mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
both above me are white listed. We are currently update to date -1, we did not do the newest update, because its not working. I have no clue how to get that client version but if all else fails on your end gimme a message
i think i got it mostly sorted out, except for the portalgun ids >_< not sure how to go about changing them to whatever ids are used by the server
i think i got it mostly sorted out, except for the portalgun ids >_< not sure how to go about changing them to whatever ids are used by the server
if you need the portal gun that is used by the server i posted a link to the download page the server uses 1.4.2v0.2

if it is that you don't know how to change the mods that are used when starting launcher

click modpacks

then right under that it should say "Edit mod pack" click that and the rest should be simple
Glad to have you aboard. The arena is finally finished and we are still looking for more members.
IGN: Om3gaOm3n
Age: 18
Mod experience: I have some exp. using tekkit and FTB
ever been banned before: no (like you would say yes if you have :p) yes(i will be honest, owner and staff were unfair, there is a longer story ill tell you in game if i get one)
Your 3 favorite bands: A Day To Remember, The Specktators, Linkin Park
Your three favorite movies: Finding Nemo, Harry Potter series, and The lord of the rings series
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: BOTH :D
Did you even more?: Y/N Ponies=Yes
IGN: HoboPixelz
Age: 16
Mod experience: Owned a Tekkit server for a small time.
ever been banned before: Nope, I'm a jolly ole scout.
Your 3 favorite bands: Of Mice & Men, Pierce The Veil, and The Ambassadors
Your three favorite movies: The Grey, Savages, and King Kong
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: Venture Forth
Did you even more?: Mickey Mouse is a Yes.
HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz HoboPixelz
IGN: SenorSacapuntas
Age: 16
Mod experience: tutorials, and watching youtubers
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands: most to all bands
Your three favorite movies: most recent, ted, taken2, sinister
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: both
Did you even more?: dont understand this question
Mod experience:Im very experienced with all the mods accept factorization
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands:My morning Jacket, Godsmack, The Black Keys
Your three favorite movies:LOTR ,Abyss, Tombstone
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures:Venture forth then build. Less chance to get griefed
Did you even more?:Y maybe twice
IGN: DevinL09
Age: 19
Mod experience: Admined/co-owned HoboPixelz's Server
ever been banned before: no
Your 3 favorite bands: Don't have a favorite band anymore really. I'll listen to anything I think sounds good.
Your three favorite movies: not a movie person
Do you prefer to venture forth or erect grand structures: Yes
Did you even more?: Y
Right on, glad to get another member today! Even better now that we have a whole group of friends. DevinL09 has been whitelisted.
IGN: Rulerxx
Age: 14
Mod experience: I have a pretty high understanding of most of the mods, except for complex redstone circuitry using redpower 2 (I understand its not released, just letting you know)
ever been banned before: Once i think, because an admin decided to use /kill on me and not give my items, so i went around griefing
Your 3 favorite bands: ewwww, i dont like bands. so im just gonna say 3 singers i like. Eminem, tupac, Justin bieber.
Your three favorite movies: All comedy/action movies, but since i have to name three, diehard 1, 2 and 3.
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: ehh.. uhhhh... i would prefer to build grand structures, but i cant :(
Did you even more?: y
IGN: AcidRunner
Age: 21
Mod experience: I used to play with the Technic pack a lot but now have switched over to FTB and it still use's a lot of the same mods so i do have knowledge about 80% of the FTB pack.
ever been banned before: no (like you would say yes if you have :p) Well actually yes, but if i get accepted i will explain the whole story it revolves around a minecraft bug back in June
Your 3 favorite bands: I like all types of music no favourites really :)
Your three favorite movies: Equilibrium, The Prestige, The Illusionist
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: I do prefer to venture out but i do like to build grand structures when other people are involved either by helping another player our or via a community build.
Did you even more?: I most certainly did yes :)

Well thanks for taking the time to read my application,
Hope to hear from you soon and hopefully get accepted :)

All the best,