I don't understandIt's to force you to switch over to autocrafting with assemblers, and once you have key components setup, you can craft more work tables.

I don't understandIt's to force you to switch over to autocrafting with assemblers, and once you have key components setup, you can craft more work tables.
By the time you need mass crafting of 3x3 recipes, you'll have either AE2 and/or RFTools Crafters, or you've built more Forestry Worktables.I don't understandEven if I'm encouraged to autocraft, say, 80% of everything i craft, what about the remaining 20%? Is there a later-game 3x3 grid I'll earn or something?
Thanks for the feedback!I'm not sure if it's the same frustration as Pyure encountered, but at least into the early Blue Science era, there was still a sizable mix of 3x3 crafts that were being made in batches but didn't make sense to automate or were in progress toward automation (pistons, item routers, compactors, bins), and others that were made in sets of one or two with long intervals between (techgun crafting stations, tools and weapons, pre-Military Science ammo, early filters, compressors, drill heads, Modular Machinery structure pieces). In normal Forestry, the Worktable is of significant benefit because you could load it up with just the awkward recipes that you'd otherwise be stuck abusing JEI's left-hand side for. Here, where it's the only crafting station available, even fairly common matters like pistons are likely to be out of the memory history by the time you need to make them again. I was lucky and found a structure with a Crafting Table I could co-opt and decent placement, but it's a strange level of inconvenience.
I get that you're trying to avoid the situation where people put off making Assemblers or Automated Workbenches except to the point Green Science requires it, by handcrafting a thousand inserters and conveyors, since that's both tempting and neither fun nor good preparation for later game stages. But the emphasis on one crafting station seems in contradiction with Pollution of the Realms and Factory0 Resources encouraging more spread out bases. In the worst case, someone's introduction to the new and improved Creepers could blow their Worktable away before, and while that's not _completely_ unwinnable, if it happens before you have access to Plastic Sheets it means rooting up your entire operation to find a new worldgen structure, if not just time to restart.
((On the other hand, it's still far better than the efab.))
I've also run into a number of situations where the unlock tree seems off. The Mining Drill Research can be purchased without having Carbon Fiber or the gasoline canister research (and all the flammables before that) unlocked, even though it needs both to actually be crafted; it's not the only such case. Going the other direction, Improved Steam Engines are dependent on the Basic Alloy Processing (presumably for the Electrum), but if you have a Crusher or AE Grindstone you don't actually need the Alloy Kiln for anything but Hardened Glass. I don't know that any of these are critical enough to justify redrawing out dependencies, but it might be helpful to either or relabel the tool tips.
Ah, that's a good solution. And it also handles the Alloy Kiln's pollution issues for the people that don't notice it directly.Currently the Alloy Kiln is required to make the alloys, no more manual dust mixing, and the electric furnace has more alloys and is more resource efficient (so progression).
Research Points certainly wouldn't be a terrible option, if only because by that point you should have a moderate stash of them and, while they're 'expensive' until you get automation together, they only become cheap about the same point that you've got Workbenches going. I've been trying to think of a good expense that doesn't require any 3x3 crafts to achieve -- the worst-case scenario being of someone getting two of the Automation 3/Advanced Electronics/Plastics trifecta and then getting Breacher Creepered while crafting -- but it might just be a situation people should be planning explicitly on avoiding.I've recently added a way to exchange research points for chunk loaders, I can do the same for the workbenches (at least for red/green) giving you a way to get 3 workbenches before you can craft them normally.
In particular, thanks for buffing assembly of Packaged Power Drills. It's a much better motivation to and to push for the Assemblers (and their upgrades) asap.Many recipes have been adjusted to ensure that using assemblers is more resource efficient, as another push to automation (since time isn't a factor with the removal of efab).
Immersive Petroleum Distillation Tower, using either Oil or Liquifacted Coal. In ImmersivePetroleum.cfg :Refined Fuel shouldn't be craftable, I'd have to check how you managed it.
