mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
IGN: Mott4
Age: 21
Mod experience: played alittle bit of tekkit and saw alot of videos but kinda noobie :(
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands: no bands :( tiesto, armin van buuren, nicky romero
Your three favorite movies: james bond, avengers, american pie
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: erect grand structures (far from spawn tho :P)
Did you even more?: Y
This is the greatest server I have seen. Very friendly No griefing and great builds! Look at this mansion. I beleive its being given away in a contest!
IGN: AcidRunner
Age: 21
Mod experience: I used to play with the Technic pack a lot but now have switched over to FTB and it still use's a lot of the same mods so i do have knowledge about 80% of the FTB pack.
ever been banned before: no (like you would say yes if you have :p) Well actually yes, but if i get accepted i will explain the whole story it revolves around a minecraft bug back in June
Your 3 favorite bands: I like all types of music no favourites really :)
Your three favorite movies: Equilibrium, The Prestige, The Illusionist
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: I do prefer to venture out but i do like to build grand structures when other people are involved either by helping another player our or via a community build.
Did you even more?: I most certainly did yes :)

Well thanks for taking the time to read my application,
Hope to hear from you soon and hopefully get accepted :)

All the best,
You have been Whitelisted, Ask the owners, REtb or devfourk for a starter kit or Pandaec who is a mod. If neither are on just message me on here and I'll see what we can do.
Also if you are having trouble with your launcher or client let me know. I have helped five members get access to the server as well as a several friends by troubleshooting them with either skype or teamviewer.

IGN: Rulerxx
Age: 14
Mod experience: I have a pretty high understanding of most of the mods, except for complex redstone circuitry using redpower 2 (I understand its not released, just letting you know)
ever been banned before: Once i think, because an admin decided to use /kill on me and not give my items, so i went around griefing
Your 3 favorite bands: ewwww, i dont like bands. so im just gonna say 3 singers i like. Eminem, tupac, Justin bieber.
Your three favorite movies: All comedy/action movies, but since i have to name three, diehard 1, 2 and 3.
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: ehh.. uhhhh... i would prefer to build grand structures, but i cant :(
Did you even more?: y
You have been whitelisted. If you see Pandaec, Retb or Devfourk on ask for the starter supplies and the mail supplies.
If you get terribly angry at anyone here it will most likely be due to miss-communication so before you start greifing stuff take a moment to let me or another admin know whats going on and we can resolve the problem peacefully.
Also if you are having trouble with your launcher or client let me know. I have helped five members get access to the server as well as a several friends by troubleshooting them with either skype or teamviewer.[DOUBLEPOST=1353680474][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Mott4
Age: 21
Mod experience: played alittle bit of tekkit and saw alot of videos but kinda noobie :(
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands: no bands :( tiesto, armin van buuren, nicky romero
Your three favorite movies: james bond, avengers, american pie
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: erect grand structures (far from spawn tho :p)
Did you even more?: Y

You have been whitelisted as well but read the comments I posted above on the other whitelists.

I would also like to note that griefing is only a minor inconvenience. I can just read logs to see if protected areas were broken to and tell if tnt or fire was used etc. etc. ban and then just load one of the many backups I make daily.
Also I most likely will be giving this guy to a contest winner of some sort very soon. It can be moved too via builder.
Here are a few more screens to share.

IGN: ankz
Age: 15
Mod experience: alot. constructed some cool stuff in tekkit, and feed the beast is similar...
ever been banned before: nope
Your 3 favorite bands: Noisia, Spor, Posij
Your three favorite movies:Lord of the Rings, Starwars, The Matrix
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: depends on what mood i'm in, but most time erecting grand structures.. :)
Did you even more?: Y

Hope i can get in, i'm excited :P
IGN: David876
Age: 15
Mod experience: I know nothing about programming one but I install and play various mods.
Banned before: Yes, but it wasn't fair in my opinion.
Favorite bands: Don't really have a 'favorite' band.
Favorite movies: Same answer as last one.
Venture forth or build: Depends on the location, the structure and the reason why I would make it.
Did you even more: Y.
IGN: BigDaveNz
Age: 18
Mod experience: been using mods since beta 1.2.5. Playing minecraft since alpha. Help Texture mods for the Sphax BDcraft tp
ever been banned before: No but ive definately banned people from my server before =P
Your 3 favorite bands: Rise Against, lindsey stirling (Not really a band but meh), Deadmau5
Your three favorite movies: tough one. Inception, In Time and FF7:Advent Children
Do you prefer to venture forth or erect grand structures: I just cruise doing different things everytime i play. So both
Did you even more?: Y
IGN: tj151976
Age: 14
Mod experience: Its much like Tekkit but a lot cooler, so I Great at it you can say.
ever been banned before: no (like you would say yes if you have :p)
Your 3 favorite bands: Green day, Skrillex, and Lacrea
Your three favorite movies: Avengers, I am legend, and Happy Gilmore
Do you prefer to venture forth or erect grand structures: Yes
Did you even more?: Y
I love Mod pack's so much and I've never been on a nice server like yours, I liked the look by the vid Hobopixelz did, Thanks for your time.
IGN: Ash19256
Age: 12
I prefer to erect grand structures/machines
Did you even more?: What?
I'm quite experienced with the FTB Pack
IGN: MikeDaNewb
Mod experience:Starter
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands: Green Day, Linkin Park and Skillet
Your three favorite movies: The Avengers, Ted, Hangover 2
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: YES
Did you even more?: Y

I lift.
IGN: Slitthrout
Age: 18
Mod experience: I am relatively experienced with most of the mods. I am however lacking in knowledge about some of them such as forestry, thermal expansion, computercraft, and some of the other more advanced ones.
ever been banned before: Not that I can recall, but its not impossible.
Your 3 favorite bands: I can't think of any specific group to call my favorite.
Your three favorite movies: I don't really watch movies.
Do you prefer to venture forth or erect grand structures: Adventure!
Did you even more?: Y
For those who may be experiencing the 503 error because of creeperhost (therefore cannot load the FTB launcher) Heres what to do:

1.Get MultiMC
2.Make A new instance
3.Copy your entire minecraft folder from inside FTBBETAA into the new instances .minecraft
4.Add MinecraftForge to the Jar mods inside MultiMC
5.Run Instance
IGN: _SyndicateX
Age: 15
Mod experience: I know most of the mods, but some im still getting the hang off.
ever been banned before: Nevaaaaaaaaaaa
Your 3 favorite bands: Pendulum , DeadMau5 , Madeon
Your three favorite movies: Any movie that isn't boring
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: Both . Good at building but lazy at the same time < logic.
Did you even more?: Y