[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Rather backhandedly I might add, considering how many times you say the word "cheating" in that sentence. You do understand how the english language works right? Or language in general? The purpose of language is to communicate meaning through the use of words, and when you infuse your "opinion" on what those words mean that is incorrect to the actual definition of the word, then you create confusion and possibly misinterpreted meanings. The definition of the word cheating as it pertains to games is "To violate rules deliberately." Tell me what rules are being violated to denote that anyone is "cheating" by playing the game different than how you play it? Get off your high horse. The way you play this game is not the only way, and all other ways of playing it are not considered "cheating."
Everything is relative, as it says in my signature even relativity is relative, that is how the world works.
I don't care if you do things similar to using the creative mode to give yourself stuff, that is you and not me. No high horses, please just drop it.

But the versions went from 1.2.7 to 1.1.18. Did karmacharger get the version #'s wrong?
Karma was reposting the contents of an old update to respond to a post, it was an old update and not the current one.

Press Shift to hop of the mobs, its like riding a minecart.... Being near mobs lower saninity XD... I will look into making those naughty zombies/skeleton rarer :3

WOAH?!!!!! You can jump off of them?!

Ello. After burning threw all available mod packs for 1.6.X I took a break from minecraft because of some aggravating performance issues of 1.7.X. I recently picked it up again playing BlastOff! with my friend Ram. We encountered a problem both of us have been afflicted with a permanent Speed 2 buff. It is causing allot of rubber banding. We cheated and gave our selves Permanent Slowness 2 to compensate. Is there a solution to this issue other then what we have done?
Expanding on what everyone else has said you can remove the buffs by hitting ; to remove the MyFit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For anyone who dont know....

This is already in the pack, Craft a creeper head with a book to find out more details :3

Space bar to attack!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got a problem, I've literally mined every pillar in the world and I need more gold. I've come up with ways to get more Iron for example smelting down Iron Bars etc, but I need more gold. Any tips?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've got a problem, I've literally mined every pillar in the world and I need more gold. I've come up with ways to get more Iron for example smelting down Iron Bars etc, but I need more gold. Any tips?
Go into MCEdit and delete the cleared chunks so they can regenerate?

Ooooh I like the pigman farm idea.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lol my suggestion is easier.

Do the spires stop at a certain distance away? I thought they naturally generated?

Yeah, :/

They end up stop generating about 500 blocks away from spawn or so. It's different in the different directions. I think East they stop in 500 and north is about 1600. I've got a good idea in my head to get some more gold hopefully it will work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, :/

They end up stop generating about 500 blocks away from spawn or so. It's different in the different directions. I think East they stop in 500 and north is about 1600. I've got a good idea in my head to get some more gold hopefully it will work.

Then karma I suggest using a mod that makes these generate all the time nonstop without making them stop generate after some time. This can be achieved by using that Millenaire mod I suggested before and turning off all of the villages and only turn on custom things to spawn like spires and whatnot. I originally suggested Millenaire to be used to randomly generate bunkers but if the spires stop at a certain point...

It can also generate your new volcanoes too!
For the Imaginations addon pack for Millenaire about three years ago I submitted a volcano to generate lol it had a glass maze inside and everyone hated it because it was too hard xD

For those who don't remember the Imaginations addon pack for Millenaire was featured in the Yogbox modpack just to jog memories.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, Please help - thank you.
Hey, so I just started with botania latley, got a realy nice tree farm and auto charcoal prudction, made 5endoflames and I want to get that altar, but I need a mana diamond or a mana pearl, to get a mana diamond I need the altar itself, to get those items via the flowers quest I need the altar, to get a mana pearl I need to get a galdagator (can't spell it right, sorry) eye and put it in a mana pool, is it the only way ? Do I have to get that galdagator eye to start with botanina ? Thanks, please reply ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Then karma I suggest using a mod that makes these generate all the time nonstop without making them stop generate after some time. This can be achieved by using that Millenaire mod I suggested before and turning off all of the villages and only turn on custom things to spawn like spires and whatnot. I originally suggested Millenaire to be used to randomly generate bunkers but if the spires stop at a certain point...

It can also generate your new volcanoes too!
For the Imaginations addon pack for Millenaire about three years ago I submitted a volcano to generate lol it had a glass maze inside and everyone hated it because it was too hard xD

For those who don't remember the Imaginations addon pack for Millenaire was featured in the Yogbox modpack just to jog memories.

I haven't seen that for a long time. I've finished setting up the pigman farm now, going to start to build my rocket now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everything is relative, as it says in my signature even relativity is relative, that is how the world works.
I don't care if you do things similar to using the creative mode to give yourself stuff, that is you and not me. No high horses, please just drop it.
If you think everything is relative (to each individual as you are trying to imply), try going out and murdering someone and telling that to the judge when they lock you in jail. That's possibly one of the dumbest reasons I've ever heard, and it's definitely not how the world works. Again, I think you may not understand what "relative" means. Go use that dictionary again.