Right? It is awesome!I'm pretty sure @karmarcharger charger is either a robot or a superhuman. S/he seems to be here 24/7 and answer the questions within minutes of them being posted m_m
Place the apple in a crafting grid to make an apple core and plant the apple core like a sapling.Hi, I've been chopping trees by the dozen since the latest update but I have only received 1 apple, which was from a big tree, whereas in 1.1.17 I obtained 6 apples from a large tree. Is this intended, because I'm finding it hard to hydrate myself without being able to make leaf cider. I also found that the last apple I got was from a tree that had been standing a few game days. Do I have to wait for them to 'grow' apples?
That can't be done because then people would just make a ton of them when only one is supposed to be easy to get.Just had my meteor shield from the quest blown up by a creeper... cant build another one
we need to be able to build more of these if you don't want people cheating stuff in.
Or maybe make the quests that give "quest only" items repeatable?
Have you been to space yet? How do you know there isn't endgame goals?HI, Just wanna say I really enjoy playing this pack, its very hard, but with actual endgame goals to work towards. A very long well thought out pack, thankyou to @karmarcharger
just 1 quick question, I would prefer a different map mod, would it break the spirit of the pack to add Journeymap, or did you add this particular map mod for a reason?
Except when the super hard mobs mod spawns five of the magma cubes that are super hard and have bonuses like shooting fire charges or disarming you everytime you hit it while also blinding you at the same time.You could always, oh, I don't know, attack the magma cubes instead of standing there? I mean, it's not terribly hard to deal with them; I've even mined spires full of the things with no real difficulty, so it can't be that difficult.
Sooooo many updates?!??!!! I made the mistake of recording a couple episodes ahead of time and now when I return the game will be crazy different1.2.1 is out
Aww no fair, I already contacted you about making a guide.Are you interested in making the guide book with Enchirdion 2? you seem pretty good at writing![]()
Unfamiliar? How so?This pack already has mods that add automation. It seems like part of the point of the pack is to make people use unfamiliar mods.
Phew, good thing I already got the obsidian head lolVersion 1.2.2
- Fixed environmine jar
- Added ingots quests that tells you how to make ingots
- changed starter items... @parcel31u
- Added OPEN TO LAN ENABLE CHEATS at title screen....
- changed food eating time to 0
- Added Blacksmith anvil quest... some people dont know how to use them....
- Changed Obsidian pick head to bronze pick head
- Fixed chips recipe
- Random machine loots at the bottom of the ruined bases
- Disabled block stacking limiter...
x.xBeen away in 1 day; 253 new notifications from this thread...
Have you been to space yet? How do you know there isn't endgame goals?
1. Make sure your FTB is located somewhere like c:\FTB and not in program files or user files.sorry for being a little bit noob but i can't find any crash report in the blast off folder, but here is the entire message that i see in the console ( i think is the same as before)
Logging in...
Beginning authlib authentication attempt
successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
Login complete.
Checking local assets file, for MC version1.7.10 Please wait!
Setting up native libraries for Blast Off! v Recommended Version MC 1.7.10
Syncing Assets:
Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
Pack: Blast Off! 1.7.10
Setting MinMemory to 256
Setting MaxMemory to 3072
Defaulting PermSize to 256m
[17:23:57] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[17:23:57] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:106) ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_45]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:98) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
Is the water in a barrel on top of cobblestone recipe for making mossy cobblestone removed?Put a pile of cobble stone infront of you, right click the ball of moss on it!
Get some pumpkins from the dungeons and snow is infinite.I think I am missing something here with water. It seems the only way to make water is the way the quest book says, hammering snow (a hyper-finite resource) in a blacksmith anvil, putting that in a bottle and then putting it into a vat with lava. To get a blacksmith anvil you need to be a fairly decent way into the game and have iron for bars, burnt bricks which require lava and water in the first place along with clay which needs even more water. You cannot drink salt water which seems to be all source blocks. So how DO you start getting water reasonably?
Oh cool there is a flower that generates mana from coal, THAT explains the crazy amount of coal.Why cant players use therma lilies or the flower which consumes coal to generate mana? MUST they day blooms? seriously?
I tweaked buildcraft pipes to make it more interesting to build them, making some sort of "Tech Tree" for them.....
I intend to lower the leavecider drying time, However please read this... Fresh water is created via blacksmith anvil & Vat & lava, which is harder to automate, however snow is infinite.... Leave cider is made from leaves, leather and apples, and only requires the drying rack, making it VERY EASY to automate, hence my reasoning for making it take a while....
Requirement of manasteel armor? Just because those are OP doesnt mean that they are a requirement..... There are many other options out there....
To be honest I assumed the finite water was going to stay and was planning on raiding the ice from dungeon entrances for future water needs, was surprised when infinite water was added to make it easier.Balancing takes time... I require feedback on how did the latest update affected you guys...
Feedback = " The water system is too hard, i recomend reducing the time taken for leaves ciders to be created, also perhaps the blacksmith anvil can have a cheaper recipe."
Not Feedback = " The water system is shit, screw you for coming out with this update ggiafk"
I am already doing my best to balance stuff off, fix bugs, etc
I appreciate helpful feedback rather then whinings about how troublesome something is....
