[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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Can you post screenshots?

Here you go, (yeah it took me a while)


You can't make slime crossbow limb nor slime crossbow body (the only parts that you can craft are: Stone, Bone, Obsidian and netherrack (when using non metal materials) otherwise all metals seem to work))

The problem is that slime is not a metal so I don't know if it is intended to be like that or not.
So what version of this pack is considered to be the best version? Also, is there going to be an update anytime soon? I've been putting off trying this pack for a while since it seemed to be in a state of rapid flux. If things have settled down and all the serious bugs are fixed, I could give it a shot.
Are annihilation planes disabled? i set so up to get a sugar farm end they will not work.

----Nevermined i just noticed i made the one from extracell and not from AE
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Here you go, (yeah it took me a while)


You can't make slime crossbow limb nor slime crossbow body (the only parts that you can craft are: Stone, Bone, Obsidian and netherrack (when using non metal materials) otherwise all metals seem to work))

The problem is that slime is not a metal so I don't know if it is intended to be like that or not.
Weird... I'm not sure sorry, anyone?

So what version of this pack is considered to be the best version? Also, is there going to be an update anytime soon? I've been putting off trying this pack for a while since it seemed to be in a state of rapid flux. If things have settled down and all the serious bugs are fixed, I could give it a shot.
The alleged rapid flux stopped some time before 1.3.X so anytime after that should be fine, lately all that has really changed is bug fixes and mod updates when the mods themselves update.
I've been using it since 1.1.6 and have updated it every time an update came out and have had no issue so I don't understand what everyone has been complaining about...

Speaking of complaining, I was fighting some Herobrines in one of the villages when my game crashed midfight... <.<
I loaded the game back up and instadied which was fine and understandable but when I went to where I died all I found was two swords from my dual wielding inventory and no gravestone?! It is my understanding that I can move a player data file from one of the backups to the current file and it will move back back where I was and give me an older version of my inventory? I've tried various things but to no success, might anyone know?
Speaking of complaining, I was fighting some Herobrines in one of the villages when my game crashed midfight... <.<
I loaded the game back up and instadied which was fine and understandable but when I went to where I died all I found was two swords from my dual wielding inventory and no gravestone?! It is my understanding that I can move a player data file from one of the backups to the current file and it will move back back where I was and give me an older version of my inventory? I've tried various things but to no success, might anyone know?

Sometimes the game graves bug a bit because two separate graves will generate. I'm not sure if the second grave just hides somewhere, or if it simply overwrites the first grave...

Anyway, there's a command to restore the items in case the grave is inaccessible:

If you empty your inventory first, you can then use this command:
/ob_inventory restore <username> <deathfilename>

The death file is stored in the "BlastOff/worldname/data/" folder. World name being your current world (EasyCore, HardCore, world, etc). There's probably two there with very similar names, one being the empty and the other being the one your main inventory. You only want the identifying stuff from the filename, the stuff that would be between these brackets: "inventory-[importantstuff].dat"
Basically the username and the date/time are in there, that's what you need to use in the command.

For version # I think 1.3.0 seems pretty good. I did manually update my Flaxbeard's though. The higher versions sound like they have issues. Maybe they work fine if you're starting fresh on them.
Sometimes the game graves bug a bit because two separate graves will generate. I'm not sure if the second grave just hides somewhere, or if it simply overwrites the first grave...

Anyway, there's a command to restore the items in case the grave is inaccessible:

For version # I think 1.3.0 seems pretty good. I did manually update my Flaxbeard's though. The higher versions sound like they have issues. Maybe they work fine if you're starting fresh on them.
Huzzah! Thanks!

It doesn't seem to work for my Baubles and dual weidling inventory but those are easily creative mode returned!
Ugh. I can't find any more aluminum ore and I'm desperately short. Anyone know off hand which types of spires generally house it?
Ugh. I can't find any more aluminum ore and I'm desperately short. Anyone know off hand which types of spires generally house it?

I'd suggest curing some zombie villagers until you get 2 of the 'regular' villagers (not the MCA human ones) that you can then breed a bunch (just throw them in a house with a ton of doors). Then grab up the Tinkers' villagers with a golden lasso and murder/relocate the others. Tinkers' villagers will sell you oreberry bushes, which means infinite iron/gold/copper/aluminum/tin(?).

Don't upgrade your meteor shields either, as long as your base is covered and safe. Having a good lot of meteors crashing down in close proximity to your base will keep you in decent supply of ores. (Get a fortune III diamond hammer, with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III if you can manage it. Ender IO's enchanter might help with that)

Edit: I'm not sure about which spires are good for aluminum. I haven't done too much spire mashing, and I'm still fairly well progressed along. Getting Galacticraft set up now for my first expedition to the moon.
Um... ok you're way ahead of me. I'm still on the getting started quests and just now starting to range out past the first few spires near my base...

I did find a village of houses with a bunch of bound souls. Is that the zombie town you're talking about?

