[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it also my fault that the terrain generation completely broke? You are aware of the fact that there are people who probably don't even realize the bunkers exist, and even if they are aware that they exist and they do not find one, what is the chance that they will report it on these forums? You are in denial about the problems with your own pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can remove the zombie head after it fix it lol XD
I think you missunderstood me there. What i meant was, if i need to keep one Zombie head somewhere close by if the wispers come back. And as i just found out rather painfully, that i indeed need to keep one close by at all times.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So the fact that I have not found a bunker after exploring for hours is not something you care about?

Or the fact that I found an area that goes on for hundreds of block with completely no terrain generation?

You say you want feedback, but the only feedback you seem to like is positive feedback.

You frequently ignore people who point out glaring oversights perhaps in the hopes that they will just forget about it and move on.

Not trying to step on anyones toes here but you may want to try Journeymap or another minimap that shows where you've been and where you haven't explored. The reason I say that is because before I switched mini maps I was literally just passing by the bunkers and missing even the rouges when I was needing another to loot. I think you'll be amazed about how much you miss. Hard to tell exactly where you've been in such a wasteland lol.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Calm down and takes a breath.
You overreact a bit and saying karma only cares about positive feedback is completly wrong. In these almost 290 pages there are lots and lots of complains, feedback that was not only positive and karma reacted to most of it, fixed alot, tweaked recipes because of these feedbacks. So seriously calm down.
I tested the rng and created 10 maps and always found bunkers and spires and such in a relative short time. Don't know what went wrong with the rng your game used (maybe just very unlucky, happened to me sometimes too with such things), but it's not "completly broken" as you call it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Calm down and takes a breath.
You overreact a bit and saying karma only cares about positive feedback is completly wrong. In these almost 290 pages there are lots and lots of complains, feedback that was not only positive and karma reacted to most of it, fixed alot, tweaked recipes because of these feedbacks. So seriously calm down.
I tested the rng and created 10 maps and always found bunkers and spires and such in a relative short time. Don't know what went wrong with the rng your game used (maybe just very unlucky, happened to me sometimes too with such things), but it's not "completly broken" as you call it.

I may be wrong but I think he just missed them. Like I said before I was missing them until I changed mini maps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Calm down and takes a breath.
You overreact a bit and saying karma only cares about positive feedback is completly wrong. In these almost 290 pages there are lots and lots of complains, feedback that was not only positive and karma reacted to most of it, fixed alot, tweaked recipes because of these feedbacks. So seriously calm down.
I tested the rng and created 10 maps and always found bunkers and spires and such in a relative short time. Don't know what went wrong with the rng your game used (maybe just very unlucky, happened to me sometimes too with such things), but it's not "completly broken" as you call it.

I never used the term "completely broken" so do not put words in my mouth. The fact that karma said it was my problem pretty much indicates to me that my feedback is completely disregarded just because 20 other people are not reporting the same issue. If that was happening to you, you would be annoyed as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I just got the whispers thing and blindness aswell. The zombie head(or other head) fixed the blindness but the sanity drain didn't stop. I broke my nether portal and it stopped. I guess having a nether portal open for too long can cause this or a demon was on the other side or something like this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never used the term "completely broken" so do not put words in my mouth.


See here:

Is it also my fault that the terrain generation completely broke?


No words put into your mouth.

And when someone pretty much rampages and says how stupid the modpack is you made (and the posting karma answered to was pretty much just raging about it), you cannot expect the creator to simply answer always politely.
And that's all I am saying to this topic for now. Don't want this thread to become a quarreling-zone.


Just tested it:
This "Blindness and death" seems actually not a infernal mob, it seems some sort of "event" that happens in the middle of the night.
I got it again and went into creative-modus to find the infernal mob, but there was none, so I don't really know what it causes.

I noticed it in the easy-core-map. Will see if I can get it in the hardcore-one, too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've ran hundreds of blocks in a diameter around my base and even thousands of blocks in linear directions and I've never seen one of these so called bunkers. If we are expected to rely on these bunkers with any kind of reliability I think they need to be rethought very carefully. I am all for exploring, but the problem is there is nothing to explore on the map. It is a barren wasteland with nothing interesting to find. The most interesting thing I've found is a random chest that was buried under a small pile of hardened clay with a blaze spawner next to it, and I only found it because I happened to be heading back home from that direction and I took a detour. I've even found a part of the map that seems to go on for hundreds of blocks with absolutely no terrain generation, just completely flat and empty. Exploring on this map is boring, and I feel pretty cheated that with the amount of hours I have dedicated to just exploring that I have found pretty much nothing useful, the RNG is not fun, it is stupid.

