Sorry for the long list:
- Be reasonable, no - "Oh, I hate you from the forums!; bugger off!"
- Make the server all survival, the only creative servers that are liked are the ones with minigames; having some people creative and some survival is just mad! Plus, surviving and working with everyone on a server is fun and really good teamwork!
- Learn what each member likes and doesn't like; or in other words -Know your members; say hello and talk about stuff.
- No cheating, creative mode,
- Allow small raids and big pranks on survival servers, sticking to guidelines all the time is no fun!
- Only allow members with a very good understanding of mods and minecraft itself, also must be good at designing! Don't allow clingy or annoying people to be members.
- Make sure everyone is happy, reasonably rich and enjoying themselves.
- Be kind to new members, non rich members and those who have had recent raids/pranks etc.
If possible:
Learn to fly!