Finally got my drones up and running today. Anyone have any tips for automating the mining of meteor fields with them?
I have one that picks up a hammer, does an area mine, then drops off the hammer and does Suicide into a hopper for storage.
The second one does Area Pick Up Item over the same area, deposit to chest, then go to its home location near the chargepad.
Unfortunately this seems to be horribly ineffective, as the drone only carries one type of item and meteors drop quite a few different things... So he pretty much just floats around trying to grab up all of one item which just takes forever, then he'd got to drop it off and come back... It's just no good with how quick the other drone can clear the field with the hammer. Stuff would despawn ages before it got picked up.
I might try sending him out with a silky tool so they can just grab up the meteors themselves, then I can just bash them at home or have the drone do it so the drops just fall in a hopper.
First, Smelt GOLD in the crucible.... Then make a brick, put it in the casting table..... Then pour the gold from the crucible (via faucet) into the casting table... This will get you an ingot cast! Which you can pour the seared bricks into!Hello again need a bit off help i have melted grout in a crucible attached a faucet and connected it to a casting table how do i get the seared brick out?
Its an enviromine issue. report it there. although you'd be the 1000th person to do so.
Does anyone know how to make a applied energistics system that can enchant books without the use of emeralds(flimflam enchant). I cant get the interface to work properly with the auto-enchanter, its too specific on what kind of enchant the book is. Anyone can help me? I am trying to make my AE system able to make ender cores on its own, it worked so far untill i reached the part with the enchanting....
Will do that, now i made the import bus part, and made a chest where i put the books in myselfJust have 2 chests on opposite sides of the openblocks auto-enchantment table set to lvl 1 enchantments, with a tank full of xp, and have a interface drop books into the input chest and a import bus on the output side chest. That works very well for me.
Pretty sure that is not something that needs fixed, I think the modpack dev just doesn't want that to work with the modpack, perhaps a nerf for something too OP?MyFit has negative infinity damage taken. No resistance buff is possible to get. Got a fix for this? (picture below)
I've seen other people with the same problem, but no fix.
Wait the "electric bow" from the beginning is just a renamed TiC bow?Bow, which you have in the beginning, but with upgrades. Draw speed - 0.3s, you can launch couple arrows per second
Strength increase damage.View attachment 17591
View attachment 17588
Woah you can craft that? I've just been finding a few of them as dungeon loot.Sword from EnderIO, 2 dark steel ingots and stick...
I haven't made a mob farm yet, don't really want to...only 2? ive gone through like 8 hah i keep getting them in my mob farm every now and then....but yeh theyre very unintelligentthey go insane when you light off tnt there even a purpose to the pet spider? does it spawn string or anything?
Wait, does the recipe for nether star that includes wither skeleton heads, soul sand, and weapons work?!For flight i use an angel ring, best flying item to have.(flugel tiara from botania is next best option, but i find the gaia guardian more dangerous than wither)
It is not, check NEI.ok so im pretty new to botania, i get the just of it....but for the life of me a cannot make a mana diamond or pearl?? ive got my mana pool like a third full, when i hold a diamond or ender pearl nothing pops up with a check or an x like for the pedals ive tossed in. ive tossed them at it constantly and nothing, what on earth am i doing wrong? this is how you make mana diamonds and pearls is it not.