[MC 1.7.10] New World Mod-Pack [v0.0.7]

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Thats right i also noted the scarcity of iron ore. Find Tin and Chopper in mass. But Iron is really barely.

And I've found that all too often occurs that Snowbiome.
The vanilla ore shortage is caused by all the other ores from the other mods overwriting the vanilla ores. If you fix your configs so only 1 type of copper, tin, silver, and lead spawn you will get more vanilla ores.
I'm running this off the FTB launcher. At the risk of sounding lazy, modifying configs on an FTB modpack seems like something I shouldn't have to do; the world doesn't need so much copper & tin etc. so shouldn't it just come delivered off the launcher with that already done?

I do have a dumb question though, if I disable those other ores, and there is a new update of the modpack, will I have to repeat this step every time I update the server? Also does each of the players have to modify their config(s) or does just a server config change suffice?

Hi, I saw this mod set up yesterday. Looked interesting, and right off the bad I found some serious nasty problems with it. I believe are mod specific, the main concern is the Meteorite mod crashing the internal server for single player. I have ran the meteorite one crash 5 times to confirm it was the cause since i took a meteor spawner and threw it at something. Each time, causes the game to crash and the console states: SoundSystem shutting down.
The second is the npc villagers(not the dumb ones that sit around), sometimes they don't show up and you have to restart the world to get them to show up. 3rd, a very odd one: I have noticed during my first day, memory leaks from the world bleeding out to another 2-3 worlds which I didn't have up at all. Otherwise, very good mod to relax to after ultimate or Mind crack
This is a really great modpack, and if you're having problems with too many different types of ore, simply download the pack from here, it appears to be pre-set configs that stop the generation of certain ore duplicates, I've mined a good lot and the only type of copper I've found is that from Metallurgy, although I did find a couple gold ore at layer 50-ish, kinda weird. I also found a decent amount of iron, enough to get a pulverizer going, and loads of redstone, but of course no diamonds. I should be able to mine more efficiently after getting some of those IC2 mining wells, though. Or finding a cave.
My game crashed when I was mining a meteor, and now when I try to load it up it crashes again. I've spent something like 20 hours on it and I really don't want to have to start again, is there any way to save it?
Guys, you have to remember. This is a new Mod-pack. It will not be perfect. There are errors with the pack that only some people can get so having the 30k+ members of the FTB play the pack has brought some really big problems up to my attention. I am used to fixing maybe one or two bugs every now and again and pumping out the fixes for them with-in hours. Now that the pack has this huge player base, as i said, there are TONS of bug reports. I am working on them as fast as someone who is supposed to be on vacation can fix them. This weekend I return home and can really provide some support for you guys, but until then, please read other bug reports before posting your own. 90% of these posts are the same bug. They way I see it now, Meteor Mod is causing a Major Crash (Working On it), MAC users are still having a launch issue with the pack (Not my fault, its the launcher, and if you read the forums you know they are working on it. All i can say is why are you gaming on a MAC? lol). All the other bugs are tiny issues like mellenaire villagers not loading the first launch. I'm sorry guys but I can't just fix an issue like that, most the time its your PC's fault. I am working on v6.0.0 as fast as I can, but JUST SO YOU ALL KNOW, it will most likely have its share of problems.

The vanilla ore shortage is caused by all the other ores from the other mods overwriting the vanilla ores. If you fix your configs so only 1 type of copper, tin, silver, and lead spawn you will get more vanilla ores.

That is not how it works, please don't post solutions to problems if you aren't 100% sure. Each ore has a spawn rate, there is plenty of room for all types of ores. Use the forge lexicon or change the config yourself if you have a problem with mutli-ores. Its a preference, and sorry for you, mine is to include all the ores in the world generation. Also, as I have said before, Iron Ore's spawn rate changes based on the biome, some have very little, some have tons. v6.0.0 I will up the rate of Iron Generation, but not by a lot, and guess what it will be based on the biome.
My game crashed when I was mining a meteor, and now when I try to load it up it crashes again. I've spent something like 20 hours on it and I really don't want to have to start again, is there any way to save it?
That just happened to me a few minutes ago, with the same crash report that generates when a meteor crashes. Try setting Advanced OpenGL to on and see if the world loads then.

EDIT: Something I'm noticing about meteors, though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way. The meteor crash sites I encounter have all the meteor blocks in one lone chunk, usually 5-10 blocks deep. Not really sure if it's supposed to happen like that, or the crash crashes cause this.

EDIT2: So far it seems it only crashes during the creation or destruction of a Fallen Meteor block, though randomly, as breaking Fallen Meteor blocks in Creative [even ones you place yourself] also causes MC to crash.

EDIT3: Investigating deeper, it might be caused by the spawning of either the Alien Creepers or Kitty Comets, as Alien Creepers can spawn from breaking Fallen Meteor blocks. Confirmed when I tried spawning an Alien Creeper using a spawn egg. Instant crash.
That just happened to me a few minutes ago, with the same crash report that generates when a meteor crashes. Try setting Advanced OpenGL to on and see if the world loads then.

EDIT: Something I'm noticing about meteors, though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way. The meteor crash sites I encounter have all the meteor blocks in one lone chunk, usually 5-10 blocks deep. Not really sure if it's supposed to happen like that, or the crash crashes cause this.

EDIT2: So far it seems it only crashes during the creation or destruction of a Fallen Meteor block, though randomly, as breaking Fallen Meteor blocks in Creative [even ones you place yourself] also causes MC to crash.

EDIT3: Investigating deeper, it might be caused by the spawning of either the Alien Creepers or Kitty Comets, as Alien Creepers can spawn from breaking Fallen Meteor blocks. Confirmed when I tried spawning an Alien Creeper using a spawn egg. Instant crash.

Nice finds, but I am working on v6 of the pack and these issues will be fixed :) thanks for pointing those out tho, I will be sure to test those points in greater detail
Another dumb question re: resource scarcity... When I was in the config files yesterday I saw the height level change to allow iron, gold, diamonds etc. to allow them to spawn up to level 128. In a biome that is flat (e.g. only air above level 64), does this mean that biome will have half the resources, since the chunk would have spread out the ores across all 128 levels, and then "deleted" the ores above 64 to make air for the biome?

I don't mind the height restriction change (even if it does thin out the resources considerably) but I'm wondering if a value of 64 instead of 128 would make more sense. In fact I think I'm talking myself into making this change on our server as I type this. :)
cool mod pack and i need help. how you make the server.

Just Download the mcpc-plus-legacy-1.4.7-R1.1-SNAPSHOT-f534-L48.jar and then create a Text File and write into it:

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar mcpc-plus-legacy-1.4.7-R1.1-SNAPSHOT-f534-L48.jar

Then go to Save as and save it as a .bat file

Then start the .bat File and after all Files are createt only copy the Files from the New World Server Pack into the New created Order[DOUBLEPOST=1370065980][/DOUBLEPOST]

Here some Bugs i have found:

Can it be that when i make a own Server that the Villagers(not the Standart) dont build anything or do anything?

In Singleplayermode the build own villages and so on but when i start a Multiplayer server i didnt find any village or any Villager

If you fix your configs so only 1 type of copper, tin, silver, and lead spawn you will get more vanilla ores.

Which Config File you mean?
I'd just like to say that I am enjoying this mod a lot, thanks for all the hard work. A little more iron and diamonds would be great, and you've said that you'll fix the crash glitch with the meteors which is also great.

Trading with the villagers is interesting. I traded all the materials they wanted and overnight a huge castle appeared next to my base. Is the castle for me ? The villagers don't seem to use it.