Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): BearforceTwo, RL: Moritz
Age: 25
Amount of time playing Minecraft: About 6 months
Amount of time playing FTB: Also about 6 months, basically started vanilla and FTB at the same time
What do you like to build/your style: I mainly play FTB for the machine/automation aspect, so until recently i didn't really care about style and focused on funtionality. I really like knowing the facts behind my setups, so i do a lot of number crunching and forum/wiki reading to find out the numbers behind all the machines to optimise my 'factories' - for example how many fermenters/stills/distillation towers can i support/do i need for a certain tree farm and certain ammount of boilers, how many electrolyzers/centrifuges do i need to fully automate a fusion reactor and other stuff like that. Recently I started playing on an SMP server for the first time and started caring about how my buildings look too - after the most recent map reset I had a design for an asian style base in mind, but unfortunately the server got closed now before I could implement it. So I would probably lean towards this style for the next server I end up on, since I already have that design laid out in a singleplayer world.
Link to your videos (if any): No videos done yet, except if you're interested in WoW videos I did a while back
Skype name (optional): I won't post that publically, if you have further Questions you can message me here on the forums and I'll give you my Skype account do discuss matters further - same for if I get accepted, it was helpful to have the Skype accounts of a few fellow gamers on the last server.
Hobbies: Well playing minecraft and games in general obviously, playing golf, swimming, reading.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I mainly chose to apply here over some other servers because I saw CircutBoard, NayGra, TheAccountant_ and ShirtlessB apply here - they played on the last (and my first ever) server I was on. They were mature, respectful and friendly (which could not be said for everyone on the server, but I guess you will have a few kids everywhere - I just tend to ignore those and play with the people I like) and it would be nice to end up on the same server as they do.
Age: 25
Amount of time playing Minecraft: About 6 months
Amount of time playing FTB: Also about 6 months, basically started vanilla and FTB at the same time
What do you like to build/your style: I mainly play FTB for the machine/automation aspect, so until recently i didn't really care about style and focused on funtionality. I really like knowing the facts behind my setups, so i do a lot of number crunching and forum/wiki reading to find out the numbers behind all the machines to optimise my 'factories' - for example how many fermenters/stills/distillation towers can i support/do i need for a certain tree farm and certain ammount of boilers, how many electrolyzers/centrifuges do i need to fully automate a fusion reactor and other stuff like that. Recently I started playing on an SMP server for the first time and started caring about how my buildings look too - after the most recent map reset I had a design for an asian style base in mind, but unfortunately the server got closed now before I could implement it. So I would probably lean towards this style for the next server I end up on, since I already have that design laid out in a singleplayer world.
Link to your videos (if any): No videos done yet, except if you're interested in WoW videos I did a while back

Skype name (optional): I won't post that publically, if you have further Questions you can message me here on the forums and I'll give you my Skype account do discuss matters further - same for if I get accepted, it was helpful to have the Skype accounts of a few fellow gamers on the last server.
Hobbies: Well playing minecraft and games in general obviously, playing golf, swimming, reading.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I mainly chose to apply here over some other servers because I saw CircutBoard, NayGra, TheAccountant_ and ShirtlessB apply here - they played on the last (and my first ever) server I was on. They were mature, respectful and friendly (which could not be said for everyone on the server, but I guess you will have a few kids everywhere - I just tend to ignore those and play with the people I like) and it would be nice to end up on the same server as they do.