Mature 18+ Servers.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Note: I didn't know where to put this thread so I just put it here.
I am absolutely stunned on how there are so many 18+ or 20+ or even 25+ "Mature" servers. I cannot even comprehend the thought process behind the creation of one's server. For one thing, I don't even know how or why a server owner would think that they would actually get members of that age, and not people lying about it. I can GUARANTEE you that AT LEAST 70% of the applications they get are from people lying about their age.
Second, I don't even see why they are CLEARLY stereotyping humans under their required age. I know from first hand experience the reason they have age reqs is because they think they will get all these 12 year olds who are immature and trolls. I am so disappointed that people can even think it is justified to generalize a HUGE amount of people into one category of trolls and immature people. I cannot say it enough, do NOT judge people by their age, but by how MATURE they actually are. Not every person below 18 is a damn big troll jackass immature faggot (as some server owners describe all of them as, kind of ironic actually).
Lastly, I do not know WHY you think that having a "mature" server will ever be achieved. There is ZERO chance that you will be able to have many people on a server who GET ALONG and act like the PERFECT HUMANS you are looking for to join your "mature" server.
So please, I am asking you future and present "mature" server owners, PLEASE use that mature mind of yours and STOP generalizing every damn young person! Maybe GIVE people a chance to join your server and THEN decide if they are mature enough to join (cough greylist cough).
TLDR: Yo, "mature" server owners stop generalizing people under 18


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well its the age group under 18 that most ppl consider the griefers/trolls. This is why we the owners/admin choose who we allow on our whitelisted servers. If you have a problem with a way a server runs itself please just move on to the next one. Once a decent world management/protection system is out then i and i know many others will open public unwhitelisted servers so every1 can play without worrying about the griefers/troll/douches. So keep searching sorry that the majority of your age group chooses to do retarded things.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well its the age group under 18 that most ppl consider the griefers/trolls. This is why we the owners/admin choose who we allow on our whitelisted servers. If you have a problem with a way a server runs itself please just move on to the next one. Once a decent world management/protection system is out then i and i know many others will open public unwhitelisted servers so every1 can play without worrying about the griefers/troll/douches. So keep searching sorry that the majority of your age group chooses to do retarded things.
Judging by your post you don't even seem like a "mature" server owner. You type without even half decent grammar and spelling. Also, I'm guessing you just read the TLDR judging by your first sentence.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
why put a tldr if im not going to read it?
I'm suprised that you as the very mature and great server owner you are, wouldn't care to take 1 minute to read the full post instead of the TLDR, which was made for randoms (I didn't know mature people don't have common sense).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so people who own servers are mature, in that case you are stereotyping about a group of people as well which you say in your first post that you strongly dislike, lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From my experience in MMO's (and the internet overall) people that do not meet a "mature" criteria in general tend to be incredibly annoying to deal with on a regular basis they lack certain social skills that are present in "most" mature persons, it is a generalisation but is it one founded in hard facts and experience. In my guild on WoW we had a majority of mature players since these were most often the ones that would show regularly ready to go, the less mature players were often highly unreliable and often completely unprepared in any way we did have some less mature players in age but not in outlook.
There is also the social aspect of chat in a game where interaction between players is possible in many cases things I have said in chat would be cause for criminal charges if directed at a person under a certain age (which varies according to states\territories\countries) so in many cases the mature tag is a form of arse covering, not a very strong one but still it gives some possibility of defense against possible issues relating to mature content in a social situation over the internet.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its not always about they way children act (god knows that doesn't really change with age hehe)... sometimes its more about the types of conversations people have, and to have a break from watching what you say and relaxing a little (especially for those who have children).

Its the same with most things I suppose, its the few who ruin it for the most. You could always make a server that is for under 18y/o's only :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can GUARANTEE you that AT LEAST 70% of the applications they get are from people lying about their age.

Sure you can lie on an application, but masking your voice on teamspeak or such to sound more mature is a bit trickier.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People maintaining servers are often 18+ and do not want those too far outside their social circles and understandings. Teens are pretty much unpredictable, you run the gamut from griefers to mature folk indistinguishable from those older. You can get griefers and immature people with older people, its just a lot rarer. People 18+ tend to "go with the flow" a lot more, and act the way they should in the appropriate setting. The fact that you are ranting against it shows exactly what I mean. Either lie about your age like the rest and simply act mature, or keep to the 18- servers. You won't change anything by posting, or really by anything you do, so why bother posting?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Judging by your post you don't even seem like a "mature" server owner. You type without even half decent grammar and spelling. Also, I'm guessing you just read the TLDR judging by your first sentence.

And the way you respond to a person you simply disagree with just shows why people want to get rid of immature people.

And I'm sorry, but it's completely rediculous to even think that a 12-year old can be as 'mature' as an adult. Heck, maturing is a process that doesn't stop at 18 either and if I could help it I'd play mostly with people my age (32). People who are a bit older tend to think a bit more before responding in such a manner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Judging by your post you don't even seem like a "mature" server owner. You type without even half decent grammar and spelling. Also, I'm guessing you just read the TLDR judging by your first sentence.

Perhaps if you kept from "attacking" people, like that, perhaps you'd have a better chance at getting into a server.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ima 113yr old troll. And I am very offended by this thread, how come nobody makes a 80+ very mature server?

If server owners believe that maturity comes with age.... HAhahaaahhaaahaaa!!... they are so wrong.
Maturity is set by the users background, the one thing that we cannot measure without asking questions that will intrude the users privacy.

I'm fine by the fact that the server owners set age requirements. You know what I do? I don't send invitation to those servers, simple.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is probably not what was intended, but after reading this thread all nascar240 really did was prove the point of wanting to filter membership for maturity.

- Rash Generalizations
- Unnecessary Drama
- Unwarranted Petulant Responses
- Ad-Hominem and Distraction Discussion Tactics.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's more about playing with your peer group. I enjoy playing and chatting with people that can identify with my daily life, past experiences, etc. If you're under 25, you're going to have very little in common with me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play Minecraft, so I play alongside tons of young people. Most are respectful, lots of them are really good at the game, and most never grief or do anything destructive. In fact they're quite helpful. I enjoy playing with them. But I have the most fun when I'm in a Teamspeak room with adults because we just relate better. There comes an time in life when most of us just calm the hell down and stop trying to push to the front. When you get to that point is when I start wanting to hang out with you.

Here's how I see it:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately for those mature young adults out there, maturity is often thought to be measured by your age. The reality is that you're just as likely to find qualities of immaturity in adults. We spend hours building our castles in the sand and we want to protect our creations from those who would kick them over. Unfortunately, you're just as likely to get your sand castle stomped by an adult with an attitude and something to prove.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
nascar I hear a lot of bad things about you from server admins & staff I would if I were you not draw any more attention to your self.

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