The vanilla ore shortage is caused by all the other ores from the other mods overwriting the vanilla ores. If you fix your configs so only 1 type of copper, tin, silver, and lead spawn you will get more vanilla ores.
That just happened to me a few minutes ago, with the same crash report that generates when a meteor crashes. Try setting Advanced OpenGL to on and see if the world loads then.My game crashed when I was mining a meteor, and now when I try to load it up it crashes again. I've spent something like 20 hours on it and I really don't want to have to start again, is there any way to save it?
That just happened to me a few minutes ago, with the same crash report that generates when a meteor crashes. Try setting Advanced OpenGL to on and see if the world loads then.
EDIT: Something I'm noticing about meteors, though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way. The meteor crash sites I encounter have all the meteor blocks in one lone chunk, usually 5-10 blocks deep. Not really sure if it's supposed to happen like that, or the crash crashes cause this.
EDIT2: So far it seems it only crashes during the creation or destruction of a Fallen Meteor block, though randomly, as breaking Fallen Meteor blocks in Creative [even ones you place yourself] also causes MC to crash.
EDIT3: Investigating deeper, it might be caused by the spawning of either the Alien Creepers or Kitty Comets, as Alien Creepers can spawn from breaking Fallen Meteor blocks. Confirmed when I tried spawning an Alien Creeper using a spawn egg. Instant crash.
Nice finds, but I am working on v6 of the pack and these issues will be fixedthanks for pointing those out tho, I will be sure to test those points in greater detail
You can order a server from or follow my youtube video (Search "NWMP Server Side").cool mod pack and i need help. how you make the server. mod pack and i need help. how you make the server.
Here some Bugs i have found:
If you fix your configs so only 1 type of copper, tin, silver, and lead spawn you will get more vanilla ores.