# Distillation Tower recipes. Format: power_cost, input_name, input_mb -> output1_name, output1_mb, output2_name, output2_mb
S:towerRecipes <
980, oil, 100 -> lubricant, 45, refined_fuel, 10, gasoline, 55
980, coal, 70 -> lubricant, 15, refined_fuel, 35, gasoline, 20
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.Pollution Filters are either by hand, or using a Block Breaker/Placer setup. I think the hopper method is a later version of the mod as the original mod method is to use wool and/or leaves as a filter material as an anvil craft (which I bypass)
Didn't think to check that. Looks like it's set to just under 5k operations per graphite set, so even if the Iron + Pulverized Coke Coal isn't too accessible, it's at least a simpler (if energy-expensive) mode for bulk ore processing.Graphite Rods should have their durability increased drastically from IE default. If not, it's possible an update reset their config value.
Fair. I've been favoring them for space and pollution reasons (since I've not gotten Automation 4 yet), but I can see that being pretty far outside of normal play.Production Science has had a few recipe redesigns over time, I may have overlooked something on the Automated Workbench (as it's not commonly used).
Now that I overlooked.But the automated workbench recipe gives 100% durability electrodes for 32 coal coke. There will be a short period where players could have the Arc Furnace and Sulfuric Acid unlocked but not the Automated Workbench, but that doesn’t seem like a favored unlock path.
recipes.addShaped(<mekanism:machineblock2:4>,[[<advancedrocketry:productplate>,<mekanism:controlcircuit:2>,<advancedrocketry:productplate>],[<mekanism:gastank>.withTag({tier: 0}),<libvulpes:structuremachine>,<mekanism:gastank>.withTag({tier: 0})],[<advancedrocketry:productplate>,<mekanism:machineblock2:11>.withTag({tier: 0}),<advancedrocketry:productplate>]]);
recipes.addShaped(<mekanism:machineblock2:4>,[[<advancedrocketry:productplate>,<mekanism:controlcircuit:2>,<advancedrocketry:productplate>],[<mekanism:gastank>,<libvulpes:structuremachine>,<mekanism:gastank>],[<advancedrocketry:productplate>,<mekanism:machineblock2:11>.withTag({tier: 0}),<advancedrocketry:productplate>]]);
In this pack, by EMC stage, you've done pretty much everything, so any exploits are an investment. I have been constantly tweaking EMC as recipes do change, but there's bound to be a lot of that has slipped through.Primus versus Secondus was interesting.
Do you want reports regarding EMC issues? I know some modpacks just consider it more trouble than it's worth, and most of the positive feedback loops are both necessary and small enough that you'd normally be better off dropping another Factory0 drill: it'd be hilarious to see someone make a loop from the Advanced Rocketry Basic Circuit or Mekanism steel recipes, but not really something that blows up balance. There's some Hell Forge, Metal Press, and especially Assembler Recipes that are far enough off the return/time grid that they kinda make Energy Collectors and AntiMatter Relays a little superfluous. On the flip side, the Uranium Reprocessing recipe gets pretty badly obviated by EMC, and you'd have to run a fairly inefficient reactor pretty hard before unlocking Space for it to make much sense to use at all.
Hmm, red matter? Looks like I messed something up there. Gear looks like an oversight, Hell forge, err, yeahhh. Has a high RF cost, so reduces effectiveness a bit.Yeah, 10 EMC/craft wouldn't even cover electricity costs, and 10-20 EMC/tick still wouldn't make low-tier Energy Collectors useless. For the most part, from a balance perspective you've been generally most restrictive than not. It's more stuff on the scale of the Red Matter Assembler recipe (58,000 EMC/tick looped), Titanium Alumide Gear (~658 EMC/t) Metal Press and Rod (~220 EMC/t) Metal Press/Lathe Recipes, and Hell Forge Gold Ingot (~180EMC/t) and Ghast Tear (~307 EMC/t) recipes.