mcWiredcraft [1.4.2] Whitelist

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
dev Im trying to get on the server but it seems its always down today is 1/4/13 tell me whats up if you can thanks
Did the irc got deleted or something, because i cant connect to it anywhere i go. I'm sure that vietnamese goverment is not blocking the internet like in china so can anybody tell me what is going on?.Also i cant connect to the enjin site for some reason. Oh, and greetings from Vietnam! :D
IGN: wackoman6789
Age: 14 (almost 15)
Did you More: Yes
I have played tekkit about 1 year and now im playing FTB i know alot about the mods ;D
IGN: johansimon
Age: 12
Did you more: Yes
I have played ftb for a copple of months now and i wanted to join a nice server with friendly players to learn more abou FTB.
Yo yo yo dude. I've been looking for a server like your for a while. I'm happy that i finally found it.
I am not much for giving away personal information on the forum, but i hope you will understand.
I have been playing on other servers like this, only vanilla though. So you shouldnt be afraid of me
greifing or stupid stuff like that. I can tell you my age, but not on the forum though.
Love and kisses from RunoGG (No i am not gay) ;) Have a nice day, thank you for reading this.[DOUBLEPOST=1359882416][/DOUBLEPOST]Overh3at, if you mean the engine. You could try to dowload java 7 i think that was the one. Sometimes it doesnt work with the newest java, well it didnt for me. I hope it helped you out.

At our website click the Whitelist app tab above the shoutbox to apply. Its easy to use and very quick.

Hello and welcome to McWiredCraft.

McWiredCraft runs the popular Feed The Beast mod pack and is whitelisted, the server is run and managed by the owner DevFourk and is helped out by his trusty moderators AcidRunner, Retb, Commx and Lunarembrace.

The main focus of the server is Survival although PVP is turned on, we also have created a mining age that does contain dense ores so you can go mining for hours, coming soon will be an admin shop too where you can save hard earned items and trade them in for something you have been wishing for.

We have a very friendly and active community comprising of people from all around the globe so you will also have some company whilst on the server.

We do have some rules to ensure everyone has an enjoyable time here on McWired Craft as we said before no greifing or raiding, do not leaving floating trees a no one wants to see floating leaves, swearing is ok as long as it is not every other word but harrasment is not allowed, as we said before PVP is turned on but do not go out randomly and start killing players.

Ok so we also do have a few banned items to ensure everyone has a lag free experience, anything that is a chunkloader E.G Quarries, Anchors, Anchor Carts, Teleporters etc, Descriptive books are also a no no, only the owner DevFourk is able to make ages and will do so accordingly and Portal Guns are also frowned upon as the portals created can cause severe lag and be used to greif. However these items may be obtainable by other means.

[DOUBLEPOST=1361578604][/DOUBLEPOST]IGN: CynicBlaze
Age: 16
Did you even more?: idk
IGN: Bontwo
Age: 17
Did you even more? Y
I love to build, and mainly play vanilla. Guess time to try something new eh? I have builder title on a server and just can't wait to start building with y'all on this one :D
Age: 15
Did you even more?: Yes
I love feed the beast and feed the beast servers with good community but I can't find any. I hope this is good I'm making youtube videos also so I need a place to play. ;)
ING: likeaboss3265
Age: 13
Did you more?: yes
love FTB and really getting good at bees [bee keeper for life haha] and ive seen so good replys about this server :p