[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hey, so I wanted to start with AE quests, can someone please help me do it? I can't complete the first quest, thanks for the help.
edit: I tried to choose a reward but I still don't have that button to finish the quest :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can anyone tell me how that would work, because there are no recipes for it in NEI?

This is about the galgadorian metal...
Its only possible for the First tier galgadorian metal, NOT the refined one, the refined galgador metal would still require Pneumaticraft :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Ehm... about the testserver... x.x
Seems like mytown has a problem with the block-placer of open blocks too, disconnecting me right when it's used. (at least it's the same as when placing carpenter doors and adventurer backpacks)
Bad thing about this: I put - as I'm used to it - a redstone'clock from open blocks on it... so at the moment I put the server into a space where everytime you log in, the block-placer makes you loose connection again...
Should have tested it with a button first, but didn't think this would happen x.x Sorry. Hope it can be fixed somehow. I sadly cannot log in anymore to break it myself :/

If it is mytown: I begin to dislike the mod, makes you break the server so easilly x.x


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You have to pick a reward by clicking on it

karmacharger likes this.

I've tried to click on it ! is not my first quest as you can see, I updated to 1.2.7 from 1.2.5 and the quest is now bugged, I clciked on all of the rewards millions of times and nothing happend, can I somehow reset this quest? I think that I updated from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 bugged it cause I had the items but it was'nt available yet, plesae help me, thank you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Ehm... about the testserver... x.x
Seems like mytown has a problem with the block-placer of open blocks too, disconnecting me right when it's used. (at least it's the same as when placing carpenter doors and adventurer backpacks)
Bad thing about this: I put - as I'm used to it - a redstone'clock from open blocks on it... so at the moment I put the server into a space where everytime you log in, the block-placer makes you loose connection again...
Should have tested it with a button first, but didn't think this would happen x.x Sorry. Hope it can be fixed somehow. I sadly cannot log in anymore to break it myself :/
Hmmm I got an idea


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've tried to click on it ! is not my first quest as you can see, I updated to 1.2.7 from 1.2.5 and the quest is now bugged, I clciked on all of the rewards millions of times and nothing happend, can I somehow reset this quest? I think that I updated from 1.2.5 to 1.2.7 bugged it cause I had the items but it was'nt available yet, plesae help me, thank you.
Use /hqm edit to complete/reset it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Ehm... about the testserver... x.x
Seems like mytown has a problem with the block-placer of open blocks too, disconnecting me right when it's used. (at least it's the same as when placing carpenter doors and adventurer backpacks)
Bad thing about this: I put - as I'm used to it - a redstone'clock from open blocks on it... so at the moment I put the server into a space where everytime you log in, the block-placer makes you loose connection again...
Should have tested it with a button first, but didn't think this would happen x.x Sorry. Hope it can be fixed somehow. I sadly cannot log in anymore to break it myself :/

If it is mytown: I begin to dislike the mod, makes you break the server so easilly x.x
Should be fixed :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Test-Server has the problem with mytown (or what it was) that you cannot blow up tnt.

First time I used a creeper to get the compressed iron for starting pneumaticcraft xD

I had the same problem but had 2 stacks of inc and 1 stack of raw squid. Then got 1 seed. Planted it on water, bonemeal it 2-3 times (don't let it spew a squid, when it's mature, whack it and it'll give more seeds than killing the squid for squid seeds.)
Nah it works fine for me? Check it out at 3:21


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey karmacharger, thanks for the help and I think is ovbious but you got an amazing modpack, is EXTREMLY UNIQUE and I've never enjoyed so much to play a modpack as much as I do now, also thanks for helping everyone out at the forum as well :)

btw what is the test server? how do I join it ? do I start over? if you could explain a lilte bit about it would be great, thank you :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey karmacharger, thanks for the help and I think is ovbious but you got an amazing modpack, is EXTREMLY UNIQUE and I've never enjoyed so much to play a modpack as much as I do now, also thanks for helping everyone out at the forum as well :)

btw what is the test server? how do I join it ? do I start over? if you could explain a lilte bit about it would be great, thank you :)
Just PM me with your IGN and ill give you more details :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can anyone tell me how that would work, because there are no recipes for it in NEI?

This is about the galgadorian metal...
The recipes for the Pneumaticraft laser refined Galgadorian make s the blocks not the ingots or raw metals, NEI works just fine.

That being said, I don't like the new Galgador recipes. At the end of the day, the old recipe could at least be farmed with mob drops, that is no longer possible, and the sheer quantities of metals involved just isn't realistic. sure the old recipes required a lot of gold, iron, and emerald, but an industrious planner (who is paying no attention to the quests until he actually gets his Ender IO Spawner except two or three quests with decent rewards plus anything that naturally completes on the way) could get that set up pretty easy with a single trip to the nether. Now you absolutely have to grind the spires and meteors for if nothing else, the osmium (which i have yet to find in the 20 spires i've mined out) and even doubling the meteor drops is barely getting me enough for the galgador, forget the steel casings. I'm even quadrupling my copper and i still have about 4 times as much zinc as I can actually use and i'm just leaving most of it in the spires. I still have stacks and stacks of tin that isn't good for anything until i go to space.

The only thing you can say is that it requires half as much Hardened metal (iron) but then requires all of it back in the alumite.

I really had higher hopes for this pack on my 1.2.7 playthrough, but it's actually getting worse. I'm particularly finding that the quest lines are very little help at progressing through the pack. Galgador got changed and machine recipes got amped up. Aside from going to space, the only mods in this pack that will actually make progressing through this pack any easier are restricted to end game.

this pack absolutely requires a fortune 3 hammer, i got lucky my first two playthroughs with fortune three on my first or second enchant, (luckier the second with some handy dark iron finds). I had to enchant and then disenchant (via crucible furnace) my diamond hammer at least 10 times to finally score a fortune 2 enchant. If the quest-line isn't going to give me a fortune 3 hammer, it needs to give me an ender io enchanter.

Not everyone who plays minecraft is also a hardcore combat specialist. Minecraft isn't designed for combat, the mods that make it better in this pack don't counter the mob difficulty (every time i've tried to kill zombies from my door a festive creeper has removed the door, and me) Kreknorite Armor isn't a given, and not that special except for the fire immunity, But I've disabled special AI so i don't particularly care. There are however, all too many unkillable mobs. I got killed by the baby slime (infernal) that spawned from my slimy pickaxe. :p

Despite all the bad stuff i still kinda like this pack and want to progress through it.

No matter what Karma says this pack is still in Pre Alpha.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, like how all the spires are, however the towns will be at least 1500 blocks apart from each other
Phew, I mean if the towns were not randomly generated I planned to just MCEdit and cut my world and paste them in the new map lol, but if they are randomly generated I should be fine with my old 1.1.6 world with no worries. ^-^)b