Whitelist Server MindCrack FTB Server...Friendly Admin & Staff...Very Fast Server...Great Community!!!

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Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): PhilsGeneralTso or Nickname: Phils. Name in real life: Justin
Age: 13 (Been playing on other minecrack servers. Never griefed. Think i'm responsible and reliable :))
Amount of time playing Minecraft: about 3 years
Amount of time playing FTB: since it came out
What do you like to build/your style: building machines, modern buildings/labratories
Link to your videos (if any): N/A
Skype name (optional): don't have one but might make one :)
Hobbies: Table tennis, board games/building games
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Love to play FTB only if its a nice server :)

P.s. : Please email me when i'm whitelisted :)
email: [email protected]
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Coolab91 & Alex
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2-3 hours
Amount of time playing FTB: about the same
What do you like to build/your style: i like to build modern buildings that fit in with the environment. its always changing
Link to your videos (if any): they're not that good, but im working on it
Skype name (optional): alex-billingham
Hobbies: gaming...thats about it
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: i have a blood disorder that makes me bleed longer
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): pankaker53 or Ben
Age: 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 1.2.5
Amount of time playing FTB: 6 months
What do you like to build/your style: I like building technical things, but making them look good.
Link to your videos (if any): did have vids but i took them down because the quality was terrible due to my old computer.
Skype name (optional): pankaker53
Hobbies: football, baseball, basketball, snowboarding, minecraft
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I have been looking for a good server with a small community and hopefully you accept me.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Eric / specrazorzz
Age: 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2 years
Amount of time playing FTB: When MindCrackers Started
What do you like to build/your style: Underground / In the air
Link to your videos (if any): Not at the moment. I may be starting some.
Skype name (optional): Will give if accepted
Hobbies: Recreation Shooting
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Discovered Minecraft through youtube, when I was home sick from school
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):Rhodoxify, Irl - Matt
Amount of time playing Minecraft:Since 1.6 Beta, before 1.7.3
Amount of time playing FTB:4 Months
What do you like to build/your style:VintageBeef/Docm77 Modern!
Link to your videos (if any):None!
Skype name (optional):
Hobbies:Gaming, Work, Minecraft, Helping Projects!
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:I love small servers! With Freindly communitys, Please Whitelist :D
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):IGN:IProCanad1an IRL name: Evan
Amount of time playing Minecraft:3years
Amount of time playing FTB:1 year
What do you like to build/your style:i like to build in caves and i like to build houses and props
Link to your videos (if any):http://www.youtube.com/user/IProCanad1an
Skype name (optional): Evan George
Hobbies: Hockey,Swimming,Videogames,Drawing,track and field,biking,reading
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Im funny and love to make jokes,I'm pretty smart and like playing games with people
Name: Martin (aka Zephyrox)
Age: 20
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2-3 years
Amount of time playing FTB: 7-8 months, was playing tekkit for a year before that
What do you like to build/your style: I'm quite a perfectionist when it comes to buildings and I love microblocks and forestry wood. Making things look as realistic and clean as possible. I like Thaumcraft, bees, soulforging and automated systems
Link to your videos: N/A, but I have a stream: twitch.tv/discord93, there are no past broadcast at the moment because the server I used to play on is down, so I haven't streamed for a while.
Skype name: zephox666
Hobbies: Minecraft, League og Legends, Diablo III, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - and eventually The Elder Scrolls Online when it's out. I will be streaming that ALOT ;)
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I'm norwegian and I am going to stream this server. I am almost unable to play the game without Sphax pureBDcraft 64/128x texture pack.
Name: Brandon , IGN fishinggames
Amount of time playing minecraft: 1 year
Amount of time playing FTB: 3-4 months
What do you like to build/your style: I'm hardcore OCD when it comes to minecraft, what i like to build are giant houses& buildings
Link to your videos: N/A
Skype name: miner.man1
Hobbies: wacthing youtube minecraft, playing minecraft, playing FTB, playing the trombone
Any other intresting facts about yourself: I'm american and I think Etho is one of the best Minecraft youtubers
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):WarRobot
Age:12 im really mature
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2 years
Amount of time playing FTB: 2 years
What do you like to build/your style: i like making my buildings with redstone
Link to your videos (if any):n/a
Skype name (optional):N/A
Hobbies: basketball , minecraft
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:im always friendly and i always try to help the community
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):izdave10 just refer to me as that
Amount of time playing Minecraft:in a day alot I was on the outher FTB server for I think maybe 3-4 hours
Amount of time playing FTB:same: the same on a good day
What do you like to build/your style:I am a quite good builder
Link to your videos (if any):videos were deleted like a week ago the only one on youtube is one from almost a year ago
Skype name (optional):izdave10
Hobbies:biking being a gamer
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:I am verry social and I am most commonly found on teamspeak or skype or ventrillo on a server
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): Askovan aka Ben
Age: 28
Amount of time playing Minecraft: It is quite hard to say. I would estimate about a half year but almost spend every free time i had with it.
Amount of time playing FTB: I saw a Lets Play of Etho about ftb mindcrack and was fascinated with it so me and a Friend rigged our server with Mindcrack about 3 Months ago. He is not as enthusiastic about it as i am so i am looking for a lifely Server to settle down.
What do you like to build/your style: I am pretty symmetric in my building but lets just say that i tend to to go way huge with my stuff ;)
Link to your videos (if any): None yet
Skype name (optional): Askovan
Hobbies: Gaming, my wife, working on my car, reading... and some other things ^^
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: i am born in germany, living in switzerland but i think i am quite firm with the english language.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Askovan aka Ben
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): pinkflamingojj
Age: 16
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Since 1.7 beta so a couple of years
Amount of time playing FTB: 6 months + since mindcrack started
What do you like to build/your style: i like to make big buildings
Link to your videos (if any): http://www.youtube.com/user/pinkflamingojj
Skype name (optional): jules.jones11
Hobbies: basketball, pc games, !!MINECRAFT!!
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: im friendly and fun
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well):hockeystar790
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 2 years
Amount of time playing FTB: 6 months. I have played on many different FTB servers but couldn't find the right one. This sounds like a good server. I learn quick from FTB. And I wacth youtubers play FTB.
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build modern homes/small factories. I am not very good at detail. But I get the job done.
Link to your videos (if any):I do have videos but not for FTB.
Skype name (optional): Don't have Skype. Do I need it?
Hobbies: Hockey, soccer, Minecraft, FTB
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I love to play hockey.

