Whitelist Server MindCrack FTB Server...Friendly Admin & Staff...Very Fast Server...Great Community!!!

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Flavian Rosca

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is a MindCrack FTB server, that is very fast and has a great community!

Admin: FlaveRo
Moderators: hansnaughty & alex321432

Please fill out the application below...

Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):
Amount of time playing Minecraft:
Amount of time playing FTB:
What do you like to build/your style:
Link to your videos (if any):
Skype name (optional):
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:

You will be whitelisted within 24-48 hours.

Server IP:

Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): FlaveRo & Flavian Rosca
Age: 16
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Can't remember, it's been a while!
Amount of time playing FTB: About a year.
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build, a lot of modern style buildings.
Link to your videos (if any): None, although I will be uploading vids from this server!
Skype name (optional): SageataFla
Hobbies: Computers, technology, mixing games etc.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'm Romanian, I also play a lot of steam games including Counter Strike. I play tennis and a lot of other sports!

For the sake of community, here it is:
Name: Sarten X
Age: Old enough to know better, still too young to care. Suffice it to say that I'm one of them grown-up types, but still pretty immature.
Where am I from: The frozen North.
How often do I play Minecraft: Used to be daily, then I got a job that consumed all my time, so I haven't played in the last 2 years or so, until a few days ago.
What I do: I build things. I build big things. I build big things like a full-scale blimp, elaborate underground complexes, and viewing rooms in cliffsides.
Why do I want to join the server: Because I know Alex, and I may as well join here rather than somewhere else, if I'm going to be playing again.
Link to my videos: I has no videos.
Inspiration: I am inprired by my mild insanity. I think crazy things like "This big clearing needs something... ...like a blimp.
Expectations for the server: I expect griefing to be controlled, and the server to remain relatively high-uptime. If the server is ever terminated, I expect the world will be made available, so my creations aren't lost forever.
Since when: Since one of the early alpha versions... Alpha 1.0.8 or so.
Anything else about me: I have a degree in computer science, work in IT, play with sound reinforcement systems, and my hobby is making people's jaws drop.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): My name in real life is Keith and my IGN is Killerkeith
Age: 17
Amount of time playing Minecraft: I've had an account since late Alpha.
Amount of time playing FTB: I've played the FTB Mod pack since it's came out. I play it when I have some free time.
What do you like to build/your style: I love making factories and automating anything I possibly can. When it comes to my bases it's kind of like "Go big or go home" for me. I can't stand tiny builds.
Link to your videos (if any): None
Skype name (optional): Mikeispothetic(My friend made this)
Hobbies: Besides Minecraft, I make 3D animations and program.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'm a gamer. Most of the free time I have is spent making games or playing them.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): MinerNiko
Age: 14
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Since Beta 1.6, hundreds of hours.
Amount of time playing FTB: Since the start of the launcher, but not as much.
What do you like to build/your style: Modern houses for a base, with cute farms and such.
Link to your videos (if any): www.youtube.com/user/MrNikosChannel
Skype name (optional): skypeniko_98
Hobbies: Gaming.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'd like to get on this server, lol. I'm a gamer.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): galaxyminer5322 (Jacob)

Age: 17

Amount of time playing Minecraft: I have been playing since alpha

Amount of time playing FTB: I have been playing modded Minecraft since beta 1.2 and FTB since it came out.

What do you like to build/your style: I am very OCD when I build it has to be perfect but I don't mess with other peoples projects unless asked to.

Link to your videos (if any):N/A

Skype name (optional):ajander420

Hobbies: Video games, Running, Basketball and having a good time. I will try anything once.

Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I am very creative you can give me an idea and my mind with automatically figure out how to build it. I also like to build small compact machines that give you the same if not more productivity as there bigger counterpart.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):FormalCreeper98(Aidan)
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Few Years
Amount of time playing FTB:Since Started
What do you like to build/your style:Pagoda Style Buildings
Link to your videos (if any):http://www.youtube.com/user/iiOpTiczzz
Skype name (optional):aidan.corr2
Hobbies:Video Games
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:I LIke DayZ
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Heatedbone (Jelle)
Age: 18
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Couple of years
Amount of time playing FTB: A year or so
What do you like to build/your style: Well, i really like the gregtech/industrialcraft part of ftb. Especially Nuclear reactors i really like. Also setting up advanced automated ore processing plants is fun. I also like building gigantic underground bases, with overly complex redstone to go with it. As for creative building, I like industrial buildings, gaint tanks, chimneys, etc ...
Link to your videos (if any):n/a
Skype name (optional): jelle.reynders
Hobbies: Minecraft, FTB.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Maybe you need to know, not sure, i have extreme tunnelvision so i might not notice most things, but i get along :) ...
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Peasant_
Age: 14
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Since beta 1.2
Amount of time playing FTB: Half a year
What do you like to build/your style: Bricks (any type) and, well, just about everything, from rural to modern-looking
Link to your videos (if any): Nope
Skype name (optional): Dont have mic
Hobbies: Reading, Gaming, Writing and Drawing
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'd like to ask if this server is completely legit? (nothing cheated-in or built in creative mode) Not that it matters a lot, would just like to know.
Name: TheTylar
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 200+ hours
Amount of time playing FTB: 30 hours
What do you like to build/your style: Underground Man Caves
Link to your videos (if any): N/A
Skype name (optional): TheTylar
Hobbies: Video Games and Theatre
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'm a theatre major at my university and I love it
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): xEtnies
Age: 20
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Most of the day, every day!
Amount of time playing FTB: tons :)
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build complex redstone creations
Link to your videos (if any):
Skype name (optional): Alicekeinz
Hobbies: playing piano and Java coding.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I can speak somewhat fluent Japanese
Name: KingHaavard
Age: 13 1/2 (i know im "little" but i should get a chance anyway, im not childish and i respect others)
Amount of time playing Minecraft: I have played minecraft since Beta 1.4 (OOh yea) I play 4 hours a day plus minus.
Amount of time playing FTB: I have played ftb since a desember 2012.
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build cities and nice buildings, i have ocd :D
Link to your videos (if any):
Its not good but, i plan on record here, that server got boring.
Skype name (optional): FireBirdFrensy
Hobbies: Play Minecraft, Gitar.
Im norwegian! Im going to record here and I also might stream
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): cpt_iinzane
Age: 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: I've played minecraft 1000 Hours or more
Amount of time playing FTB: I've played feed the beast 500 hours or more
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build technical stuff im not good with looks.
Link to your videos (if any): sorry Don't have videos
Skype name (optional): seriousmoker
Hobbies: Karate, Gaming, swimming
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I am a funny person and love jokes
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Shadowhaka
Age:14 soon to be 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 3 or 4 Years i played it when the bata came out
Amount of time playing FTB: about a year or so
What do you like to build/your style: Redstone stuff, not to good at making awesome buildings but ill try!
Link to your videos (if any):http://www.youtube.com/user/Shadowhaka/videos?view=0
Skype name (optional): Shadowhaka
Hobbies: Minecraft, Xbox 360 e.g black ops II, Steam games e.g: Garrys mod
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Not really unless you would like to know I have never played on a real server only mine!
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): ellsworthes
Age: 17
Amount of time playing Minecraft: about 2-3 years
Amount of time playing FTB: 1 Year
What do you like to build/your style:Not the best builder; But I try to make sleak modern buildings :)
Link to your videos (if any): N/A
Skype name (optional):erich.ellsworth
Hobbies: Raspberry Pi (35$ microcomputer), fishing, viola, openarena/quake3 and MC
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:I been playing with mods since IC for 1.7.3 came out.
Name : ign: peypey irl: Freddie
Age: 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Since alpha, I believe
Amount of time playing FTB: About 1 year
What do you like to build/your style: Factory style
Link to your videos (if any):none
Skype name (optional):none
Hobbies: Lacrosse, sports, video games
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I play a lot of Minecraft and PS3.