This is what I was referring to in regards to that, has nothing to do with the other point about the bunkers.

I am currently scanning my map and then I will upload screenshots of it to prove I am right, and then after that I am done wasting my time with this pack. Not going to bother reporting stuff if I am just going to get blamed for issues that are not my fault. If a person were to read this thread entirely it would be pretty evident karma has no idea why some things happen which means he has no real grasp on his modpack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what I was referring to in regards to that, has nothing to do with the other point about the bunkers.
The problem is that the modpack dev's generation mod choice doesn't generate new things on previously loaded chunks, try going into MCEdit and deleting those empty chunks entirely and use one of the newer versions of the modpack and see if more spawn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I never used the term "completely broken" so do not put words in my mouth. The fact that karma said it was my problem pretty much indicates to me that my feedback is completely disregarded just because 20 other people are not reporting the same issue. If that was happening to you, you would be annoyed as well.

If I was karma I'd have you on ignore by now.

The bunkers are all over the place, I've got dozens within 1000m of my base. Install a map mod if you are that bad at finding them. Journey map has a feature to generate a map for all the chunks you've already loaded, so you don't even have to re-explore to find stuff.

There is a spot in one direction where it's flat and devoid of anything for a long ways, it's likely because that area was generated while the pack was being developed and before any of the ruins were added. I think it's cool that it exists, a big void area, adds variety you claim doesn't exist.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is that the modpack dev's generation mod choice doesn't generate new things on previously loaded chunks, try going into MCEdit and deleting those empty chunks entirely and use one of the newer versions of the modpack and see if more spawn.

I created the map in 1.2.4 so that shouldn't be my issue, but it is still an issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Done a bit more testing:
- Standing right on top of a torch stops the blindness->death. (edit: maybe an "you're standing in too dark place"-event?)
- happens everywhere it seems (so nothing inside the base, a special block or so)
- had always the issue of the fast dropping insanity (even with completly empty inventory and trying to take a zombie-head in my hotbar and back out again), maybe something connected to the insanity-system like a bug?

Two screenshots about what I mean, not sure if they help since they're pretty much saying not much... but well.
(they're showing the problem with the insanity, too. In the night nothing seems to stop it from dropping)




New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Done a bit more testing:
- Standing right on top of a torch stops the blindness->death. (edit: maybe an "you're standing in too dark place"-event?)
- happens everywhere it seems (so nothing inside the base, a special block or so)
- had always the issue of the fast dropping insanity (even with completly empty inventory and trying to take a zombie-head in my hotbar and back out again), maybe something connected to the insanity-system like a bug?

Two screenshots about what I mean, not sure if they help since they're pretty much saying not much... but well.
(they're showing the problem with the insanity, too. In the night nothing seems to stop it from dropping)


Will look into this


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Done a bit more testing:
- Standing right on top of a torch stops the blindness->death. (edit: maybe an "you're standing in too dark place"-event?)
- happens everywhere it seems (so nothing inside the base, a special block or so)
- had always the issue of the fast dropping insanity (even with completly empty inventory and trying to take a zombie-head in my hotbar and back out again), maybe something connected to the insanity-system like a bug?

Two screenshots about what I mean, not sure if they help since they're pretty much saying not much... but well.
(they're showing the problem with the insanity, too. In the night nothing seems to stop it from dropping)


Does this still happen if you delete environmine?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Easter Eggs" {
# Disable the (extremely rare) grue in the cave dimension (ignored on Halloween or Friday 13th) [default: true]
B:"Cave Dimension Grue"=true
Might be this XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I created the map in 1.2.4 so that shouldn't be my issue, but it is still an issue.

You never created the map. Karma created a map, made changes to it, and included it in the pack for you to play on. The "void area" is an area of already generated of chunks that come with the map, there's a few structures in the middle that look like they may have been the templates for the stuff you see everywhere else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are you sure there haven't been changes since then?
Also regenerating the land should help since it is random.
It probably would, but after mapping a 2k x 2k area of my map there are no bunkers in sight, so its not really a problem I care about anymore, I'm just going to prove my point and move on.

@Astasia claiming a completely void landscape is a feature which only exists due to the fact that the developer didn't bother to delete the chunks after he updated the map is enabling bad development. I on the other hand call something like that lazy and unprofessional.