[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't see in NEI how to create a Large Lump of Galgador. What is the recipe?

Awesome pack.
You don't, you craft enhanced galgador blocks

We really need a quest chain that walks people through crafting their first Galgadors
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Um, I was playing EazyCore cause I had to delete my favorite world, and I encountered a really weird issue. I had been playing for awhile and had amassed considerable buffs, resistance 3, etc. And I accidently fell off a pillar into some lava from a meteorite, escaped the lava, then died soon after from heatstroke. I respawned in my Sync Shell and then went to retrieve my items. I noticed my Temperature bar kept going up, no matter where I was (Complete darkness 100% submerged in water. Since it was EazyCore I killed myself. When I respawned my temperature bar was fine, but all my Buffs went to like -2485767 and I lost them. Just a warning for anyone else who might encounter this :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't seem to get turrets to work on the server, I put down a block of obsidian then a fence post on top of that then a dispenser on top of that and nothing happens, am I missing a step because thats all the book tells me to do? Never mind, I didn't see that it had to be a nether fence.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had an idea today. People don't seem to bother with steampower that much since it's not used much outside of the brass itself. What if, and hear me out, what if there was naturally no diamond ore generation, and you needed full steamworks to get diamonds before you could get better methods of creating diamonds later on?
You don't, you craft enhanced galgador blocks

We really need a quest chain that walks people through crafting their first Galgadors
Yeah seriously, I had to work backwards through NEI before I figured it out. Kinda silly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can you call something that isn't buggy, buggy?
Because it IS buggy? Your statement is nothing more than an erroneous statement of fact without basis, and I could just as easily respond with, "How can you call something that is buggy, stable?" The whole enviromine system to me is a great idea on paper, but horrible in practice. If you would like examples, look through all of the posts in this thread pertaining to sanity and the confusion surrounding it. Sanity glitches out alot of times and goes into a constant drain mode, and the usual solutions are things like relog, or switch to peaceful mode and then back. If that is required to fix something, then it's buggy. Also as I have already mentioned, lots of random things effect sanity without actually TELLING you what they are, so you are left twiddling your thumbs watching a bar drain down for no apparent reason. Then you have things like temperature and thirst that just adds more and more things to micro-manage. Fun in the beginning, these quickly become so tedious and boring to do throughout the hundreds of hours you play this pack. If I wanted a life simulator, I'd play the sims.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let me preface the following issue with the fact that I'm most likely doing something wrong.
I downloaded the 1.2.8 zip and extracted it into the main FTB directory.
When I run Blastoff through the launcher, the Mojang screen comes up and it appears to be preloading all of the mods. There's a xp looking status bar at the top of the Mojang logo showing progress of the load.
I quickly run out of RAM however at this point. Maybe since most of the mods were already loaded and they were getting loaded again?
I've tried increasing RAM usage in the launcher from my default of 4GB up to 7GB out of 16GB in the system but the issue still happens. Note that I have no issue running 1.2.7 with 4GB.

If I'm doing something obviously wrong, please let me know as the new stuff looks exciting. Otherwise, I can probably wait til it's the Recommended version.

Thanks for your attention


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Also, I took a look at the Yogscast trying to do this pack and couldn't help but notice their Sync shelled bodies showed their skin, how do I have that happen?
Mine is just Steve... :'c


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Generally I try to use NEI as a last resort. Most other parts of this pack were relatively intuitive. That, well, wasn't.
You're telling me you have the recipe for every item and machine in all modpacks everywhere memorized?
I spend just about half my time playing in NEI...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Good point.
My only issue was that he was misleading new people.
Quoting imaginary statements? nowhere in this thread was what you just quoted said... (edit:found it. was an older statement) And what does me stating enviromine's flaws have anything to do with the cheating discussion? It sounds more like you are trying to bring it up again, as I never mentioned cheating once. How was anything I said "misleading"? It was on topic (someone was having problems dealing with sanity), I thought I was pretty clear about enviromine's flaws (some of which that person was encountering) and why I don't play with it on. You were the one who chose to troll my comments, not the other way around.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quoting imaginary statements? nowhere in this thread was what you just quoted said... (edit:found it. was an older statement) And what does me stating enviromine's flaws have anything to do with the cheating discussion? It sounds more like you are trying to bring it up again, as I never mentioned cheating once. How was anything I said "misleading"? It was on topic (someone was having problems dealing with sanity), I thought I was pretty clear about enviromine's flaws (some of which that person was encountering) and why I don't play with it on. You were the one who chose to troll my comments, not the other way around.
I hope you are using the plural you because I never brought it up again, I merely responded to someone who was talking about your track record.
A flaw is different than a bug.

and for the record, there is an arrow in the quoted bar that takes you to where a quote is from. It was not an old post it was posted after I was last here at the time.

2) Use open blocks vacuum hoppers
Is the Hopperhock flower from Botania any better or even worth the effort?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I started to tinker with Pneumaticraft Drones yesterday.
I noticed that the NEI recipe for the rotator blade(I hope it was called that :D) says it needs 1 redstone dust and 1 gold, but the pressure chamber uses 2 dust and 1 gold per blade. I'm on 1.2.7.
The quest doesn't recognize my crafted drone. I had to hqm edit the quest to finish it.

Is there a place with an up to date wiki on the new programming pieces? Do I have to install the ingame wiki mod for more information?

I love these little guys now. If I had known how cheap they are from the start I would've gotten them waaaaaay earlier and automated my brass production(or my whole base) with it.

I still need to figure out how to automate my pressure generation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Smart moving changes how players are rendered, however not all mods are compatible with the new kind of render so this happens... dont worry its just a visual bug

I know its just visual, but its annoying me (the armor especially), it even happens in the pause menu and when i disable smartmoving. Im playing with it now, but its just annoying how a good looking armor gets rekt by a glitch...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know I read a post that some one was having with the turrets from forming, but I can not find it or if there was a reply to what the issue was. I ask, because I to am having that issue. 1-stone, 1-fence post, 1-dispenser, and nothing happens.