other DW20 mods.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Heh, I've been playing since the good ol' days of Alpha. Oh, the nostalgia!
Why would you want to join our server: Let's face it, SSP can be fun at first, but it gets boring. I want to play with a community of real people.
Have you ever been banned and if so why: I've banned myself from my own server before, for fun. But other than that, no.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Gosh, that's a tough one. It would be a three-way tie between no griefing, no stealing, and no lag-inducing. Griefing is horrible. Hours of work can go down the drain because of one person. Stealing is pretty much the same. And server lag is a ferocious beast, and can be quite annoying when it takes three minutes to smelt one piece of ore.
I speak English, and a bit of French.

Thank you for your consideration.
Your Age: 18
Your experience with the modpack: I have been playing ssp for less than a week but i went hard on ftb
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since alpha i want to say around christmas 2010
Why would you want to join our server: I've been looking for a lively mature smp server to dedicate my time too and im hoping this is the one
Have you ever been banned and if so why : i have never been banned
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: of course no griefing but i feel that having you property taken or land stolen is also a pretty good rule.
IGN: NathanGeorge
Your Age:16 IGN:chilller6
Your experience with the modpack: I watch DW`s videos and have some exp. but i dont know EVERYTHING
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since 1.8.1
Why would you want to join our server: I would like to join because playing in SP gets boring and I need ppl to talk to.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Nope
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: Being respectful and honest and not griefing
Your Age:15
Your experience with the modpack: Before FTB came out I played TEchnic Pack alot, and was pretty experienced with all the mods. FTB has introduced a few new bods to me like Factorization, and I am really glad to have so much fun playing with all these mods.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: Little bit over a year now.
Why would you want to join our server: Because, all the servers I have tried so far haven't really appealed to me too much, and I am looking for a server to become a regularon/
Have you ever been banned and if so why :Not as far as I know :D
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server:Personally, I think that the most important rule is no Griefing/Stealing.
Hi everybody i'm here to present my server that i started really recently , MineMadness , here are the specs .

Since the server is whitelisted and we are quite strict about it we require a presentation of yourself , please specify :

Your Age: 14
Your experience with the modpack: I'm familiar with all the mods except thaumcraft and mysticraft and have been playing for abut 6 months and have been playing tekkit for about 2 years
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: since beta
Why would you want to join our server: Well, I am pretty bored and always have wanted to join a server like this.
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: is be kind to others that will mean less greifing and destruction.

IGN: geco85

P.S. Got skype


Specs of the server
-The server itself is hosted on a dedicated server with 24go of ram and and intel xeon 2.80Ghz ,so lagg is not an issue but the server is hosted in Europe so people with bad/average connection in america may have some pretty bad lagg.
-Pvp is deactivated
-The server is done completely in survival , meaning that even the admins are getting their resources legitimately
-No mods are deactivated but try to keep the number of world anchor to a minimum
-The server is on normal difficulty
-Our community have both french and english players (mostly english) so try to respect one another

Rules of the server
-ABSOLUTELY no grief or stealing tolerated , if you are found guilty of one of those it's an automatic ban
-Respect is really important so don't insult each other
-Don't spam the chat , if you want to talk to your friend only you can use /tell and DON'T USE CAPS LOCK ;)
-Have fun :D

Your Age: 16

Your experience with the modpack: Loads of Videos watched, few months playing.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: 2 Years
Why would you want to join our server: Looking for a dedicated, nice and helpful community
Have you ever been banned and if so why : Never.
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: No griefing, or being disrespectful
IGN: Buddykool
My Age: 13, I'd consider myself mature as in calm nice and in control. (someone thought I was an adult once :p)
Your experience with the modpack: Well I played lots of Tekkit in the summer so I'm familiar with most mods. I watched lots of Direwolf20's videos of FTB, and I recently started playing about 1 week ago.
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: I played since Indev stage.
Why would you want to join our server: This will be the first FTB server to ever join and whenever I join servers I tend to stay with them. Also I have a friend who plays on this his name is eio2007. I really want to join >.<
Have you ever been banned and if so why : No
For you what is the most important rule to have on a server: I think the most important rules are griefing and respect, BM is just annoying and I've had terrible experiences with grief.

Thanks for reading!
-Lopesam (it's also my IGN)

(edit: I speak french and english [Bilingual])