The mod can't get documentation, it changes too much too often.I think it cant be stressed enough that this modpack needs better documentation. As much as I enjoy the pack I shouldn't have to search through this thread to find out how to make/do various things that aren't listed in NEI or in the questbook. e.g. making a cobblegen, making netherrack, making a pick strong enough to mine copper, iron etc. These are things I only knew due to being experienced with various mods and through reading this thread, there needs to be an in-game guide. I'm eagerly looking forward to the guidebook that @Eunomiac is writing![]()
The dev has said many, many times that they wither because they give you mana for free.I know.
But why do they wither?
how do pumpkins = water?Is the water in a barrel on top of cobblestone recipe for making mossy cobblestone removed?
Get some pumpkins from the dungeons and snow is infinite.
Oh cool there is a flower that generates mana from coal, THAT explains the crazy amount of coal.
To be honest I assumed the finite water was going to stay and was planning on raiding the ice from dungeon entrances for future water needs, was surprised when infinite water was added to make it easier.
The mod can't get documentation, it changes too much too often.
The dev has said many, many times that they wither because they give you mana for free.
Pumpkins to make a snowman farm. They generate snow where they stand. Since it isnt disabled by karma yet I assume making infinite snow using snowmen is intentionalhow do pumpkins = water?
also everyone is whining about the flowers and im just over here like "Why can't I even make flowers"
the infinite flowers withering makes sense to me. i just feel like maybe botania needs its own quest chapter? the first quest for making flowers has all of them from basic to advanced (which i only found out from the forums).
I will try again tonight when i have time.
Why not? It's not that hard to just update the documentation using the changelogs. Takes 30 minutes per update at most. Wikis are especially good for this kind of documentation.The mod can't get documentation, it changes too much too often.
Looked like bug removals and personal changes were the cause.What's with all the updates? Average 1 a day.
High fives till one didn't want to.I have fixed the duplicated kid problem. I conducted an extensive test to prove which one was the original (I just gave them high fives till one didn't want to) and I now have a zombie trap.
Awesome house!Well! My building was kinda inspired by GenerikB's base he is making, but I changed it and made it my own. My main building blocks were red clay and limestone bricks, with some wood and other stuff mixed in. I wanted to move out of the original base asap because I hated going up and down those elevators all the time, such a pain. But anyway my home!
So this is my home from the front. It still has no roof as I haven't decided what I want to do with it yet, kinda thinking of putting acacia slabs or something tho.![]()
Top floor consists of storage, bedroom, kitchen, more storage, and eventually fishes when I figure out the incubator.![]()
Second floor is where I'm going to put all my machines and such, may even go underground for all the unsightly things like cobble gen and stuff. So far I have two empty rooms, a smeltery/mariculture room, and a steves carts room, however there isn't much in the steves carts bit. I also have a mini room under the stairs at the front where I am storing all my botania stuff and saplings. Next to it is where I have the meteor shield and weather deflector.
Finally, out the back I have a neat little garden and farm. I have all my botania stuff out there two. Currently working on getting terrasteel (which is a b!tch might I add) so am running 4 endoflames, 2 munchdew's, and 1 gourmaryllis which is working somewhat okay. Also starting a small daybloom/nightshade pool which I'll use for runes and small stuff. In the pond I have two fishtraps, which are actually working pretty well.
So yeah! This has all been done over about 2-3 weekish, with no automation in the slightest. I'm only thinking about making a cobble gen and maybe a mob farm as I need the resources is mass amounts I'm finding, especially bone meal. Hope you guys have gotten a few ideas of what you can actually accomplish in this pack! You don't need automation right at the start, it's meant to be end game![]()
I just spent HOURS (before that update) armed with several hammers, a torch, water, and a bed and I would hammer blocks for those hours while watching TV... x.xI buffed meteors because i found that having tons of random meteor strike scattered around kinda ruined the landscape :3
Oh, My mistake."this pack, its very hard, but with actual endgame goals to work towards"
What he's saying is that there ARE endgame goals :I
I've made a ton of snowmen and let them wander around for fun.Pumpkins to make a snowman farm. They generate snow where they stand. Since it isnt disabled by karma yet I assume making infinite snow using snowmen is intentional![]()
The problem is the initial documents.Why not? It's not that hard to just update the documentation using the changelogs. Takes 30 minutes per update at most. Wikis are especially good for this kind of documentation.
The only reason devs dont document as much as they should is because it's boring![]()
I disagree, but aside from that, once @Eunomiac is finished with the Enchiridion 2 guidebook I'm sure updating it or just appending the changelogs to it won't be too hard.The problem is the initial documents.
Updates are no issue, initially documenting it is.
Anyone knlow of a mod that disables vanilla snow? I disable weather for the lag and tornadoes
i don't like the minecraft snow falling again. Both for the cheaty aspect of it and the ruined landscape
Anyone knlow of a mod that disables vanilla snow? I disable weather for the lag and tornadoes but i don't like the minecraft snow falling again. Both for the cheaty aspect of it and the ruined landscape
/weather clear 1000000Anyone knlow of a mod that disables vanilla snow? I disable weather for the lag and tornadoes but i don't like the minecraft snow falling again. Both for the cheaty aspect of it and the ruined landscape
So you disagree but agree because someone is spending time to make the initial documentation?I disagree, but aside from that, once @Eunomiac is finished with the Enchiridion 2 guidebook I'm sure updating it or just appending the changelogs to it won't be too hard.
I went from 1.1.17 to 1.1.20 to 1.2.3 and didn't lose my progress. Remember to make backups tho.Do I lose my progress if I update?
False alarm. The fresh install fixed it.I'll try an fresh install and see if that fixes it but I can't finish the first quest. There is no complete quest option. It was working before I updated...