P.S. I hope I get whitelisted I was looking for a good FTB server. This sounds like a good server.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): PhilsGeneralTso or Nickname: Phils. Name in real life: Justin
Age: 13 (Been playing on other minecrack servers. Never griefed. Think i'm responsible and reliable )
Amount of time playing Minecraft: about 3 years
Amount of time playing FTB: since it came out
What do you like to build/your style: building machines, modern buildings/labratories
Link to your videos (if any): N/A
Skype name (optional): don't have one but might make one
Hobbies: Table tennis, board games/building games
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I am a nice guy!
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): GhostifiedX
Age: 15
Amount of time playing Minecraft: I've been playing since the good ol' beta days.
Amount of time playing FTB: About 1 year
What do you like to build/your style: Usually, I don't have my own build style. I just go with the flow.
Link to your videos (if any): http://www.youtube.com/PenguinsInEvergreens
Skype name (optional): GhostifiedX
Hobbies: Gaming and Video Production
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I enjoy playing FTB and watching others play, such as the Mindcrack group. I would say that I am exceptional at FTB since I've gathered up so much knowledge about it. I usually play single player, but I would like to expand my horizons and try out a multiplayer server!
name amir3210
age 13
amount of time playing minecraft about 1year
amount of time playing ftb 2 mounths
what do i like to build/my style small orderd
link to videos(if any) none
skep name wtf am i doing
hobies playing videogames and mtg
any other info interesting facts about yourself love caving and a good staratagist
Name: CircutBoard
Age: 17
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 4 months
Amount of time playing FTB: 3 months
What do you like to build/your style: Mostly machines. I usually strive for near complete automation using as many mods a s possible, and still making it look nice.
Link to your videos (if any): None
Skype name (optional):
Hobbies: Minecraft, FTB, Programming, Web Design, Robotics, Piano, Miniature Gaming, Civilization Series, RTS and RTT games, Adventure/AdventureRP games.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself:
Name: NayGra
Age: 21+++
Amount of time playing Minecraft: 12 months +
Amount of time playing FTB: 6 months
What do you like to build/your style: My style of building is steam punk'ish. I also enjoy the challenge of computer craft and redpower microblock building.
Link to your videos (if any): None
Skype name (optional):
Hobbies: Gym, been video gaming for years, FPS, Minecraft, FTB ect.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: not really other than I'm looking for a good honest community server to play on, I am a serious player and can offer help to the community if needed. I'm a mature respectful guy, easy to get along with. I hope to be invited onto the server.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): TheAccountant_ ; My real name is Robert.
Age: 24
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Coming up on a year.
Amount of time playing FTB: About 8 months.
What do you like to build/your style: I like to build very functionally. I usually lag behind when I initially start somewhere because rather than just throwing things down and calling it home, I like to have a planned out base that I draw up by hand personally and lay everything out on paper before I make anything permanent.
Link to your videos (if any): I'm not cool enough for that.
Skype name (optional): N/A
Hobbies: Gaming, running, school
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: Well, both of the servers that I've been on in my FTB experience have been closed eventually. Before closing maps have been reset a few times, and I've had to start over a lot. It's not that I'm against starting over, but... it gets annoying when you have to keep starting over even though you still have so much more you could do with your current world. I like a relaxed atmosphere where I can somewhat seclude myself and build alone (or with a friend) and know I won't run into anyone else's creations and potentially mess something up, but I'm still very active in helping people out and am always MORE than willing to lend a hand where I am able.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Name (in game or if you want in real life as well): ShirtlessB
Age: 29
Amount of time playing Minecraft: Since Beta.
Amount of time playing FTB: Also since Beta.
What do you like to build/your style: Here are a couple of small things I built recently.
The first is a retro-futuristic housing style, the second is a Baba Yaga hut from slavic mythology.
Link to your videos (if any): n/a
Skype name (optional): n/a
Hobbies: Music, Cooking, Games, traveling.
Any other info interesting facts about yourself: I am very easy going and chill. I usually build away from others, and come into civilization to collaborate on community projects like carnival games and giant spawn structures.
I try to do something different than what I see other people doing on the server, to bring more variety.
Thanks for checking this out.