Mature 18+ Servers.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
nascar I hear a lot of bad things about you from server admins & staff I would if I were you not draw any more attention to your self.

PS no more comment required or given to this topic.

I didn't realize that the forums where not the place to voice an opinion and get feedback. Clearly he should be punished for being honest about being under 18 and feeling shunned because of the many 18+ servers. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Unfortunately for those mature young adults out there, maturity is often thought to be measured by your age. The reality is that you're just as likely to find qualities of immaturity in adults. We spend hours building our castles in the sand and we want to protect our creations from those who would kick them over. Unfortunately, you're just as likely to get your sand castle stomped by an adult with an attitude and something to prove.

You're wrong about the likelihood.

Bottom line here is that a "mature" label on server requirements is stereotyping. I don't think anyone is arguing that. In an ideal world where every server admin had lots of time to interview each whitelist candidate, do background checks, credit checks and call 3 non-relative referrals there would be a lot less need to stereotype. Unfortunately we don't live in that world.

We live in this one ...and in this one you're more likely to get your sand castle stomped by the younger members of our global minecraft community.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dragonfel I ment his actions on servers not his age come on most of us are not that petty, personally I have met a lot of ppl young & old its not the age that matters its how they act.

now that is the last word on this "yeah I know :)"


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
As someone who volunteers as an admin on a sizeable (vanilla) server (no age limits), I can safely say the vast majority (about 90%) of people I had problems with are under 18, so stereotyping or not it does ring true, and the mature/18+ servers that I've been on generally have fewer problems so it does work to an extent.

Though generally if you act like an adult, you'd be able to get away with lying about your age. If you act like a kid, then you'll get whats coming.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i don't trust any players i don't know regardless of age i've 15-35 year old players and i have yet to have issues only because i actually know these people on teamspeak and talk to them daily


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One of those things that comes with time is understanding that the world just isn't fair. As neat as it'd be if it was, it just isn't. You'll be excluded from any number of things through your whole life because you're too young or too old, because you're a boy or a girl, even because of who your parents are or were.

People choose who they want to associate with. I'm sorry, but even if you're the most mature 13 year old in the world, when I join an 18+ server it's because I want to talk to people who are 18 and over. I'm going to make jokes that'll be a stretch for you to really understand, I'm going to make jokes I don't want to feel responsible for exposing you to, and I REALLY don't want to feel like I'm your father. I already have three kids of my own that I censor myself around. When I'm playing a game I want to just be me, and I'm too responsible to be able to cut loose around kids. Kids these days have enough bad influences already, they don't need exposed to the kind of filth that can come from me too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just to have this said: Yeah, age restrictions are generalizing. Aye, you're right, theres sober, level-headed and calm youngsters aplenty. It's nowhere near fair being excluded just because one does not have a specific age, yet. But.

One thing that I did not read in this thread, that must be said is this: It's their server. Their money, their time, their tech.. their decision. They do not want players below a certain age and there is absolutely nothing one can do about it. Maybe they had problems with younger players in the past, maybe they don't like young people in general, maybe it's a severe youngphobia - whatever the case may be, in the end - they decide. A player has absolutely no RIGHT to demand to be granted access to a specific server, except it's one you payed hard cash for the membership (though who in their right mind would do THAT^^) and have bought said right.

Please note that I am aware that you, the TO, did not demand anything in this thread, even though the reason behind this topic is obvious. I just wanted to put that paragraph out there. And, age aside, 'People from teh Internet' often (not always) relay to some sort of "I feel I have the right to complain/demand/kick'n'scream, so there!" attitude. And that is, simply put, laughable at best.
Apart of that - wolfpax' statement has a whole lot of truth in it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Honestly, I just run into far more immature people who are under 17. Of course not all will be that way, but you can't take the chance on it. It's easier just to make a blanket age requirement. Honestly, a 13 year old DOES NOT need to be talking to a random old guy on the internet anyway. Too many ways too take advantage of the kid in that situation.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Besides, most people feel comfortable around people close to their own age, it's only understandable that such age limitations will exist.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
maybe the age limits are just so people can talk about mature content without the fear of corrupting youth.. if you lie your way onto one of these servers then you only have yourself to blame if you hear/see something yoo old for you