Magic mod based around astronomica, astrophysics, and tons of other space-related things - A concept

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys, I come up with mod concepts a lot, but sometimes an idea pops up that sticks around for a bit longer. This is one of those ideas.

The basic concept of the mod is the use of a Telescope to study the nightsky and note down the things you find out, which can be used to perform a variety of rituals and create many different utilities.

The research mechanic

Research is a great way to tier a mod, but it often ends up annoying players. After the first few times, you get bored with it, since it is the same drill each time. One of the goals of this concept is to create a research mechanic which is dynamic and introduces as much variety as possible.

One of the ways this will be done is to make the nightsky act different every night, while still following specific paterns. Studying things like star signs and planet arrangements, and a variety of other stuff one could find in the nightsky, you will be able to discover different things. Not everything will be important, some things will be simply useless, but you should be able to find out most things by simply peeking into the nightsky.

Research itself will be tiered too. Using a variety of lenses for your Telescope, you can explore different parts of the galaxy. At first, you won't be able to look much further past the moon, but as you progress, you can study different faraway planets and perhaps even other galaxies.

The different star positions and planet arrangements will have different effects on you and the world around you, which you will find out by experiencing them. This means that you can only find out what certain things do by doing them first... This keeps the risk alive. You will not be able to prepare unless you know what you are doing. Always keep your Astronomic Notebook on you!

Using your acquired knowledge

This is the vague part of the concept for now. You will be able to perform rituals, create different baubles and tools to help you, and get a variety of other utilities. There are many different things you will be able to use your knowledge for, here some concepts:
  • High-tier summoning of extraterrestial divine creatures. Gods of the nightsky. Different ''gods'' will behave differently according to the star positions and planet arrangements, making it a rather risky business. You may get demolished, or you may get rewarded. This is a minigame all in its own. Construct temples, perform sacrifices and rites, all to please the god you want to summon.
  • Travel to different planets... Not in the GalactiCraft way though. Constructing different portals will allow you to travel to a set amount of different planets (currently only one is planned). These planets will be different, and each will have its own use in the progression through the mod.
  • Tools bound to galactic events, such as moon phases. Planning appropriatly will give you the ability to rule the world at specific times, failing to do so will get you into trouble
  • Aliens and abduction... Maybe. You will most definitly be able to get pets from other planets, but maybe creatures from other planets want to get you as a pet? Anyway, another random event that will require you to be prepared. Survive and be rich, get defeated and prepare to be enslaved. Yay.
  • Buffs using star signs. Bind stars to you and experience buffs or debuffs depending on your luck. Risky business, yet again
As you can see, the mod is based around luck, to a degree. It will not be luck as in RNG, rather some surprises which you can prepare for. However, random encounters WILL be based on RNG, but even seemingly random lunar events will follow a pattern. All of it will require decent planning and knowledge for it to be useful.

Lunar cycles and moon phases

In various old religions, the moon has had a special place. Given this is a magic mod based around the galaxy, ofcourse the moon will play a very important role in the progression of the mod. Studying moon phases and lunar cycles will prove to be valuable, as different things (tools, armour, monsters, gods, etc.) will behave differently depending on the state of the moon.

Following are a few planned lunar events that will occur in your world. At first, they will seem random, but when you research it properly you should be able to predict them, using moon charts and alike.
  • Blood Moon. The Blood Moon will cause more monsters, and even some unknown monsters, to spawn. It is dangerous to roam free during these nights, but it can be very beneficial for the advanced Blood Magician... As it seems, Blood Magic is more efficient when performed during a Blood Moon.
  • Endermoon. Originating from a pun based on Enderman + Moon, this event will cause increased Ender-activity while it lasts (the Dire will not be happy). This event will play an important role in progression, as studying it appropriatly will unlock a variety of things, mainly related to transdimensional/planetary travel.
Cross-mod modules and effects
  • Various Baubles will be introduced.
  • A large cross-mod module will focus on adding some utilities to TC4, mainly related to Wands and Wand Foci. I have a lot of stuff planned for this, but it would be unwieldly to put it in this list.
  • TiCon modifiers, allowing your tinker tools to benefit from galactic events as well.
  • Botania additions, though I am not sure what. I just love Botania, so expect Botania things.
  • Blood Magic stuff. The Blood Moon is one example, but I'd love to pair some more blood with extraterrestial happenings.
Anyway, this was the concept for the most part. I may sporadically expand it, feel free to respond and tell me what you like/dislike about the concept.

Warning: there is a high chance the mod will not be made. Lots of my concepts have died over the years.

~ Dylan
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Seems like a very cool idea. I'll be watching this to see how it turns out.
Ooo cool! Hope something comes out of this, sounds neat! Gah with all this new bauble stuff planned or something I hope there'll be like, a bag or satchel to keep extra baubles you'd want to switch back and forth onto your person. @.@
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Well soooooory haha I'm kidding, I just didn't know if you were against that[DOUBLEPOST=1399834042][/DOUBLEPOST]I have an idea, make a new totem thing for totemic that makes the sky more clear or something so research is easier
IDEA: Event-Thaumic Stars-Aer Vis in your wand slowly regenerates and nodes regenerate 50% faster.
Wand Cap-Luna-Bind it to a specific phase, 30% vis discount during chosen phase.
Event-Aligned Planets-Coven Witches from Witchery spawn naturally, and regular witches a bit more frequently.
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I need this right now. I NEED THIS LAST MILLENIA!!!
This is just...
Too awesome.
I'm not even joking

No no, this is how you do it:
