I can't log in online unless I use a different comp. I simply do not have Internet on my own computer right now, nor do I have a way to hook it up to the Internet short of buying another wifi adapter. I live with my parents, and my mom took both my Ethernet cable and my wifi adapter. Not to be a dick, but for honest reasons.
I can, however, still access my parents' computer. It doesn't handle modpacks too well, but if there's some way I can make use of that comp and my flash drive to transfer files to mine, or get the launcher to verify my login from the other comp, that would work.
Also, I did fire up the vanilla launcher I have, and it let me play the one vanilla version I have offline no prob.
Is there any way I could install packs to my vanilla launcher? I tried creating a new version and copied the files from the Forge .jar into the to-be-modded minecraft.jar, but no matter what I did it would always launch vanilla. Then I remembered about the Forge installer. Am I really gonna need that? Just how are launchers creating these Forge-modded minecraft .jars anyway?