Anyway - not ready for that yet I think. Will just keep digging for now...
Um... ok you're way ahead of me. I'm still on the getting started quests and just now starting to range out past the first few spires near my base...

I did find a village of houses with a bunch of bound souls. Is that the zombie town you're talking about?

Anyway - not ready for that yet I think. Will just keep digging for now...

The spire with 9 aluminum in the centre is the one with lapis and gold on the outside. Just start mining the lapis and follow the oretrail ,made of gold and lapis, to the centre. The centre contains 8 copper, 5/6 tin and 9 aluminum. Its not much, but its the only one that contains aluminum... If i were you i would make my way to the top of the pickaxetiers, get diamonds for a diamond hammer and make a enderio enchanter (should doable with the early questrewards). Enchant the hammer with those bluedwarf said and mine some meteors.
Um... ok you're way ahead of me. I'm still on the getting started quests and just now starting to range out past the first few spires near my base...

I did find a village of houses with a bunch of bound souls. Is that the zombie town you're talking about?

Anyway - not ready for that yet I think. Will just keep digging for now...

The spire with 9 aluminum in the centre is the one with lapis and gold on the outside. Just start mining the lapis and follow the oretrail ,made of gold and lapis, to the centre. The centre contains 8 copper, 5/6 tin and 9 aluminum. Its not much, but its the only one that contains aluminum... If i were you i would make my way to the top of the pickaxetiers, get diamonds for a diamond hammer and make a enderio enchanter (should doable with the early questrewards). Enchant the hammer with those bluedwarf said and mine some meteors.
All of this is covered in acceptable levels of detail within the Getting Started quests, you will even get rewards that will supply you with things you need (Like the spatial drive full of ice, and the Blacksmith's Anvil and Hammer)
Thanks man !!! found it out !!! well mod is hard 2 start with , lots of mods that I don't know

Have a problem !!!!
My Botania flowers disappears, don't know why !!!
I'm planting them and after a while they are gone !
I've tried to plant them inside house, outside, near water, lava, top and bottom heights.
I've updated botania, waiting in house, doing my stuff with crafting (chunk loaded) -> same result
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Have a problem !!!!
My Botania flowers disappears, don't know why !!!
I'm planting them and after a while they are gone !
I've tried to plant them inside house, outside, near water, lava, top and bottom heights.
I've updated botania, waiting in house, doing my stuff with crafting (chunk loaded) -> same result

It's a config option. After 3 days dayblooms, nightshades and hydroangeas dissapear, POOF!!!

You cannot do anything about it, but you can make endoflames, they are the best choice for starting.
It's a config option. After 3 days dayblooms, nightshades and hydroangeas dissapear, POOF!!!

You cannot do anything about it, but you can make endoflames, they are the best choice for starting.
thanks, u've saved my craziness
i keep on watching the forums for bug fixes and a update to the pack. Hopefully the recipe spam for Galgadorian metal is substituted for anything .Steves carts caro manager resetting every time you log out makes it unreliable and a abandoned mod at this point. without a update for him your based on a mod thats broken. all lets plays i have seen dropped the series after the first mekanism machine is made. i intend not to cheat or make some half cocked contraption to try to progress. its way to much of the stuff maybe once you make a infuser the recipes could come from it rather than throwing it in the junk drawer. i really enjoyed the pack till then and so did hundreds of others who would never just Grind the tails off hoping there is something worse in store for them later.Anyways good luck ill keep on checking to see if anything is fixed or updated.
Hopefully the recipe spam for Galgadorian metal is substituted for anything
What do you mean here?
Steves carts caro manager resetting every time you log out makes it unreliable and a abandoned mod at this point. without a update for him your based on a mod thats broken
If that statement is accurate, I agree with you there. You'd want to update as soon as possible to fix such a game breaking bug.
all lets plays i have seen dropped the series after the first mekanism machine is made.
Now I'm not a big yogscast fan, but that series clearly contradicts that. But can you give some examples of that? It would be good to check it out to see exactly where people generally lose interest.
i intend not to cheat or make some half cocked contraption to try to progress.
How is this relevant to your conclusion?
its way to much of the stuff maybe once you make a infuser the recipes could come from it rather than throwing it in the junk drawer.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
i really enjoyed the pack till then and so did hundreds of others who would never just Grind the tails off hoping there is something worse in store for them later.
What are you trying to say here? In less generalizations and more base fact if you can.

Not trying to beat you down with this just trying to get a read on what you are actually trying to say,
So, I just died of heatstroke. I was really far from my base, and i had sync on. so I was teleported to my base, but the chunks arent loaded. So the only chunk that is loaded is the one i died in. I forced chunk load, but it didnt work. plz help!
So, I just died of heatstroke. I was really far from my base, and i had sync on. so I was teleported to my base, but the chunks arent loaded. So the only chunk that is loaded is the one i died in. I forced chunk load, but it didnt work. plz help!
nevermind. relaunched and it fixed it